my Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, February 33, 1993-- 17 +4 CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday 1 | P.M. Cars > _ Fax: 985-1410 |p For sale | P Help Wanted | 2 Sewing Herder Sales 166 Reach Park Rd. (416) 985-3885 Quality Used Cars 1991 PONTIAC FIREFLY Hatchback, Red, only 35000 km, AMF M cassette, price reduced $4,405 1991 JEEP YJ 22,000 km . Soft Top - $7,995 Excellent vehide for this weather 1990 NISSAN PICKUP Truck, black, 50,000 km , factory stereo $5 995 25th Anniversary Series 1985 DODGE VAN slant six, auto, new brakes, good dean truck with extra seat, 128,000 km. $2,995 1985 DODGE MINIVAN LE seven passenger, aul, air, 995. 1988 YAMAHA EXCITER DAYCARE available in my home, in-town Blackstock. Quiet court, smoke / pet free. Lots of T.L.C. 986-0839 'sou OAK & PINE FURNITURE Buy direct from one of NANNY REQUIRED CUSTOM DRESSMAKING Just rebuilt - $3250. for six month old girl, by appointment; plus alterations Days 985-0420. our residence in Port Perry. Signature "M" by Miriam. Evenings 985-2734 20-25 hours weekly Phone (416) 885-2882. SE -- Wages negotiable. 985-1386 TYPEWRITERS BARB'S "AT HOME" SEWING Fax Machines, Ribbons everyting from Service & Supply for Drapes, Alterations, Al Typos of Machines P Work Wanted 1 1o Children's Clothing Jenkins ble Rates and 728-7591 or 985-9783 p ized Service NEED A HAND? - Call Murray! Grass cutting, window cleaning, eavestrough cleaning, garden- ing, hedge and tree trimming, Ontanio's largest and watch your fumiture being made before your eyes. Complete line of Cannonball Beds, . painting, ing. garage, attic, basement and yard clean-up and removal Please call 985-0069 VAN CAMP CONTRACTING Sand, gravel, fill, limestone, Table, with leaf and 4 chairs, candlelight finish. Asking $1000. Call 985-9396 MOVING SALE Washer / Dryer - $525. Full length Fox Fur, size 14-16 - $500 Drill Press - $100 1/2 hp. Air Compressor - $100. Ski Exerciser - $30. Call (705) 357-3798 29" STEREO PHILLIPS TV Monitor, high resolution Asking $350. Call 985-9398 SATELLITE SYSTEM Complete Toshiba, 10.2 Dish. Asking $1750. Phone 985-2639 ROUND BALES 4'x§' stored under tarp. 985-3546 GUITAR PEDALS Heavy Metal, Morley Volume MOTHER OF TWO will care for your child in a safe family atmosphere. List of references. Call 985-1327 Your child will love it here Accommodations AUCTION SALE Plant Stand, Set of 6 Kitchen Chairs, Drop-leat Table, Captain Chair, Coat Rack, Footstools, Chest of Drawers, Rattan Arm Chair, Quilts, Tea Set, Clocks, Dishes, Glass, Church Plates - Goodwood, Kinsale, Brougham Tea Wagon, Wooden Planes, Block Planes, Sadd Irons, 1979 Hockey Cards, Costume Jewel- lery, Old Records, Marbles, Wooden Barrel, Small Tools, Art Sketches, Nesting Tables, Coffee Table, Comic Books, . ned topsoil, bulldozing and Bedroom Furniture ROFESSIONAL sereane in Scugog starting April 1st . N excaval Call 985-8469 Churn, Crocks, Antique High Dining Room Takes. Chairs, WALLPAPERING 4 PAINTING ny No kids, no pets Chair, Tubstand, Lustreware, ts utches, Creamer, Cups & Saucers, and han yi & Chairs Cal Roy Povey 965-0940 many mare primitives. Solid. No Veneer. TT lerms : Cash Lunch Available Finished in Your choice of stain PAnTIG, WALLPAPERING EARL GAUSLIN WOODWORKING even the dog house ... GAS & PLUMBING (416) 640-3079 (416) 985-8774 Ray at (416) 965-1910 REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT x SALE 115 North Port Rd., Port Perry Firep! for rent in Sun Valley. ucno 'S COMPANY Service. $500. por month, pus utiiios A a pape: NEW & USED AIRTIGHT offers Green Cleaning of Portside (416) 985-7754 Fridge, stove inchuded 985-926 1 hype opel STOVES & FIREPLACES Residences and Offices. B-- -- 200 PM | 10:30 2 Showrooms at 2 Locations All our ladies are criminally RICHARD APPLETON RENTAL - 121 (Viewing 102 AM) Over Ridge (416) 985-0715 through the police Quality Painting, Wallpapering, tion Hall. Avaliable for Main 81. Orono _ Bonded and Insured. Wood Refinishing, Texture COn0eP L 81, Orone EWOOD - All hardwood, Chamber member. Spraying, Plaster Repair. Weddings, Banquets, Dances