5820 | 457 Emotions erupt over dump sites Emotions and tempers flared at one person in the audience. a public meeting Sunday night The meeting at Town Hall 1873 over dump sites jn Scugog had been organized by PEST Township. (Preservatign of the Environment There were several angry out- of Scugog Aownship) a group of bursts as some in the audience property owners hastily formed accused the PEST «Committee of last month when the Interim Waste not pushing hard enough "politi- Authority announced three poten- cally" in opposition to dump sites tial sites for a Regional, dump on identified on Highway 12, south of Highway 12. Blackstock. The meeting was to inform the "Just look at how many people © public about the dump site process are here (at the meeting) tonight. and the opposition PEST is raising * You have to. take this protest to the to the three sites. --Vol. 2, No. 2 Tugsday, July-7, 1992 CIRC. 10,000 32 pages streets and let people know," said Please see DUMP, page 14 Wasn't that a party? Justin Bony, 3, and his big Sisterdenelle, 5, were just enthusiastically oohed and ahhed at Port Per ner. of Scugog Township with everything from house two of more than 8, Ae people who wore their tremendous Canada Day fireworke/birthday bash. parties to balloon launches. For a photographic leok warmest woolles, ate hot dogs, waved flags, and Canada's 125th birthdey was celebrated In every cor- at a party we'll not soon forget, see pages 24 and 25. Saddle up for Country '92 Cowpokes will be riding the tootin' godd time at Festival Days weekend for its 20th annual from bingo to karaoke, there is a.m. when the midway opens at range all the way into beautiful, Country Festival Days. From country something for everyone, the old arena pad downtown, At 6 downtown Port Perty this week- The Scugog Chamber' of music fo the Polka Dot Door, from THURSDAY p.m, parts of Queen and Water end, to rope themselves a rootin' Commerce has lined up an all-star pony rides 10 hot air balloon rides, The fun starts Thursday at 10 Please sée COUNTRY, page 4 fake the kids to see Polkaroo! Friday, at Festival Days