ON THE FARM Changes required in milk sampling and testing: report The committee examining milk procedures in positive samples at sampling and testing proced both the p at Ontario's Central Milk Testing Laboratory in Guelph has con- cluded some changes are required 10 existing testing and storage conditions. The report was requested after concerns were raised by a group of producers over the issue of sample integrity. Committee chair Gord Coukell, an OMMB director and dairy producer who also chairs the Industry Raw Milk Quality Committee, says produc- ers wanted to ensure that negative reports about their milk sample were not due to errors in sample identification, accidental or other- wise. OMAF dairy inspection branch director David Thomson said all to ensure branch staff act on the reports as quickly as possible. Phen Another recommendation called for apprenticeship certifi- senting the milk processors, milk cates for trainee milk and cream graders in the plant to be reviewed and strengthened to ensure they meet dairy inspection standards in performing their resnongihilitiee Committee members, repre- transp ion industry, OMAF and the OMMB, also urged the dairy inspection branch to consid- er making refresher courses for plant milk and cream graders and bulk tank milk graders mandatory. Are You Looking for Farm Work? Do You Need Farm Help? CONTACT THi- - 4 <East Central AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Port Perry 985-3831 1-800-263-3825 (Tok Free) recommendations will be accept- of in fll. He said th commie' LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD. suggestions wil to further A ~ \ rs] MARKET SYNOPSIS ¢ 1s satisfied the committee's report reconfirms the integrity of For July 3rd 1992 the sampling and testing system used to monitor the quality and GROUP WEIGHT RANGE LOW HGH WING AGW safety of the milk supply. SLAUGHTER STEERS The committee's final recom- ow i EXOTIC 8 EXOTIC CROSS 578 mendations include a call for the Wo a rn -- riot poet oye wr Te director of the dairy inspection BRITISH ! branch to review the follow-up Pulling in the rain Over 1250 Ib 025 WTS 85.00 1,346 " 1000 - 1250 bb 0s 07.00 05.38 1,208 Weather-wise, there couldn't have been a worst weekend for ALL BRITISH, EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Ontarid farmers the Blackstock Tractor and Truck Pull held Friday and Saturday prot 10 r poy foyed pet Poth ssista nights at the Blackstock Fairgrounds. Although this photo, : ' wage a nce taken on Saturday Right, had some sunshine, most of the pull DARY Ontario farmers may obtain | was h od by rain and storms. Stil, the 1000-12500 5% an an 1078 applications for a new wage assis- | of the pullers and organizers was hardly dampened and they SLAUGHTER MEIFERS wance program aimed at employ- | deserve a tip of the hat for a job well done. EXOTIC 8 EXOTIC CROSS we we sas 1 ing youths over the 900 - 1000 CV 'sn Minister of Agriculture and Food BRITISH Elmer Buchanan announced July Over 1000 bb. 050 800 nm 1122 6. ALL BRITISH, EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS - "We will provide $3 per hour Over 1000 1b "uo wun an 1" 10 fruit, vegetable, ginseng and oy CROSS 5.90 NE 47.00 45/50 oe tobacco farmers to cteate new Over 1000 Ib. 000 60.00 60.00 1318 jobs," Mr. Buchanan said. "This SLAUGHTER COWS program will not only help farm- Al weights $5.00 6750 wn 1,288 ers during the busy harvest sca PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS SAGER BLS ow we wm ar son, but provide much-need- ed employment for young peo- JULY 18th, 1992 SLAUGHTER CALVES = ple." 01-450 0550 550 0550 2 A oul of $286,000 from the CAR SHOW: Several Classes JL LI LR ! Summer Experience Program will Registration 11 AM to 2 PM Over 800 b ©00 85.00 nn» 1,583 be used to create up 10 380 jobs. TRACTO PULL: 800-8000 "30 0.00 "5 74 The wage assistant program is ) R : 4 Classes 0 79k 63.00 96.00 00.60 m administered through the agricul- Canadian Mini Tractor Pullers Assoc. start 1 PM 600-600 b 11050 1200 10.90 ol ture and food ministry and federal FUN: Beer Garden progireis 4% 2 wn Agriculture Employment Service Entertainment 7 PM by "PULSE" Under 400 1b 50 mM 10078 267 tractors. Proceeds to Scugog Baseball Association STOCKER HEIFERS {AGGM "wo NB ewe -- Port Perry Agricultural Society 700- 790 b neo ne ft . 00 60h» 20 "io GRAIN Admission $5.00; Under 12 Free | 0.5000. 2 uw uw ses Information: FRANK FIELDING 985-7216 | 00-4900 no 188 wy "ar MARKET - . ' 00-390 b 800 12000 10408 m Under 300 Ib. we em nm 17 REPORT i EXOTIC 8 EXOTIC CROSS Prices quoted at market PORT PERRY Over 899 b. . ®00 02% nu 1,500 closing July 6th, 1992 q 750-809 Bb [TY] "wn 50 ' 00-7401 "050 11200 110.90 008 Board 450-509 b. "00 M00 wor 405 Under 450 Ib. 700 12200 1800 296 Prices PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS BRITISH 750-000 CURE Y IY) (3) includes basis price 600-740 no Ne ne 060 rv * Fresh Strawberries es me CY CT ET 508 Buse! * ine * Local Ontario Produce Over 8900 b. Gan Bn aK 14% * Hamburger .... $1.75 Ib. 750-000 b an 6a 6 ™ 0ld Com 260 10690 * Beef Patties ... $2.00 Ib. En vere uo un Au New Corn 262 103.15 * Ontario Lamb EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Old Soybeans 6.33 232.58 * Ch *E Over OB. new us ne 1,082 New Soybeans 647 231.72 ese ~ £QQs %0- 40h. 00 We 08 37 Canoe 2460 Under 350 Ib. 1000 4200 1900 Ee - Welcome. 070k. un en an oa2 Prices supplied courtesy of - Contact - $00- 840. FEET EE W.G. THOMPSON W. Cohoon 985-8044 260-400. "oN we an pod & SONS LIMITED $40. por Monih nding gat. OARY OARY cross aeommome R.R. 1, Bethany, 'Produce So Fresh Sums we mm me 1040 he Hwy. TA & 35 routteveto Set ¥ MN Weighs 0 Me se 1,00