rT Sp CET Wg TOE Pineridge Chorus takes 2nd place The Pineridge Chorus arrived home in high spirits from the Regional Competition in Syracuse, New York recently, having earned the second-place small chorus award. This year, any chorus with 37 members or less was considered a small chorus. The chorus is judged in four Gateway was third. « Director Arlene Boothroyd, was extremely pleased with the overall performance of the chorus. Their polished choreography was a real crowd pleaser. 'This was a very rewarding experience for all the members. Several members of the chorus categories: music, sound, expression, and showmanship, are from the Port Perry area. Region 16 of Sweet Adelines They include: Val Buxcey, Pat International consigts of twenty five choruses from upper New York State and ~ Central Ontario. The 1993 Regional Champion is the * Nofth Metro Chorus from Toronto. Kingston Chorus placed second and Buffalo Rankin, Susan Strickland, .Jean Lorish, Sally Kane, and Darlene Terry. New members are always 'welcome. The chorus rehearses Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Uxbridge Music Hall. [FSTNGE THOSE Two FAVE STARTED COACHING TOGETHER YOURE JUST MY ASSISTANT AND DON'T YoU FORGET ITS Blue Collar 1 Ba rt THEY'VE REALLY STRENGTHENED THEIR FRIENDSHIP ¢ © APNE 5 HAR! YEH, BUT | Do ALL ME WORK AAC! ISN'T FRIENDSHIP GRAND 1 Equestrian Centres FS - STRUCTION & ThA & TRAINING AVAILABLE OUTDOOR ARENAS Cy CARE for YOUR SPECIAL HORSE 5 Min. North of Seagrave - J. OLDAKER (705) 357-3462 J. poBSON Miscellaneous Services PRESSURE WASHING : Homes, DRIVEWAY SEALING RR §, PORT PERRY D&R ENTERPRISE Commercial LAWN CARE : Cutting, Rolling, Thaiching, Aerating 416-985-8969 To caw: Jog H DURHAM APPLIANCE yd | leekend Service * oe on Fully Guaranteed * Buy'& gmt on ao REACH ROAD (Just East of Hwy. 12) Monday to Friday 10 AM to 6 PM; Saturday 10 AM to 2 PM {CATERING |, For All Your Needs Large & Small BAR TENDING, SERVICE, STAFF Stables at Greystone 985-1598 Play to Win! SPORTS SELECT PRO-LINE 1. Pick Your Favourite NHL & NBA Teams! ™ § fl BLUE COLLAR BART is brought to you | by XL GAS BAR, Hwy. 7A & Simcoe. a i ass Automotive Services We Keep Your Car Shining! MARK'S COMPLETE CAR CARE 94 WATER ST., PORT PERRY Res. 985-1250 Bus. 985-8091 NEES GO-FER IT! GO-FER COURIER SERVIC Call by 11 AM for Sanie Day Service Throughout Ontario OSHAWA (416) 435-6339 TORONTO (416) 931-5571 P.0. Box 61, Group Box , RR#S, Port Perry, Ontirlo L9L 1B6 "Complete Locksmith. Service' R. STERN LOCKSMITH: WHERE QUALITY & PRICE IS RIGHT! 1-800-485-LOCK 1:705-328-1393 416-831-8536 mobile ic fas pr * Fowsr Ol Changes (once a year) DEALER : WALTER do VINES 623-7107 PRICES AVAILABLE 1 Tr 1\Whl'1 FENDER Distributors of Aftermarket (416) 886-3441 (705) 432-2683 * | 228 Park RA.S., Oshawa 436-3227 Auto Parts « Prices * OPEN 9105 °° Wed., Thurs. Fri. 8109; Sat. 8105. MANCHESTER [ROI RETIOAY NIRYIY COMPLETE COLUSION SERVICE ® specializing in Unibody Repairs MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS Brakes - Tuneups - Exhaust "oer. 085.1775 1223 KING ST, Courtesy o Nr it 985-1036 /