Northern WOW A great big BRAVO to Norther Explosion for their dous per- formance in Joseph and the A 1g Techni our Dr ¢ Ev ok: De a i oronts Elgin Theatre to see the talented young people from R.H. Cornish Public School and Port Perry' High School who make up the Northern Explosion choir. And all of them have nothing but good things to say about the choir and the show. The show itself is glitzy FUN -- your toes don't stop tapping from the minute it begins 10 its final, heart-pounding finale. You get so caught up in the sheer excitement of the show, it almost comes as a shock when you see familiar faces on stage. "Wait! Isn't that so-and-so's daughter?" Of course it is! These are our neighbour's children, and they gre wonder- ful, absolutely wonderful, and so very, very professional. Doubtless, working with 'Joseph' all summer long will be an experience they will never forget. Congratulations are in order to all the members of Northern Explosion and the teachers who made the Technicolour dream a a The Maple Le areality. Day last week, with bright red maple leafs paint dogs and cand If you haven't yet purchased tickets for Joseph and the Amazin, od on their faces. On July 1, the Sunrise Technicolour Dreamcoat, act quickly, because they're going fast. i Optimist Club will host Canada 125 celebrations of Forever! Kevin Dalby, Angela Dalby, Lauren Patton and In Palmer Park from 11 a.m, t6 3 p.m. There will Patton got a head start on Canada be face painting Just Just like this, balloons, hot y floss. celebrate our 125th birthday. By the way, the Citizen office will be closed on Canada Day. Bring the kids and help LETTERS TO THE ERQITOR "Everything i in Canada has gone the wrong side up" r To the Editor: Why has the Bible, the Lords Prayer and religious education been taken out of our public school system? Our own courts have allowed the minorities to take their holy knife 10 school. About 18 months 880, we signed a statement allow- ing our son half an hour religious education each week. This has been cancelled. We are not teach- can't be allowed to continue. With ing our kids to love and respect all honesty, I am not against their friends and neighbours. We Catholic schools or the Catholic are becoming a nation of criminals under the Youthful Offender Act. I say to you people that we are los- ing our rights and traditions step by step. Ontario's socialist government has ruled that Bible and religious studies are unconstitutional and (0 Harvest VY on For the Young ) at Heart By Joe Mahoney - HARRY, YOWRE BECOMING WHO'S SAYING PARANOID THAT IN YOUR AanT ME? 0LD AGE ~ pil 2 Tamer © A Proud VoicoForSeugog ) ve, @u . yy d 0S 240044 ags0Cil . _ religion. They get public money to operate their education system and have the right to tedch religion durifig school hours. This is the way it should be and the public system should have the same right to teach religion. Why does Bob Rae call Christmas the "festival season?" We celebrate Christmas for the birth of Christ. Why have religious Christmas songs been dis-continued in our schools? But the kids are allowed to sing Rudolph, Jingle Bells and Frosty the Snowman. You know and I know that everything in Canada has gone the wrong side up, we put all the blame on one person. Too bad it's not the right person. Is all this unconstitutional? If so, the consti- tution is not worth the paper it is written on. Is the ban on Bible ies in our school system the reason why $0 many parents are sending their children to the Christian schools for their education? $ Ronald Colvin, Prince Alben. Thanks for buying MS carnations To the editor: for all your support during our Multiple Sclerosis Camation cam- paign, To the staff of Community Hospital 'and Port Thanks for promotion! To the editor: Hello! Thank you to the staff of the Scugog Citizen for your promotion of the Port Perry Blood Donor clinics. The quarterly 1991-92 Blood Donor Clinics in Port Perry col- lected 499 units of much needed ing by your paper. The next Port Perry Blood Donor Clinic will be held on Monday, August 31. Have a safe and prosperous summer! Marianne Clarke, clinic coordinator. High School for your pre-orders of flowers and the staff of Dowson's Valu-mart and Port Perry IGA for all your assistance. Special thanks to all the volun- teers -- without your efforts the campaign would not have been a success. Your support will help researchers find a cure for Multiple Sclerlosis. As always our local press, the Scugog Citizen and the Port Perry Star, were available to advertise our campaign and support our community volunteer efforts all year, Mary Lynch, Port Perry.Co-ordinator. To the editor: Are children pawns in abortion debate? In the June 23 edition of the Scugog Citizen, there was a photo of a woman and her three children holding signs as part of the Life Chain protest. It always bothers me when I sce something like this. Abortion is a very complex subject and quite often adults on both sides of the controversy don't fully understand all the issues. For either side to give children a placard and assume that they compre- hend the issue implied by the slogan on it sufficiently to form their me as These d "aborti kill tiny babies," but do they really comprehend al of the ~ 'opinion" supposedly have as evidenced by the sign? Or are they simply pawns in an argument they don't really understand? Abortion is an adult dilemma, an adult argument, and if there is protesting by either side, it should be done by adults. Leave the chil- dren at home until they fully understand what it is they have to say. Jil McIntosh, RR 1, Oshawa.