Graduation LORI-ANNE NORTON Congratulations Lori-Anne Norton on completing the : «Office Administration Durham College, April 1992. Best wishes from your loving family. Graduation JOE JACKMAN Joe Jackman, son of Jeanne Culp, Port Perry and Jerry Jackman, awa, graduated June 6, 1992 from the Accounting section of the Business *Ad ministration Course of Durham College. Joe will be continuing his education at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, in the fall. J Graduation LAURA-LEE TAYLOR Laura-Lee Taylor, daughter of Edwin and Barbara Taylor of Manchester, graduates June 20, 1992 with honours in from Seneca for this space, "Family Matters", free of charge, to mark these special events: First Birthdays for children; 25th, 40th, 50th and over Wedding Anniversaries (Please contact our office 985-6397 for a Citizen photographer to take pictures of wedding anniversaries of 50 years or more); Engagement Announcements; and Post- Secondary School Graduations. (Please keep copy to "fifty words or less). Wedding Announcements will also be published, free of charge, with a submitted photograph and copy of 100 words or less. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE "SCUGOG CITIZEN" at 985-NEWS (985-6397) or drop into our office at 4 36 Water Street, Port Perry, Ontario L9L1)2 4| did not warn of high pollution or Law Enforcement We invite all citizens of Scugog to submit, hs and § hy 2 This comes with a ning dam- | NICENESS CAN BE CONTA- age. I've noted a recent outbreak of ness | GIOUS -- read at your own risk. Remember when weather UV (ultra-violet) levels? These warnings help plan outdoor activi- Andy Baca surprised his wife Linda » a BIG way pipe band (they came all the way from Toronto) on their fourth anniversary -- he hired a Scottish and paraded through Apple Valley. See story. Niceness attacks Hougog folks nice- ties without fear of HOMEOWNERS [ole fe lVie VE: NIS JN Sel] $5000. "ASSISTANCE FOR HOME REPAIRS? led pe Fu I CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUS RE SIDENTIAL REHABILITATION AS EE PROG GR AN (RRAF LTE GRANT ENTERPRISE 1-416-404-0020 ISTANC CO] Canad¥ RE-ROOFING Now 1s the time! SEAL-a-MATIC SHINGLES need summer heat to bond. Free Estimates Call Allen's tor Summer Discount Specials! WINDOWS A, & PATIO DOORS '~~~ DOORS « WINDOWS - TROUGH - ADDITIONS - PORT PERRY ( (410) 206.3389 (708) 320-1402 3 (io) (04) OSHAWA (416) 434-0047 rial Park - Regional Road 8 NISL Park rs 12) . CONSUMER GAS CUSTOMERS - * FINANCING AVAILABLE for COMPLETE HOME : (ENERGY SAVING) RENOVATIONS on ALL ALCAN makes Scugog streets unsafe for meanies. Until the HA (hean attack -- the NICE kind) factor is part of daily forecasts, I'm reporting nice 0, listen up gi and go prepared. When my photocopier suffered from the black stripe plague, a call for service resulted in the prospect of paying $100/half hour. Necessity forced an exploration to fix it myself. Another call was placed to explain the trouble was isolated but help needed to get at a dirty roller. It was also stated that lack of money, a mechanical mind and a feisty char- acter had combined to make me per- severe. A wonderfully warm and caring technician offered to talk me through the process. It felt like a '911' emergency rescue by phone. A follow-up call came, (0 insure the machine was returned to working order. Thanks, Gerry of Xerox, for being an example to hoped for copy- cats everywhere and showing it's no 'Downer' to be kind. A second waming is of ing romance. Linda, from the library, was shocked when Andy Baca, the romantic husband, sur- prised her with an unusual anniver- sary gift. Not affording to take her on a trip to explore her Scottish roots, he brought a wee bit. 0'Scotland to their door. He hired a pipe and drum band. The seven men, dressed in kilts, met at Orchard of friends and relatives his words, "Linda doesn'ttive a clue, she's changed clothes, is puttering around and hasn't noticed me setting up the video camera or special sign." A secret part of me hoped to catch Linda in grubby sweats and runners. When the lass 10 greet the sight and sound of bag, pipes marching down her street, she certainly looked stunned, but stunning, in a flowing caftan. The event enchanted us, so we can overlook one fact: the pair Take note,. Scugog couples. Maybe this will consider senting another award for most womantic Scugog Citizens, I'll back the Bacas with a vote, Happy fourth! is it fifth? Hey! Andy! We can't ait for your 10th! Will Apple Valley be re-named Heather Hollow? Need help planting?