wp" 16-- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, March 9, 1993 Family Math helps to make it all easier Math can be as easy as 1-2-3 for parents with a little creative thinking and some extra time to spend with the children A Family Math program at R.H. Cornish School gave parents the chance to work with their children using every-day items readily found around the home such as beans, tooth-picks, buttons and even coloured macaroni The parents and their children got together in the Library at the school each Thursday evening for the last five weeks "The whole idea of this is to familiarize parents with math (at the elementary school level) and to show parents that they can help with their children at home," said principal Stan Todd who served as the administrator for the Family Math program. As for the success of the program, he said it has been excellent with plenty of positive feed-back from parents Kathy Lavender, one of eight Cornish teachers who worked with the parents and the children said the same program will be offered again at the school next year, probably in the fall term There were five session at the school-two each for primary and junior and one for intermediate students and their parents Along with Ms. Lavender, the other teachers were Keith Crawford, Sheila Kenny, Shawn Smyth, Ruth Walling, Lise Middleton, Cathy Chase, Denise Jeffrey and Suzanne Parker Attendance each night varied, but there were as many as 70 parents and their kids working on math concepts in the Library. PUBLIC NOTICE The Regional Municipality of Durham IN THE MATTER OF D REGION THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham may pass by-laws authorizing construction of the following projects Road # Rd. Name 2 Simcoe St Taunton Rd 29 Lerpool Rd 55 Townline Rd Scugog Pickering Pickering Oshawa / Newcastle Municipality Location Simcoe St. from VanEdward Dr. to Lorne St, Port Perry Widening to 4-Lane Standard Taunton Rd. from Brock Rd. easterly to west of Church St New construction to 4-lane rural standard, includes CPR overpass bridge Liverpool Rd. from Glennana Rd. to Finch Ave Urban reconstruction Townline Rd. from Reg Rd. 58 (Adelaide Ave.) 10 Reg. Rd. 4 (Taunton Rd.) Upgrading to suitable standards MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS Reg. Rd. 5 Brock Rd Lakeridge Rd. Pickering Resurfacing Pickering Pickering Culvert replacement Reg. Rd. 5, Claremont Level crossing with CPR. Level crossing with CPR Various locations Plans showing details of the projects and the lands affected may be seen at the offices of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shall hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his or her land will be prejudicially affected by the by-laws and who applies on or before April 2, 1993, to the undersigned to be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on April 6, 1993. DATED at Whitby this 3rd day of March, 1993. T PREVEDEL, P. ENG. DIRECTOR of TRANSPORTATION Family Math program at Cornish school concluded last Thursday evening after five successful sessions designed to help parents help their kids with math. In photo from left are Mike Dalby, teacher Kathy Lavender, Sue Dalby, teacher Ruth Walling, Angela and Kevin Dalby. Pine Ridge Garden Club looking forward to spring The Pine Ridge Garden Club kicked off the 1993 season with a Pot Luck Supper at the Nestleton Community Hall Our new President, Betty Forsyth, began the meeting by presenting our Past President, Shirley Love, with a Horticultural Service Certificate. Pat Kingstone then presented the Club with a trophy in memory of her husband John (a long-time member and Past President). The trophy will be presented to the exhibitor with the most points in Classes 7-13 (Gladiolus) during the September Show. Ann Bourke (District Director) was our guest and brought us news and information on the District General business was then discussed. FREE | for Mom & Dad! | FREE Face Painting & Suckers for the Kids. Consignments Welcome. Grand Opening | SATURDAY, MARCH 13th All Ages Second Hand Shop 117 PERRY ST., PORT PERRY 985-9237 Coffee & Cookies Shop early while supplies last We then took a trip to New Zealand and Holland, thanks to the slides of our guest speaker -- Thea Brandenburg Our monthly competition was held. This month's category was "Irish Coffee" (an all green design in a coffee mug). Our winners were: 1st - Tettje Prins, 2nd - Margaret Trull, 3rd - Marliese Hassler, and 4th - Grace Proutt. The March 18th bus trip 1s planned for Thursday, April 15, 1993 to the National Home Show and Garden Festival at Exhibition Place in Toronto The group discount entrance fee 1s $5.00 and the bus charge will be $10.00. We plan to stay at the Show for supper Tickets will be available on March 26th at Lizylou Decorating Centre or at the April PRGC meeting. For more details, please call Shirley Love (986-6330). A reminder to all PRGC members -- Membership fees for 1993 are now due. Our next meeting 18 scheduled for April 6th at 8:00 p.m. It is our Annual Plant and Bake sale Our guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. Barry Picov. He will discuss Water Gardens Visitors are always welcome Legion public speaking Sunday, Feb. 21 saw a large group of young people gather | OPENING SPECIALS New Kids' Shoes Various Sizes $6.00 a Pair. New Handmade Baby Quilts Crib Size $26.95 Pram Size $21.95 Crib Sheets $8.00, flat & fitted Wed. to Sat. 10AM to 6 PM* Sundays 11 AM to 4 PM. at Branch 419 for a public speaking contest Those of us who were there fear for their wonderful country's future when we see the confidence and expertise of these young people. Students came from Scugog Township and were from Grade 4 - Grade 12. They spoke on subjects that were humorous and subjects that were serious including topics from "My Cat" through "Travel", "My Mom", and the lasting and excellent speech on "Racism" The winners were: Speakers: Grade 4,56 McLaughlin Grade 7,8 Richardson Grade 12 - Michelle Morton Essay: Senior - Katie Talbot Intermediate - Sarah Breem Junior - Lexime Kuhne Poems: Senior - Laurel Solomon Intermediate - Melissa Moore Junior - Dom Hall Posters: Intermediate: Stephenson Junior: Randy Nicholas The students who entered these compositions must have very proud parents and we at Branch 419 wish them success in the future. have no Brandi Geavey John