ya 2- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, July 21, 19932 _CITIZENS' COMMUNITY CALENDAR -- JULY 21 TO AUGUST 2 | 2 Tugsday | (22 Wednesday | (23 Thursday | (24 Friday (25 saturday) (26 Sunday BINGO CR! . RMER'S MARKET . patie SCUGOG WOMEN LADIES TIGHT Nestleton Community bon Perry Fairgrounds, 8 CRUISIN OPE Executive meeting, Scugog ) ' Centre, 7:30 p.m. For am. to 1 p.m. Vendors wel. ) CLASSICS of Port Perry Island Marina 4p.m. or | | Microwavecooking [| joc "F986 5503. -m. Lo 1 p.m. Cruise-in at IGA parking lot, come, call 985-8044. 110 3 p.m. Coming to admire Agricultural whenever! demonstration by SPOR Employment Office, 10 Tupperware rep. at REGATTA GOLF the cars? Then bri . am 126 Wak St 985- bey de ab has Caes Se a camp Register 8 a.m. at Sunnybrac erishable food ire for - Port Perry Fiddle Clu : . | Started this week at [| Golf Course. For info. call perish: 3831. anew location: the Islander || Community Hall, fl pia P.S. and 0.1 Lourse. - Operation Scugog. TOPS Banquet hall on Scugog | 7:30p.m.S3admis- | Coon July Albert Putscy, 985 0181. OSHAWA Take Off Pounds [4 Island. Monthly meeting/'| | sion, refreshments. i " PEK ; WHITBY FAIR Sensibly 710 8 p.m. || and dance stars 7 pm Low || All ladies welcome! | Ca oyna || Lions Club presents rockem | | uty 23,24, 25,26, For info. * Call 985-9827. | of good music and danc- | OSHAWA [| Loo your child. || em action at the Port call Linda, 985-0220. ; ONE PARENT ing. Fiddlers, pickers and | | WHITBY FAIR SHANA Perry Fairgrounds. Gates Oshawa Chapter public welcome. Free mem- July 23, 24,25, 26. | WHITBY FAIR open 2 p.m. Cars in pit area 4 One Parent meets 8 bership. Admission $2. For | | For info. call Linda, |: July 23,24, 25, 26. For at3 p.m., starting time 5:30 ; p.m. at Simcoe Hall info. call 985-7557 or 985- 985-0220. info. call Linda 985. p.m. Admission: $6 adults, : Settlement House. 5807. ; 0220 ' children under 12 free. Call : JA J : 985-3571. ' 27 Monday ) (28 Tuesday ) 30 Thursday 31 Friday }[ ¥ Saturday 2 Sunday ALCOHOL TOPS HAWAII, ANYONE? REGATTA LAKE SCUGOG REGATTA ; PROBLEMS? ) Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets |#] Marlin Travel holds an infor- Starts tonight [| REGATTA, FIELD DAY b CONTINUES G Call 728-1020. Tuesday nights, 7'to 8 p.m. Call mation evening on a trip to with a baseball || Parade starts 10 am., fol- ...Swimming races, 4-H MEETING 985-9827. *Hawaii, coming up Nov. 18 to game for ladies. lowed by all sorts of fun! canoe races, vol- 8 p.m. Durham East 4- ONE PARENTS Dec. 9. Meeting hosted by COUNTRY | FARMER'S leyball, horse- H council executive Oshawa Chapter One Parent Hawaii Escorts, 7 p.m. at MUSIC x MARKET shoes. Monday is meeting, Port Perry |: Families Association meets Scugog Memorial Library. Three days of Port Perry Fairgrounds, 8 rain date. OMAF. Tuesday 8 p.m. at Simcoe Hall Light refreshments. 985-2268. country music || am.tw 1 p.m. Vendors wel- Settlement House. For coffee, cards CAESAREA HALL and entertain- [| come, call 985-8044. | & conversation. For more informa- | MEETING ment, Lindsay. 'REGATTA tion call 436-5089 or 433-0832. 7:30 p.m. Regular monthly 'Classic Country J+ DANCE DURHAM FED. OF AGRIC. meeting, at the hallagll wel- Music Reunion'. 8 p.m. at Caesarea MEETING come. Call 986-4140 Community Hall, $10 for 8 p.m., Port' Perry OMAF for tickets, info. tickets, call 986-5183. \ AN PANN I \ J Cawrse ronan 20 The Boss is Away! ¢ HITACHI 14" Remote = i SYST WITH Compact POC PLATER, ACOUITXC COMPACT DISC PLAYER $99.00 COME IN and DEAL! LIMITED QUANTITIES! Sale Ends July 31st, 1992 1] « Digital Tt Seryo and Disc Stabrh zee i PICTURE PERFECT TV toon ur 0 72 Water Street, Port Perry 985-9500 Lh Crug met er 199° "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" - WHAT'S THE RU