Th POINSETTIAS New... JUMBO SIZE! | We asked our growers to produce a Poinsettia unrivaled in both size & quality. Thanks to their efforts we are able to offer you these * EXTRA LARGE FLORIST QUALITY POINSETTIAS GROWN EXCLUSIVELY FOR WHITE ROSE! Va { boo -10 Large Blooms* Bushy 16 6" ide plants.' Suaraticen to POINSE 1 | IAS hl hoger "7h how atts Such a nk Lk ri Wd Only At White Rose J Salls, Freedom and Celebrate. | Just love them ! iE 7 PAA) CHRISTMAS FLOWERS / 8, A gift sure to please anyone on your list! Sn Wp "4 =) gy N---- OF BLOOMS DELUXE CYCLAMEN fie p 7 . rge Poinsettia with 20-25 blooms in "A 99 Loaded with buds & 10 or more bloom: -/ an ih a handle .. jleoreed § Choose from white, red, pink or pron and ready for gift giving. A Adi plant to last the holiday season. $ 99 o Decorated in a handcrafted basket. Jay foled and AE our shades... 99 gurounts a red Christmas orn" (27 seasons pick ons crahe | EL 19% 5' TROPICAL CHRISTMAS TREES ~~ ~~" ONLY \ NORFOLK ISLAND PINE POINSETTIA IN BASKET "Beautiful full bushy indoor pine trees. Perfect to JAZ basket for the Holidays Longlasti Gonorates whira pow 8 ak A house plant to be anoyed fo yours. § 1 8% 8 Makes a Sriue and 1 4%) GREAT to come. A great gift ARRIVING GIFT ONLY FRESH DAILY n v Forest Fresh Fe 5 CANISTER 7 x 5'-T' Scotch Pine 5-9' Balsam Fir \ Compete win a bons 1 ges ls fag oP | A COMPLETE GAZEBO Eat ustable Pole TE Qaiy roowood. 80% on so caver Is N TAUNTON RO. ( CHRISTMAS DAY) SALE ENDS DEC 24, 1992 UMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. PRODUCT AVA S]HWY. 407 OSHAWA 300 Taunton Rd. E Ritson & Taunton OPEN S UNDAYS