p78 Scugog Citizen -- Tuesd: OU VANS COMMUNITY CALENDAR [Feb. 16th to Mar 2nd, 1993 FEBRUARY - MONTH LONG EVENTS * February is Heart & Stroke Month. Please give generously when canvassers call on you. * "Fun of a Kind" by Marlene Siomra continues until Feb. 19th in the Kent Farndale Gallery at the Scugog Memorial Library * The Girl Guide Cookie Campaign starts February 6th. Cookie sales are the main source of revenue for Guiding in Ontario. Cookies sell for $2.50 per box. * YMCA Spring Program Brochures are now available. For hure or inf i gl ion, call 985-2824. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th * Port Perry Tennis Club Meeting 7: 00 PM at Emiel's to elect an 985-3328 * Information Meating, Bn 419 Royal Canadian Legion. Guest speakers from the Hospital Foundation and Hospital Board at 8:00 PM. Open to the general public. * Bingo at Sunderland Legion 7:30 PM. Info. (705) 357-2404 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th * "Children at Risk" - Part Two by James Dobson, starting at 7:30 PM at Emmanuel Full Gospel Church, 852-7054. * Seniors' Euchre at the Latcham Centre 1:30 PM, everyone welcome. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th * Bingo, Nestleton Community Centre, 7:30 PM. 986-5503. . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21st * Utica Hall Board Annual Meeting at 1:00 PM. Community welcome. * "Mini" Winter Carnival at Putsey Park, Caesarea. Check Sunnyside Market or the Putsey Park Skating Rink for events and times. Food and beverages available. Fun for the whole family. Starting 10 AM. Proceeds from sale of food and beverag: the p! of park equip TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meets 8:00 PM at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, for coffee, cards and conversation. New £4] members and guests welcome. For more info call 436-5089 ~~ or 433-0832. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th * Port Perry Fiddle Club and Jam Session, 7:00 PM at the Island Banquet Hall on Scugog Island (5 miles from Port, follow signs). Fiddlers, pickers, dancers & public welcome. Admission $2.00, 985-7557 or 985-9807. * Cancellation of Bingo at the Catholic Church Hall, tonight only. TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd * Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets at 7:30 PM at the Henry St. High School, 614 Henry , February 16, 1993 = | Changes in Police services The nature of policing will be changing over the next few years, says the man in charge of the Durham Region Police Services. Speaking to the Port Perry Rotary Club last week, Durham Police Chief Trevor McCagherty said there is an evolution in police work from what he called "reactive to proactive." "The emphasis will be much more on community involvement,"he explained vith increased input from citizens, community leaders, local politicians, and business people working with the police to reach a concensus on what the police should be doing. These changes, he said, "are very important to me," and the Chief hopes to see them in place over the next five or six years. He mentioned everything from increased use of community drop-in centres, more store-front police offices, more foot patrols and officers helping in community events like bake sales. He said these kinds of things have already been introduced in certain areas of Oshawa with success and will spread to all areas of Durham Region. While more emphasis will be placed on community policing, the Chief assured the audience this does not mean the force is going soft on traditional methods of investigation and arrest. Trevor McCagherty. But 'he made it clear community policing is designed to head off trouble spots before they fully develop. Still, he told the Rotarians certain kinds of crime continue to rise in Durham Region such as narcotics, armed robberies and the ominous activities of white supremacy groups "I thought 1 had seen it all, but something else comes along that surprises me," he said. He also touched on budget restraints and said the force will not be getting new officers this year. In fact, the last time the force was able to hire new officers was in 1990, he said, citing the fact that in 1991, police were unable to respond to about 30 "low priority" calls every day. We invite you to attend our OPEN HOUSE (SS 12107. 24 AF-{e){;] Rotary President Earle Mayes and Durham Police Chief "We are going to have to do more with less. We are very sensitive to budgets and higher taxes," he said. Court appearance time by officers cost the force $1.5 million last year, compared with $300,000 four years ago. Chief McCagherty is a career officer who has been with the Durham force since it was formed in 1974 working his way through the ranks to his appointment last year. The Durham Police Service covers some 1,048 square miles and has 800 employees. Lawyer resigns over client's funds Lawyer Bryan Davies has resigned from the Port Perry law firm Fowler Davies after disclosing to his partner Michael Fowler that he had Uxbridge Montessori School Street, Whitby. Speaker : Mrs. Nora Herd, Community ivist, Oshawa - Sydenham M All i misapplied a client's funds. are free and open to members and the general public. For more information call 683-2476 or 723-7460. * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meets at 8:00 PM at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa., for it's Elections. Please come out and support your Chapter. For more info call 436-5089. The Citizen will publish events in the calendar at no charge for non-profit groups Please submit your calendar events to the Citizen Office by 5:00 PM Fridays to be included in the following issue Your user friendly, ([oToF:1N ole) oJ [0 oF: oJ=T 0 THE SCUGOG CITIZEN CHIT (R-T=TaV RY IVR" 1 {g} Courteous Service Ele} Competitive Prices for your advertising requirements. 16 BASCOM STREET 852-6377 Find out about our Special Introductory Rates A complete Montessori Curriculum, Music, Art, Physical Education and French. AGES 2 1/210 7 YEARS Half Days - Full Days - Extended Days 7 AM to 6 PM LAURENTIAN BANK * Convenience Hours for RRSP Contributions WED. FEB. 24th ....... 8 PM THURS, FEB. 25th .... 8 PM FRI. FEB. 26th .......... 8 PM SAT, FEB. 27th ......... 3PM MON., MARCH 1st * Extended Hours for RRSP Sales Only Se LAURENTIAN BANK of CANADA 165 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ont. 985-8435 In a statement released Monday, Mr. Fowler said the partnership was dissolved immediately. He said that he, his associates and staff will practice law under the name "Michael L. Fowler and Associates." "Mr. Fowler and Mr. Davies immediately reported the unfortunate circumstances to the Law Society of Upper Canada, and Mr. Fowler fully restgred the misapplied funds to Mr. Davies' client," said thé statement. It went on to say that an independent audit of Mr. Davies' financial dealings is underway at the request of the law firm. The Law Society -of Upper Canada is also conducting an audit. The statement said Mr. Davies is presently under doctor's care and has been advised for the time being to take a leave of absence from the practice of law. Mr. Fowler said any clients "needing further information are welcome to contact him at his Port Perry office (985- 8411)