Partial List includes : 8 pcs. FR - Al Sut NOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF Certified, Insured, and . Please contact Pine Dining Room Set, Butter- and split 16°, also firewood y Father Charfle 986-7071. (TF) nut Gate Leg Drop-leal Table, logs. Call 985-3361 (TF) SERVICE References available. uh : (416) 986-0689 or Phone (416) 985-9649 Chest, Washatands om TRUCK CAPS, box liners, hr Answering 725-0177. COKKEEPING SERVICES TWO BEDROOM Toronto's Old City Hall), 3 old running boards. Sales and ~~ -- PING SERVICES Main Floor Apartment, Floor Van & Truck World FREE LANCE Small Business Central Port Perry, ior r1o0a) Mine. Tables Call 579-6068 TF GRAPHIC ARTIST Trial Balance 1 General Ledger available March 1st. ( ). Misc. Logos - Letterheads - Flyers Sales Tax, G.S.T. Retums $700. plus hydro, no pets. (Drop Leaf, Occasional, pp i R c ) Kitchen, etc.), Misc. Dressers & poi Please call (416) 985-1616 KEEP TRACK --_---- Chests of Drawers. Ash Side- on any one t wind- SE in Car Oe Hoe Tans Large 'wolecnon of oid Shleld insurance claim {with © BCATYRNG SERVICE _ oesane Bob backs onto river. Collector Toys including NC JT SR cvoclrl wifi -- Overload, Resumes, Essays. Reasonable Rates, No GST 750. month, Plus 8 uiitor, ria pe ry nity th Now Avia Call Bernice (416) 986-0653 Call Jim 986-5892 SP Gans and cs. , Planes, Toy VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM Collectables include Old Signs and Tins, Old Doll and Camiage * Fresh made Sandwiches, apartment, overlooking lake and Crib, Wooden Boxes Soups & Salads for Lunch on Water Street in Port Perry. : : * Cream Cakes & Torten * Bulk Herbs & Spices, Candies, Baking Supplies * Cold Cuts & Sausages * Cheeses * Party Trays prepared now available at KOUNTRY BULK & DELI 38 Water Street, Port Perry Phone (416) 985-301 985-3007 Appliance Kevin (416) 985-1271 Citizen Classifieds 20 At Port Perry Printing, we can now offer you CUSTOMIZED COMPUTER FORMS at competitive prices. Call us today for your quote port parry printing BIBS limited 1 NORTH STREET SNOWPLOWING call 985-7622 Available March 1st Includes appliances, custom window blinds and private balcony. Coin laundry on $775. per month 985-8471 from 9 AM to 5 PM or 985-7263 evenings. > 'Personals | pp Personals | sas. INCLUSIVE private bachelor apartment, SINCERE SINGLES Personal Introduction Service A confidential way to meet that special person. Join Ontario's fastest growing membership Let us "change your life" Call Judy 725-5757 or Heather 1-800-667-3283. FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION ENDS MARCH! Big Agency NAME: Soulmates Profiles § (auctions NO Home Sales Visits, Fees or Pressures. Free Mail and Call Forwarding PECEEESEEENEESEEENEEENEEES Please send me Info Pack at No Cost or Obligation: Network for sincere singles of Faith Network for discerning singles O33 ADDRESS: Send Harrington Publications P.O. Box 453, Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1A5 or Call (416) 986-CARE SESESNEEESEEEENNERIEERESEES ground floor in farmhouse Suit one person. No pets Call (416) 986-5618 PRINCE ALBERT Bright, clean and nicely decorated, 2 bedroom apartment includes fridge, Edison Cylinders, Old Wooden Delivery Basket, Bells, etc. plus selection of Glass and China Limited Edition and Decorative Art Prints (Bateman, Snider, Simpson, etc.) selection of Named Milk Bottles from Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg area, etc. Plus Memorabilia (Postcards, Paper, Bottles, etc.) from this area Quality selection cf Jewellery including Rings, Old Gold Pocket Watch, Men's Omega Watch with four ten-point diamonds, etc. Misc. Old Coins (sets, silver dollars, singles, etc). Guns include Remington 22 Pump with Hexagon Barrel, Stevens 22 Crack Shot, 22 Single Shot Lever Action, National Arms Double Barrel 12 Gauge Shotgun, W. Richards Double Barrel & C.IL. 12 Gauge Model 402 Shotgun, (FAC required). This is a large, varied offering of articles with many smaller quality pieces. A must attend event for the true collector, so come early and plan on staying late, and enjoy a