"CLEARANCE =10-25-30% OFF (AVG IHR CRT Plants - Patio - Crafts - Flowers 4 2KG.CANAGRO |BONE MEAL -Choose from satins, velvets, moire, 3 olen prints, laces, tin & more! -Buy by Fd move or ir roll = #5 POLYPRO RIBBONS & meg ¥¢ Sdue resin coated steel ith pebbled finish Al steel heads 8 handles 25 Drawer Multi Use PARTS CABINET ORGANIZE YOUR "CRAFT™ CENTRE 5-15-5 LIQUID FERTILIZER PLANT START WITH ROOT STIMULATOR -jnsure EVERLASTING HANGING | | REDWOOD MINI-BARR EENERT | BIRD FEEDE Qur most po Full & eng pare od 20 capac wih easy-to : Satarl arl green b N 4 s Our reg Fou 32 90ea. ul Lu =) Mon. 10 Fri. H ; 9:00a8.m.-9:00p.m. a E A A Sat., Sun. & Holidays ow. n) = 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m. : A SALE ENDS JULY'9, 1992. i 8 one i WHITBY UNIONVILLE OSHAWA F URI oa Li W. of Thickson Rd. E. bp 4 Au Ag Fiteon's To & Taumon Ree | OPEN SUNDA Ys WERS E/ Quality flowers created especially ps TY, for White Rose \ iar -Choose from our entire selection of Ii polyester & handwrapped Mowers in a ge assortment of colours > SALE hr a5: 4; Our reg .89-7.99ea / BEST PRICES OF THE YEAR! Because of the cool wet spring we are overstocked & need to reduce our stock In time for Inventory. Guaranteed quality patio sets, chaise chairs, umbrellas & more! 4' PARK BENCH 2/3 OFF 88 -Black sought iron ends avon ve Vien LIMIT 4 PER CUSTOMER. AIRS CAPRI CUSHIONED ALUMINUM Shadewasie Cushion 40% ofr '98% sroquara custion 400, oF 105% © RHODOS 5 POSITION $ White resin /3 orf '34% CLIVIA HIGHBACK DIN CHAIR, White oresins stacking 1 /3 OFF 25% NEE Sr, STA eel Ir [J Siac) ing or folding Hun ren yon 1/2 price '24% LOUNGES ANCOLIA 4 POSITION yy White stacking lounge Our reg. 169.99ea orr '68% VINYL STRAP STEEL FRAME Stacking, Hunter green $ Steg qe 1/2 PRICE *98% BAYBREEZE ALL WEATHER WICKER 87.99¢ea Our reg. 119 99ea Steel frame In 1/2 price '218% TABLES 60" OCTAGONAL FIBREGLASS 1/2 PRICE '218% 40" x 72° WERZALIT White to with pedestal legs 1 /2 PRICE $224 MIRANDA EXTENSION TABLE White resin with 1/3 ofr $148% ISmoveable leat ACCESSORIES FOOTSTOOL/TABLE Stacking res resin 18" x 18" 13 0ff 11% VERANDAH ROCKER Soon grec 1/2 price $138% OPEN SUNDAYS