'Honeydale W.I. donat The Honeydale Women's Institute has donated $1173.00 to the Seugog Shores Museum Village in memory of M 1 have been especially worthy for researching the history of our medical care in Scugog. Sleep. The money has been used to purchase a fire-proof combination cabinet which is now the home for many important township documents dating back to 1860. Also filed in' this cabinet are the - Tweedsmuir Village Histories " which have proven invaluable to the museum archives and The Twegdsmuir Histories, a collection of six books compiled by the Honeydale Women's Insti had pr to the Museu rator Kim Harper last fall. These books contain information on individuals, families, farms, businesses and events in and around Port Perry. They are richly illustrated with photos, including some that date back to the mid nineteenth century. It was at the urging of Lady Tweedsmuir, wife of Governor- General John Tweedsmuir, that Woman's Institutes in Canada began in 1940 to keep a record of events and individuals in their communities. Initially the Tweedsmuir Histories were started in 1966 by Marion Farmer Boyd, who continued to 1966 when Mrs. Margaret Cornish took over. The Scugog Shores Museum purchased a combination cabinet (shown) last week with monies donated by the ladies of the Honeydale Women's Institute. Pictured from left are Kim Harper, Museum Curator, and Honeydale members Margaret Cornish, Marion Johnston, Clara Warren president, Elsie Pogue, Mary Van Ham and Lillian Harper P.R.O. Henshall's LIMITED TIES - 2 for 1 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $22.50each or 2 for $36.00 regular prices up to $56.00 "$10.00 LADIES' SALE RACK regular prices up to $60.00 = Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, February 9, 1993--5 4 Save 1/2 PRICE or more on many SALE RACKS Check out the NEW SPRING ARRIVALS The museum is currently looking for a volunteer who would be available to index this valuable material on its compufer. For further information please call Kim Harper at the Scugog Shores Museum, 9 a.m - 6 p.m., Tuesday to Friday, 985-3589. The Honeydale Women's Institute originated in 1936 and today there are three charter members left, according to Clara Warren. These three women are Mrs. ion to Museum Harold Honey, Mrs. Fred Raines and Mrs. Warren. Kim Harper, the museum's curator is especially grateful for the Women's Institute donation, made possible through the Mansel Sleep estate. The community is welcome to visit the archives and read these valuable history books. The staff would appreciate it if you would call ahead to make an appointment. Efforts to organize local Special Olympics Two Scugog Township women are working to organize a Port Perry Chapter of the Special Olympics. Debbie Broomer and Liz Gorr say they badly need others to volunteer to help in setting up the organization, everything from fund-raising, registration, driving and coaching. The Special Olympics local Chapter would be affiliated with the Ontario organization that provides training, fitness, recreation and competitive sports to the developmentally challenged . The motto is "Help make it Happen." Debbie and Liz first got interested in this last summer when they coached a baseball 241 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY 985-1965 & 10 AM to 5:30 PM Tuesdays to Saturdays Closed Sundays & Mondays team of developmentally challenged players from the Scugog area. Their goal this year is to continue with the baseball team, get the local Chapter off the ground and add perhaps one more sport like soccer. They had an organization night last week at the Cartwright School, but were very disappointed when just a handful of people showed up. "We need more volunteers to help set this up," Liz told the Citizen. Anyone who can assist in any way in helping with a local Chapter of the Ontario Special Olympics can phone Liz Gorr at 986-5247.