Belated birthday gift more than worth the v wait piraciue Taylor finally got ber Cae. oo fou month ne Taylors, both sales agents with Re/Max Scugog Realty in Port Perry, took off from the balloon. It was the first balloon ride for both Craig and Debbie, who admitted! she was just a bit ner- vous ("I don't like heights") as pilot Kevin Pilgrim and assistant The 135,000 <5 8 balloon cap. tained by Kevin Pilgrim for the Taylor's "birthday flight" is one four red, white and blue Re/Max balloons operating in Ontario. And Kevin is 2 busy man. It's two flights a day (morning and evening) every day, weather per- mitting, of course. Craig booked the flight for Debbie's birthday last April 25, but bad weather forced cancella- tion. But the demand for the bal- loon is so great it was not until August 19 that they were able 10 get another For a while last Wednesday it appeared as if Debbie ny i Cre Ty have 0 wa | ell Speirs (TT EORDER - PARKS ga they set up, the breeze had INSURANCE BROKERS INC. " dropped considerably. 34 Water Street. Port Perry. ) It wok about 20 minutes to un- . rt J, fur . nylon bal Ontario (9L 1J2 985-8471 G.l loon, get it filled with air and PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL OF assemble the propane-driven YOUR GENERAL INSURANCE NEEDS 3 KARL HERDER fn SAN CONSTRUCTION LID. od) SPORTSMAN py-- 166 REACH RD., PORT PERRY 985-3885 STREET STOCK EE a an Free Estimates 20 Years Experience THUNDER CARS OMISSION fia Bud Race! CHILDREN UNDER 12 -- FREE 2200 SQ.FT. including 3 CAR GARAGE. BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. Includes: * 24 oz. carpet and cushioned floor * Painted drywall * 200 amp service * Plumbing and electrical fixtures from samples * Fumace and roughed-in for air conditioning LU * Financial assistance BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. Custom Built Homes from $65.00 per Square Foot L° SCARBOROUGH 206-8823 PORT PERRY 1-416-985-3491 KESWICK 1-416-476-7626