ON THE FARM OMAF forced to cut programs N In an effort to reduce its oper- ating budget by three per cent, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF), will cut funding to several pro- grams, including research and soil conservation. Ag Minister Elmer Buchanan announced last week $1.3 million will be cut this year from the Land Stewardship 2 program; another $3.7 million will be taken from the Red Meat 2 program, plus $2.5 million next year; and funds for .research at the University of Guelph will be reduced by $1.5 million. As well, Buchanan said the Ministry will be "constraining our internal operating expenses by $9.5 million." "We have had to examine areas where savings could be realized to manage the ministry's fiscal resources," he said in a conservation, water controls, and environmental projects for pest- ce storage and handling facili- ne $1.5 million reduction in research funds for the University of Guelph was agreed 10 in bud- get discussions carlier this, said Buchanan. A total of $39.1 mil- lion will be transferred to the gram will have its budget from $38 million to $36.7 mil- lion, but all funding arrangements for 1992 will be honoured. This program encourages soil uU y this year, he went on. Research projects in the Red Meat program will not be funded in the final two years, which will save about $1.3 million. Other mductions to this pro- Island 'Music Fest' to raise money for First Nation community hall The First Nation on Scugog Island is planning to build a new community centre in the spring of 1993. As part of this effort, a fundraising committee has been formed The first meeung was held on April 9, 1992 at the First Nauon Administration Office and was Free concert in the park Scugog residents are invited 10 a free concent in the park, Sunday, August 16. Performers include The Uxbridge Community Concert Band and the popular Golden Slippers. This concert will take place at | p.m. at the Palmer Park Gazebo. No rain date has been set in case of inclement weather. The Uxbridge Community Concert Band is a community group with varying ages and musical backgrounds with approximately 30 members. The Golden Slippers have been playing old time music such as jigs, reels, Scottish, Irish tunes together for six years. All mem- bers are retired or semi-retired. They started out playing for nurs- ing homes and local entertainment in Port Perry. Word has spread and now they travel around the province including an annual per- formance at the CNE and local fairs. * BUCKWHEAT "Our modern facilities mean less waiting time for you -- We can unload up bushels an hour." Commodity Contracts Available to 10,000 attended by seven members of the First Nation. As a result of this meeting, several fundraising activ- ities were initiated. These ranged from car washes, yard and bake sales, Nevada ucket sales and raf- fle draws. Another event proposed by Councillor Rick Edgar was to host a Music Fest to celebrate summer and the great outdoors. Several native music bands will be on hand to perform and various natuve crafts will be available for purchase The organizing committee for this event initially started out with five members but at last count had grown to 14 and has been meeting every Wednesday evening for the past four h the Next on stage will be Kicker, per- forming hard rock. Closing the show is Slow Lixx with heavy metal/hard rock selections. Slow Lixx has generously donated $500 10 the building fund A beer garden will be located on the grounds to allow patrons © take full advantage of the bar and the live bands. In addi several gram will amount to over $6 mil- lion in two years. Set up in 1984, the Red Meat programs promote the use of proven technologies in beef, lamb and goat meat producuon. About 8600 producers have been enrolled in the program since it started Buchanan said the program has already "largely fulfilled its mandate." Grants for weighing, ration formulation and nutrition, herd and flock health, farm business plans, and funding for new research projects were stopped as of August 1. And grants 10 set up new farm business associations were stopped on the same dale, though commitments (0 existing includes basis price $/ Metric Bushel * Tome Sept. Com Dec. Com Aug. Soys Nov. Soys Sept. Canola 249 9803 232 9M 586 21531 580 21311 2420 associations will be h d Despite these budget reduc- uons, Buchanan noted that "we were very fortunate that new funding for agriculture was pan of this year's (provincial) budget and that we were able to put $120 mullion 5-year Agriculture food vendors will be set up on the grounds. A Crown and Anchor will be g for all of the gamblers in the crowd, as well as some 'stress relieving' activities such as a dunk tank and a car smash. There will be a men's and women's bikini contest with an Elizabeth Arden ics kit worth more than events for the day "of Saturday, August 15. The Music Fest will wake place at 22521 Island Road, approxi- mately eight miles north of Highway 7A. Music Fest beings at noon with O' Canada being sung in the Ojibwa k ge by Evan $300 for the winner of the female category and a 'mystery' prize for the sclected male. There will be raffle tickets on sale for a quilt worth more than $300 and a Texas mickey. Nevada uckets will also be sold. Several Coppaway and greetings from Chief Yvonne Edgar (Evan's grandmother). Thé event will be hosted by The Coach from Q107's moming show. Five bands will be performing live, three of which are from various local First Nations. These are to include two country bands who will open the show, followed by The Gary Williams Band doing soft rock. WGTmammsan Sons bum, . serving agriculture in Ontario for over sixty years. *OT08) 277.2002 or 1.800.481.7674 ditional native craft prizes will be drawn throughout the day from all admission ticket stubs. So come out with your lawn chairs and enjoy plenty of good music, friends, refreshments, prizes and fun for all! Admission is $10 per person with children aged-12 and under admitied free. Progeeds from this event go wowardy the new community cen- tre. Strategy and the $32 million jobacco adjustment in place." Prices supped courtesy of W.G. THOMPSON & SONS LIMFED RR. 1, Bethany, Hwy. 7A & 35 " Farm news? Call us. 985-NEWS. om Fass ne those able to work through fall. Housewives welcome. East Central AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 126 Water Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1B9 (416) 985-3831 (Toll Free) 1-800-263-3425 JOHN DEERE'S JUST-RIGHT TRACTOR Ask abo. 10 DAY NO RISK RETURN PI yar you today 4 John Deere suburban lawn tractors are deste with your mowing needs in mind at a price that's "just right" for your pocketbook The high-torque engine with overhead valves combines power with fuel economy Plus the 22-inch turning radius is the tightest in its class We keep your comfort in mind, too, with more operator room and easy steering. Come in and see what John Deere can do for Utica Farm Equipment Limited 620 Reg.Rd. 21, Utica 2 Miles West of Manchester 985-9701