pr 35. Seugog Clilsen ~ Tueoday, June 18,1003 4 Legion Branch 419 celebrates 45th anniversary Port Perry Legion, Branch 419, celebrated a couple of significant milestones over the weekend. It is the 45th anniversary of the Branch receiving its Charter and the 30th anniversary for the famil- iar Legion Hall at the comer of Bay and Old Simcoe Street. Branch members and a large number of special guests from other Legions i District cele- brated the oh ion with a din- very proud of their achievements over the years. He mentioned the Legion's on- going contributions to the local hospital and library, education, public speaking and minor sports as just 8 few of the community services supported by the Branch. Mr. Brisebois also noted in his address that while Branch 419 is celebrating two "birthdays" this year, 1992 is a year for other / y 8. And the nest afternoon, Palmer Park wag the setting for a Drumhead Service that featured a parade led by the Oshawa Legion Pipe and Drum Band. Guest speaker at the anniver- sary dinner Saturday evening was Alfie Brisebois, Legion District F Commander. He described Branch 419 as a "very well respected member of the Legion organization," and said members have every right to be ies. This August 19 is the 50th anniversary of the tragic Dieppe Raid in France that was 30 costly in Canadian loss of life. And this year is the 125th anniversary of Confederation, a year which finds the country "under seige," wrestling with a constitutional crisis. Mr. Brisebois was loudly applauded when he stated, "we must remain united. There can be no fragmentation (of the country) We fought a war 10 save the coun- Members of Branch 419 colour guard Service held Sunda Branch's special 'd eit y the Legion Drumhead afternoon In Paimer Park as part of the le birthday' celebrations. Before you Buy or Build Your New Home, Branch 419 president Norm Budd (right) his wife our of a , District Alfie b Len Colbear, John L. Sweetman and Grant McDermott were Charter members of Legion Branch 419 back in 1946 and they were present when the B h d its try and the Legion can do the same in peacetime," he said. In closing his remarks, he called on Legion members to have "pride in the past and faith in the future," and he expressed his sincere thanks in being invited to share the special occasion with Branch 419, The head table for the dinner included 419 President Norm get its charter. Wally Smith, deputy district com- mander Ken Bell, Scugog Mayor Howard Hall, Durham East MPP Gord Mills and Durham MP Ross Stevenson. There were several past presi- Godley, Ed Mulholland, Jack Lee, Jack Cook Sr., and John L. the first president of 'double birthday' celebration Saturday is and night at Branch 419 In Port Perry (see story). Bert Mason get An to cut Into two cakes In hon- 45th anniversary. Accord! Mr. Sweetman and Mr. Mc duced the motion 45 years ago for the Branch to to records, It was rmott who Intro- and Grant McDermott (also attending Saturday evening) who presented the original motion in 1946 to form the Legion Branch. John Barton read a history of the formation of the Branch from May 1944 10 May 1946 when the new Charter was applied for. And Len Haigh was presented with a Life Membership at day's dinner. Budd, Zone commander Dave Durham, provincial chairman Branch 419, In fact, it was Mr. Sweetman a Visit Our ... NEW HOMES DISPLAY COURT R-2000 UPGRADE 3 MSMCHE DRAFTS wrod SPOTS with Ontatie Hyd $2000.00 Mon.-Fri. 10106; Sat. 6 Sun. 10 04, located in the PORT PERRY PLAZA (416) On Sunday afternoon, the spe- cial Legion events continued with a District Drumhead service in Palmer Park. There wére reps from branches from all over District F and Provincial Commander Wally Smith was speaker. This was the first time since 1988 that this service has been held in Port Perry. ITS FLEA SEASON! FLEA DIP SAT., JUNE 20th 8 AM to Approx. 2PM $5.00 taxes included! Grab a Free Cup of Coffee at the Restaurant, while you wall. count FREDRICK B.Y.O.T. ring your own towel) VON PLEA! Please have your pet on a leash or confined! from the Oshawa Logon Pipe Band stacked their drums which were then draped with the colours in front of the 's , The Rev. Padre Alfred Woolcock said prayers during this ceremony which has a long religious and military tradition. Drumhead services originated in World War | when drums were piled on top of each to form a temporary altar padres could deliver battlefield sermons. It was a and important weekend for Branch 419 and its more than 600 members as they Selected Flea Products on Special lebrated their 45 Charter anniversary and the 30 years since the hall was constructed.