yr Beugag Cltiaen -- Yiaedary, Dosen r To, TO = 35a Blackstock skating club flourishing By Heather McCrae "There's a lot of commitment and time given to make any club work and the Blackstock Figure Skating Club certainly is overwhelmed with its abundance of dedicated volunteers", says Tracey Stapley, President of the skating club. This skating club became a member club of the Canadi (CFSA) in 1988 and now flourishes with a membership of 96 skaters. Under this association the club coaches teach the Canskate and te programs. In the club's initial year, there was a need for a credible figure skating club in Blackstock and all were instrumental in forming the skating club. The caching staff is made tp of two professional coaches, sharing the iti of ly Lori Bramley-Wagner President were Connie Leslie and Heather Parson. These Figure Skating Association For your please feel free to check our extensive retail fish and seafood counter. Salads, Coleslaw, Peeled Potatoes, Shrimp Rings, Seafood Trays, etc. may be ordered for any occasion. Try our famous, freshly battered : HALIBUT FISH & CHIPS wrapped in Drew, Heath Brooke McLaughlin, Coach Lori Bramiey-Wagner and Catharine DeJong of the Blackstock Figure Skating Club. and Elaine McAuliffe and twelve regular amateur 'coaches, the latter strictly being on a volunteer basis. This entire dedicated group can be seen at the arena every Wednesday evening from 5-8 p.m. commencing when the club's year begins at the end of October right on through to the end of March. Starting at the age of twelve, and being rightly certified as Canskate coaches by the CFSA, sre the necessary requirements to becoming an amateur coach. A woman who contributes a great deal to the club is Anna McLaughlin, a young mother very much dedicated to this active sport. At the conclusion of each skating year the club takes great delight in presenting a carnival with a reception following. This year's Chairperson's Donna Drew and Heather Haertel are working vigorously to ensure a delightful evening, the theme being "Showtime." The major fundraiser for the Club is the selling of Regal products. This has been a rather profitable end fundraiser, the Club was able to purchase its own sound system. At the beginning of the new over the last few years. So lucritive that the Club has been able to keep the membership fees the same over the last three years, pay the fees for guest skaters and the members are not charged to participate in the year-end carnival, Last year, with the proceeds from the Regal year the sk and h begin to work on the carnival. A lot of men in the community give of their time and skills, either as amateur coaches or assisting with the carnival too. and grace-a treat for young and old alike. Larocque takes C banner Rick Larocque Electric travelled to Oakwood tournament and came home C- Champs, winning.she first game over Oakwood 4-1. Scoring for Larocque were Adam Kingma, Ryan Hawkins, Ben Stephenson and Cory Wiatrzyk. Assists went to Cory Wiatrzyk, Chris Jamieson, Kevin Cochrane, Justin Sheehey, and Ryan Hawkins. Second game they lost 4-3 to St. Paul's. Scoring for Port was Cory Wiatrzyk with two, Justin Sheehey with one. Assists went to Kevin Cochrane, Cory Wiatrzyk, Brad Fraser, Ryan Hawkins and Alex Upton. The third game Larocque played Little Britain for the C- Champ winning 2-1. Scoring for Port was Cory Wiatrzyk and Ben Stephenson. Assists went to Kevin Cochrane, Cory Wiatrzyk and Chris Jamieson. M.V.P. for the first game was Cory Wiatrzyk and the third game was Justin Sheehey. Great goaltending for Port by Dave Kamminga and Paul Shrigley. Great defense and forward by Ian Parliment. SANTA SUGGESTIONS Christmas Entertaining ... ... eat-in or take-out, r the old-fashioned "ENTER OUR ATLANTIC SALMON STEAK with ches d baked 1 Jase JA -- 8 way, sprinkled with salt & malt vinegar. EXTRA SPECIALS oui dalolg * We're not just fish & chips anymore! s & MUS o We have quite an extensive menu TEAK HROOM with Snack Foods and Sandwiches. SCOTCH MEAT PIE Try our famous Clam Chowder ~~ BX 12 Battered Mushrooms ... $3.25 2° cat aM CA AP SAND Escargot, 6 for $2.95; 12 for $4.95 - , GALLEY BREAKFAST NWFP L---n--="TN Zz