£4 wp 25-- Bougog Citizen -- Tuesday , October 37, 1093 a DOWSON'S in PO RT PERRY PLAZA Pure Water with Reverse Osmosds! wrne ULTIMATE WATER" HOURS No Sit Mi oh icals or hy ia No bs Feature This Week - Fill Your Own Jugs 8:00 A fo rn the only energy that reverse osmosis employs is the existing pressure in mun water lines to . y x 4 force water through the y fine sem} bl brane, the central element in the 4 LITRE ................ 88cC Saturday to 6:00 PM; p system. This purification method acts on four families of elements found in water: 1 o Closed Sundays. metals, mi and chagmicals, thus eliminating almest all the impurities. The JA0 LITRE .............. - [-] Piel Wiech ining trace el are absolutely h The lting product is llent in quality, ; . p - pleasant in taste, idegl for drinking, making coffee, juice, ice cubes, for cooking food, for use in * NMUTRE........ 2.09 hoodia appliances such as humidifiers and for every other purpose requiring pure water. , 18 LITRE ............ 2.99 MONARCH SPONGE PUDDING MIX 255 gram pkg. weenie each mm * Ly a LJ LF} - = - a ws save 50° | 4, saves 1% savedO' § Ady ad varieties | 1 SAR wlio oan] * roguiar or diet ; EEN 13357 vest TA27 sae TA, DAL oral OR TONS | bein a COKE ' ™ WEEK A 'S ; S 2L cont | FEATURE HINT: - i + a ET - = anew r A EN |