Lungmobile visits community Lung testing key to better health More than 100 people had their lungs tested last week as the Ontario Lung Assoc. "Lungmobile" rolled into Port Perry Plaza. "We are very pleased with those numbers. Yes, we consider this a success," said Donna Warden, a respiratory therapist and rehab program co-ordinator with the Durham Lung Association. Those tested ranged from children as young as seven to the elderly, and Ms. Warden said the tests took three All the scores fit to print -- and some that aren't so fit. Port Perry Auto Glass Square Boy Plzze Soals Bros. Auto Wrecking Coldwell Bankers Crandeils Mariposa Seagrave Steel Buildings Oshawa & District Midget League Standings GP T Pts RF RA AVER Fic Merchants 2 hi 1 H 43 157 89 0.768 Scarborough Reds 2316 1 6 33 169 86 0.717 Scarborough DIA'S un 13 2 9 28 160 160° 0.583 Oshaws 13 1 11 27 160 100 0.540 Markham 2 12° 1 13 25 150 160° 0.481 Auroras 25 Nn 1 13 23 123 184 0460 Bramales 26 § 3 18 13 143 212 0.250 Merchant Hitters of the Week PLAYER PA Runs Welk 1B 28 3B HR RBI Joff Card 13 1 11 0 0 1 2 Jason Cochrane 22 4 5 § 1 1 1 1] Grant Kay 12 4 4 2 1 0 0 0 Steve Laird " 7 2 2 1 2 0 4 Scott MecLennan 10 2 0 3 1 0 0 3 Jason McBride 18 4 § 3 0 0 0 2 Brad Mosse an 0 3 38 2 0 0 1 Todd Smart 9 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 Denies Smith 7 2 oO 2 0 1 0 0 Steve Stiles 4 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 Darvell VanderlLigt n 7 0 § 2 0 0 2 Darrell VanderSiagt EH] 3 12 3 0 0 6 Scugog Mens Slo Pitch League, Game 18, August 24th Ladies Lob Ball L T Pu 4 M 1 1 a 17 15 2 0 3 17 13 3 1 x 7" 13 4 0 2 1 13 1] 0 2 18 12 5 1 2 7 [J [J 1 17 8 1] 0 1 17 [J 9 0 1 1 5§ n 2 1 7 ¢6 1 0 12 7 § nu 0 10 10 5 1 o 10 7" 4 1 0 [J [] LJ} ii fit - 5 oo LX XE EOE ER Eo gh rE lev anmwr cad inERNET E2R2z2ze vane te Zaaneade od mies watssssnd forms: lung function; a test for carbon monoxide levels, and a test to make sure that those on medication are using their "puffer" devices correctly. SHe went on to say that while the vast majority of those tested showed healthy lungs, several revealed gprly signs of lung disease and were advised to take their test results to their physicians as soon as possible, The Lungmobile, a 30 foot van with lung testing equipment on board is touring Ontario and Quebec. The stop in Port Perry last week was the only visit to Durham Region. It has the backing of Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) the Ont. Lung Assoc., the Ontario College of Family Physicians and Big V Drug stores. Lung disorders are on the rise in Canada (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis and cancer) They can limit normal activities, lead to hospitalization or death. But there are a lot of thing} people can do to protect their lungs. Here are just a few suggested by the Ontarig Lung Association. -exercise regularly; have a physical every year if over 40; get medical help for coughing, wheezing, tightness of the chest during exertion, or coughing blood; quit smoking (see your doctor for help) take asthma medication only as prescribed by your doctor; if you have asthma know your inducers and triggers and avoid them; avoid excessive exposure to dust or chemicals; get literature from the Lung Assocation or your doctor on , lung disorders and what you can to for treatment and prevention. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE ROAD REPAIRS The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) will carry out construction work along the Highway 7A Causeway at a location approximately 750 metres east of Water Street (Port Perry). The work involves placing rock and granular material around three pipe culverts for slope stability and erosion control. Traffic delays can be expected during the period of August 24, 1992 to Octbber 01, 1992. For safety reasons, and to avoid conflicts with the work crews, the public is requested not to fish in the immediate area while this work is under way. Your jon is greatly appreciated. For further information, please contact: Mr. John Foster Patrol Supervisor Telephone: (416) 985-7467 oe & DICK SHINN in- - specializing All Sales & Smart Leasing - including - GM Employees & 'immediate Fomily Purchases. - phss a large selection of - NEW & USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM