A ovER RIDGE RETAIL | | quarry The GALLEY || wsoris GRY LEANING EMMERSON - FISH & SEAFOOD a Pagid at 161 Queen Street PORT CLEANERS 193 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY 905-8647 | | Cotied Pessors nations 251 Queen St." 985-7108 | . | PORT PERRY LOL 1B9 Eat In or Take Out femecton GEEEETE=ED) REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS (418) 985-7306 Serving Break LOOSE RUGS Al Types of Licenced by LLBO | Sra Fan) SHIRT LAUNDRY - p PORT PERRY 985-4411 . CAA Adam* Brian Basset On the Podium, by CH COE ER CR CO A OO 0 [1 REL Jit B04 JOUR Quorn 9004 Pane NIGHT AT Your] a! " y . a ESE Ye) NOU 2 . RGNT!! T poN'T LOE. THINK NEVE BIER 18 16 7 SLEPT INSINCE - To WE RAD CHILoReN ! 21 22 24 - , AD BREARFAST \ - (OUD BE LOUSY, 25 26 27 | ~ q 30 31 E 32 TR Perna orn Coe TIAN PRS] 33 34 3s ; " RAN " 5 cathy® ) . by Cathy Guisewite EVERVONE'S ON THE ONLY PEOPLE LEFT I THE BUSINESS, (992: 8 3 o VACATION !! OFFICE ARE CRANKY, EMBIT- | | WHAT THE JULY RECESSION TERED SUNES WHO WERE DIDN'T TAKE CARE OF, THE 1 le (« | a5 [46 [a7 T00 BROKE T0 60 ANYWHERE | | AUGUST RECEPTIONIST WiLL. - Id AND- EVEN (¢ WE COULD ® 0 CX TAKE TIME OFF - WOULD HAVE . 1170 SPEND IT IN OUR STUPID 8] 5 6] | | YARDS DONG MEASLY HOME ¥ | MAINTENANCE PROTECTS [1 ACROSS DOWN 1. Massive floating 1. Bleating sound 27, 1977 Claude Jutra (« ice body 2. Newt film \ 5. Smelting ore residue 3. Cheerleader cry 28, Egyptian fertility god J 9. man 4 Laurie --: Alpine skier 29, -- Levesque 12. Fron a distance S. Jazz singing style 31,.Every 6th day 13. Poet -- Sandberg 6. Sweetheart of the week 14. Tint 7. Bow shaped ' 34. Before ILL : ; 9. Indian tribe 37. Chromosomal ~~ 8% 18 products 10. European car 19. Ses 11, Measure out . 38. [3 Mile 16. Prohibit by decree 39, "Once a time" 21. Major akuminum 20, Either extremity 40. Just sufficient ; producer 21. Southeastern Quebec 41. Chief oificer for hort J 24 ted town : MA. Trim 7 : 25. weaver 22. Hang around 45, Dhow Er 31. -- Castro "26. Pure comcluness . 32. Compass heading . N 25. Western pow. poss. ; Hy pe 37% Use a divining rod 14] 38 Harmonzed 40. Restaurant list TE 42. Mimic 43. -- Graham Bel Ie) 48 Tim bo pst * oH 50. Cyclone Taylor an RX SL. Ely $3 Dnt statement 1% abbr, 1% 3. Grater Woolen 4° ri, "Kasey & Company AQUARIUS (Jan. 21. sa oer . ies with : Lo 5.2 : Creative EERE EERE EX hs 19 Your frazzled ARES re 21 TF TT Astro four re er op through talks With supers th the 1, 20d mad time, Property pris 3 Ahir will be béfieficial for the By Eugénia Last August 3010 September 5 oe sl will og yo dsc samen horn you may bs whole family on the 1st, 2nd 3308 The duh ad Sih ance si the iF ' 1 pay ability 10 organigh, and put things in order and secret ate A Sconpio or Pisces will ence you. Be caret 7c 1 reveal person a a. "5 0RFI0 (0c (0c. 24 Nov. 2): Ct yw inh 0 you with your projects on the 30th and 31st, information. , : ; 0 nigh e rd il mA you we wo ope about you stb Your our hance ure ry ake You Jou eyo he RA Ton inthe: rors a) pcblents of lets of ie Er re Try to be understanding. i ge od ae ed GT Nor 23 Soxcing cnt Ay hs od 00 2 vat ed ea vd 21-June 21; Sin changes environment pL pe nL Cr rr te a ce. Pécs the issues at th. The possibility of an pe Tu Take tim Corry a Yo md md yourself financially is evident. Ea Sa TT Fosgmam soplveme pb po 1 CAPRICOR le Mir not Yate join investment groups on the 30th / gina Te her Xiey oan shod ight on your SS oe et ef 50 tr iii 4 EEE inant od pn mnt na untlog se. ¥ . You are best 0 listen Feb. 19) zetia mates who have am. fd EES