Back to back wins forHomestead girls The Port Perry Homestead Furniture girls put together back- to-back victories in recent Durham action. . With the regular schedule winding down and playoffs set to start September 10, Homestead girls (under 16) turned in a very strong effort last Thursday evening at home to} Kalon. { * Strong passing, teamwork and. good defense staked the girls to a The Port Perry Homestead Fumiture 3-0 victory in this one. Kelly Phipps opened the scor- ing for Homestead in the first half as she kicked one home with her left foot. In the second half, Sara Cosway was awarded a penalty shot and made no mistake with a drive to the upper left corner of net to make it 2-0. Just a few moments later, the other half of the Cosway connec- tion (Emily) one-timed a cross girls.sbcoer team put together a a Hera Scugog Fields over Pickering. Here Mari Farquharson (on the right) fights to keep possession while Pickering defender has other ideas. (See story) REGISTRATIO Ie. Wed., Sept. 2nd from 6 to 9 PM Thurs., Su 10th from 6 to 10 PM AT THE Mitep & Tykes - $125.00; Novice through to Midget - $200. = Family Season Passes (including playoffs) $25.00 PORT PERRY WADO KAI KARATE wey CLU Ba iotd 974 pass from Paula Reid 10 make it 3-0 and that was more than enough for a well-deserved victo- ry. On August 13, the girls hit the road for a match in Whitby against the Dynamos. Led by two goals from Kelly Phipps and a single marker by Tiffany Reid, the drive back to Port Perry was much shorter by virtue of a well-camed 3-1 victory. Sara Cosway turned in a strong effort on the left side that carned her a pair of assists, with Shawna Commish setting up the other goal. The team was pleased 10 wel- come Sara Brown back to the line-up after her five week leave for medical reasons. Keep up the strong play, Sara. Homestead's seasonal rébord to date now stands at nine victo- ries, three losses and one tie. But of those three losses, two games have been protested and team officials are wailing a decision by the League. Round one of the playoffs will start on September 10 with Homesicad meeting Ajax. Winners will advance to the second round September 17 and the two teams that emerge from that round will meet September 20 for the Cup. Cartwright Tykes finals Y On August 15 the Tyke division tournament started out with a low scoring game between Mike Baker' Auto and Asselstines Suzuki, with both teams playing well Game 2 of the was Mike Baker Auto to 3 runs. Mark Morrison hit a single and then Jonathan Wotten got a home run to score both runners. Marly Malcolm scored the inning ended. The final score was 7-4 for Hutton Heating Red Hots. The championship game pitied Hutton Heating against y fg also a low scoring game between Hutton Heating and Mike Baker Auto. The first inning was a pitch- ers game with no hits. In the sec- ond inning Mike Baker's Jason Michel got things going with a double and later crossed home plate for a run. But Hutton heating came back with 3 runs, with Justin Siebler, Tim Martyn and Ryan Kindree ing home Suzuki. The scoring started with Alex crossing home plate on a double hit by Brent. In the bottom of the first Cassie Shortridge, Bradly Sutcliffe, Jessica McLaughlin and Danny Barlow scored, and the bases were left loaded to end the inning. Assclstines stormed back, shut- ting down the opposition and scoring Kurtis, Adam, Craig I and Justin to end the The third inning was all Hutton Heating, as they scored 4 runs with Lawrence MacDonald sin- gling in Danny Barlow and Jessica Mabel McLaughlin, then Tyson Prescott followed with a double and scored Lawrence and Lyndsay Sweetman. Mike Baker Auto was shut out on the inning. The 4th inning was an open inning, but Hutton Heating held second. Michael Thompson started the third with a homer for Asselstines, then Brent, Sean, Kurtis and Cory continued the scoring parade. Hutton came right back with Bradley, Jessica, Ryan, Lyndsay, and Tyson Prescott all scoring on a grand slam homer by Justin to end the inning down only one run. In the fourth inaing, Asselstine Suzuki scored 3 runs with Craig, WATER SUPPLY Year-round instruction for the Whole Family SUNDAYS & TUESDAYS at 6:00 PM At the LATCHAM CENTRE Queen & Water St., Port Perry Demonstration & Registration at the Le¢ itcham C entre SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th - 7 P M Chief Instructor Dave Manara - Internationally Recognized 'th Degree Black Belt I 20 Club Locations I 200 Registered Black Belts - ie All Japanese Karate-Doh Federation § WM Teaching True Traditional FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 986-5071 Justin and Joey Lane crossing home plate. Hutton could only answer with one run scoring Chelsea Mateo on a nice triple by Chris Goble. The fifth saw Micheal, with his second home run, start strong and then Brent, Sean, Cory and Katie Vanstrien scored as well. But Hutton fought back with four runs of their own bringing Lawrence, ~~ Cassie, Jessica and Ryan to score. In the sixth inning the pressure started to mount as Hutton Heating shut Asselstines down with Justin recording another dou- ble play. In their half of the inning, Hutton came on strong with back to back home runs com- ing from Chris Goble and Anthony Fortune. Also scoring were Joshua Levesque, Tim and Lawrence to take a one run lead. For the seventh and final inning, Hutton went up a run to stay as they captured the 1992 Cartwright Tyke Ball Tournament with a score of 19 to 18. Scugog Angels beat Cobourg by 2-0 margin J - CISTERNS * WELLS * POOLS he Scugog Angels came up OR ANY OF YOUR WATER NEEDS brn doc od sap Os Gall the week. NESTLETON 1 jons MOBILE But this past Tuesday, the Angels defeated their namesake 986-4564 434-0454 by a score of 2-0. Both battled each other until the fourth inning when 0d then Hob second nd hd 0 (Hockey Registration | mii inser : FOR 1992-93 SEASON Genie Thor mon he wes: time, was pitching a strong game SKATE & EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE | t sive the girls a much ncodeg, at the SCUGOG ARENA The team never quit and put Friday, August 28th from 6 PM to 9 PM together a walk by , 2 Saturday, August 29th from 10 AM to 4 PM Ee TE ce Sony Sunday, August 30th from 2 PM to 4 PM Ha ra rt sored . . gave DISCOUNT REGISTRATION FEES ASK PiNraSER seg the 2-0 they needed. $40. =$225. Cobourg was aie in get a bit $40, «$360, of an attack going in the third $40. = $495. with back 10 back singles, but the * Base foe is unchanged from last runners were left stranded on the * Yoam photos ars included in the base fee this year for the ist time. bases. . TO Sid THI OTRO fot 0-340 Spa vm or 20 Shu Sl: Dempster had "two hits, £ * Heath card Pumbers and birth furmbers are required ki regisration. hoi ie: oar Sah ang Regie la to AVS hh any cc oro ad yone one. Shed Sas A £8 Rleon. In the bautle of the Angels so EXCHANGE: far this season, it has been the that you wish sold must be brought 10 the arena on Thursday, August Sou variety taking six points 1s in good condition and CSA Approved wil be acospied for sale, Sellers are This . i nA te Soming Toesdey aight.