~ Tuesday, October 27, 1992 yd Introducing ... GO-FER COURIER 2. SERVICES P.O. Box 61, Grp. Box 5 R.R. 5, Port Perry, Ontario LIL 1B6 @0 985-2573 (03 UN VAS! CoMMUNT OCTOBER 27th to NOVEMBER 10th. 1992 Items for Calendar must be submitted by 5 Friday for the following Tuesday Publicat TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27th Women present Healthy Lifestyles for Teens, 7:00 PM at the Trillium Valley Ski Resort. * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meeting at 7 PM at-Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Kids' Hallowe'en Craft Night. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th * Rebekah's Hot Luncheon at Oddfellows Hall from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. Tickets $5.00 * Sunderland UCW Hot Turkey Supper with Plum Pudding at Sunderland United Church beginning to serve at 4 PM. Adults $10.00; Children 12 & under $5.00. * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every fourth Wed. at Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Island, 7 PM. Call 985-7557 or 985-9807 * Conservation Public Open House at Oakwood Community Centre, 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Call KRCA (705) 887-3112. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th * Scugog Youth Soccer Club Annual General Meeting Staff Room, Port Perry High School at 7:30 PM. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th * Bingo, Nestieton Community Centre starts 7:30 PM * Hot Lunch at Anglican Church, North Street from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. $5.00. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st * Happy Hallowe'dn - Drive Safely and watch out for the Little Ghosts and Goblins. * Snowmobile Driver Training Course at Nestieton Hall. Must register by. calling 986-5603. * Pont Perry Knights of Columbus Annual Hallowe'en Dance at Catholic Church Hall, Hwy. 7A, music by Bakerline. 8:30 PM to 1 AM. Tickets call 852-3186. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd * One Parent Families Association, Oshawa Chapter meets at 8:00 PM for coffee, cards & conversation at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. For more information call 436-5089 or 433-0832. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th * Durham Region Farm Family Enhancement Program Blackstock United Church C.E. Room, 7:30 PM. Bring your own coffee mug. * Hot Turkey Dinner at Seagrave United Church. Sittings at 4:45 PM; 6:00 PM; 7:15 PM. Adults $10; Children under 12 - $4. Take-outs available. UCW Bazaar. Advance tickets only Call 985-8350 or 985-7778. * Port Perry & District Minor Softball Meeting at 7:30 PM at the Port Perry High School, to discuss the 1992 soft- ball season and to recruit volunteers for the 1993 season. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th * Public Viewing of all Silent Auction tems from 7 to 9 PM at the Port Perry United Church, Bidding will be permitted. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th * Silent Auction will be held at Port Perry United Church from 10 AM to'4 PM. Bake Sale and UCW Fall Bazaar. Lunch served from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Donations appreciated. Information : 985-9250 or 985-3826. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th . * One Parent Families meets for Kids' Games ign at 7:00 PM at Simcoe Settlement House, St. S., Oshawa. For more information 5 8 CALENDAR Choral Society's production of "The Gipsy Princess" opens Nov. 19 The Scugog Choral Society is gearing up for another big hit "The Gipsy Princess," an operetta, opening November 19th for two weeks at the Town Hall in Port Perry. Leading this popular group is Musical Director Thomas Millar. Tom has enjoyed many hit successes with the Scugog Choral Society and other organizations within the region since he and his wife, Catherine, moved here from Scotland twenty years ago to open his medical practice. During their early years, the Town Hall was in the throes of being restored for purposes of providing the area with a facility for the promotion of the Arts. Tom, who holds ayPerformance Degree in piano, volunteered, arranged, and performed solo piano concerts (and concerts with guest artists,) to raise thousands of dollars towards Town Hall 1873. Tom and Catherine joined the Scugog Choral Society and enjoyed several years on the stage performing with the chorus and as leads. Then in 1984, Tom assumed the reins of Musical Director of the group. From 1985, the Society's 10th anniversary, to the present day the organization has performed up to two major productions per year, with Tom musically Durham Region and outlying areas as well enjoy top quality musical entertainment surpassed only by professional théatre. Tom and Catherine also devote a great deal of their time and energy to the children's group they founded, "Millar Lights." Their only pay is the sincere appreciation of the children, their families and the audiences they delight. In recognition of their efforts towards youth theatre in Ontario, they were the recipients of a special ACTCO Adjudicator's Award in the Spring of 1991. In the Spring of 1992, Tom and Catherine were honored with a Lescarbot Award, a "Cultural Volunteer and Benefactor Recognition Program" sponsored by the Government of Canada, Department of Communications. Also in the Spring of 1992, Tom won a Thea Award by ACTCO of Best Musical Director for "Hello Dolly" (performed by the Scugog Choral Society.) The Choral Society attracts an average.of 35 members from the area. Under Tom's leadership the members have been coached to reach their musical potential in addition to having a really good time with Tom's incredible sense of humor. Tom chose an Operetta for this year's production so that the singing g most. Audi from bilities of the Scugog Choral VES! Society could be demonstrated. "An operetta is really a mini- opera usually sung in the language of the country in which it is performed. The story line is usually lighter than an Opera or a Musical. The story is in the music, and the music is the most important part of the production, often the story is not so complex. In comparison, the music and the story play more or less an equal part in a Musical." Audiences can expect some beautiful melodic harmonies with a Vienese flavour. "The Gipsy Princess" is artistically directed by Virginia Reh (possible through Theatre Ontario's Community Theatre training program-funded by the Ontario Arts Council and the Ministry of Culture and Communication) and produced by Jean Kennedy. Catherine Millar stars as Sylva, other lead performers are Dan Kapp, Marrion Johnson, Terry Paul, Rick Huntington, Pam Kennedy and Rick DeJong. Featuring Don Smith, Roy Haina and cameo roles by Alf Kennedy and Richard Drew. Reserved "seating tickets are available at Irwin Smith Music, 305 Queen St. Port Perry. Performances are at 8:00 p.m. on November 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, and at 2:00 p.m. November 22 and 28 at Town Hall 1873 in Port Perry We are talking about the ... Gia Claus Parad 2:00 PM - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1992 ATTENTION! Service Clubs and Organizations, Church, Youth and School Groups ... you are Invited to participate. This year's Scugog Chamber of Commerce Santa Claus Parade is being organized RIGHT NOW! and we need you to contact us regarding your participation in this event for the This year's theme will be a "Storybook Christmas". Santa's ONLY appearance will be on the Chamber of mmerce Float at the end of the parade. ore og and float registration, please contact ALISSA SMITH at 985-2635 Or register by mail ysing the attached form to: Box 1127, Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A9 SCUGOG CHAMBER of COMMERCE 1992 SANTA CLAUS PARADE PARTICIPANT FORM LL EE EE EE RE EE EE EEE EN Organization : * Address : Co-ordinator : EL Ld