LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Still not tuned in to the ozone problems To the Pditor; Judging by the number of cases of sunburn I've seen lately, there are still many folks who have not yet caught on to the fact that the problem with ozone layer depletion is a very real and immediate threat. ! Adults are free, | suppose, tb take their chances with skin cancer, but it seems to me that we have certain responsibilities where our children are concerned. We all need to make new rules about kids wearing hats, sunscreen and sunglasses on a regular basis if we care anything about protecting their health. In Australia there is a law about children going to school with hats and neck scarves. Fish and animals are going blind in the southern hemisphere as a result of ozone depletion. If ever there was an environmental problem to render the NIMBY (not in my backyard) phenomenon meaningless, this is surely the one! . Ozone depletion will affect every single creature on this planet. Damage will not be limited to increased rates of skin cancer and cataracts; its effects are also expected to include di to the i system plus crop failures and disruption of marine food chains. This is a biggie, folks. Ignoring it is certainly not going to help make it go away! What can each of us do? That's hard to say in 25 words or less - it's a complicated issue, and more is being learned daily. One thing local people can do Loving To the Editor: 'With the arrival of spring and the emergence of tulips and daffodils, I am reminded of our 50 year relationship with the Dutch people both here in Canada and in the Netherlands. This relationship was born out of the conflict and ashes of World War 2. Thé Dutch Underground and private citizens aided in the escape of many Canadian soldiers, especially airmen, from Nazi occupied Europe to Great Britain. In turn, Canadians were largely responsible for the liberation of Holland in 1944 and the air dropping of food supplies to that starving country during the last winter of the war. The seeds and bulbs, if you will, of this relationship were thus planted and many Dutch emigrated to Canada in the years following the war. In fact, after years of hard work, some eventually purchased farms and settled in-Scugog Township where they have is come to Port Perry High School on Thursday, May 27 at 7:30 p.m. and watch the video "Chlorine Cover-up: Ozone Destruction." This 50 minute video promises not just to inform us about the nature of the problem, but also to provide strategies for dealing with it. The Friends of the Earth group in Ottawa has promised to send some handouts. Some people believe it is already too late to do anything. But since it is not possible for human beings to live on this planet without the ozone layer, do we not owe it to our Hildren to do whatever we can to halt its destruction? . Janet Banting Greenbank, Ontario care for the Cenotaph significantly reinforced the backbone of the Agricultural Community here. 1 would like to make special mention of one particular lad, who quietly and meticulously time Canadian citizen. Due to her care, the small iron fenced and canon ball topped plot at the four corners in Blackstock * erupts at this time of year bl d with col of red tends to the garden and grounds of the cenotaph memorial in Blackstock. Ria Hoogeveen is a one time Dutgh immigrant and long and white, green and yellow. This is in sharp contrast to the grey scudding clouds and showers that often seem to accompany a Remembrance Pretty hot in the To the Editor; After attending a packed public meeting in 'Greenbank Sunday night to update the community regarding the proposal to locate an earth- moving equipment school on a hill adjacent to a Class 1 wetland (on Blue Mountain Road Scugog) I conclude that Scugog Louncil has more ego than potential tax revenue at stake. 'The SCOPE executive granp has done its homework. Their efforts show that Scugog Council has resolved to amend the zoning (6 to 1) from i ZS TTT 57» GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE +o. Located on N.E. Corner Hwy. 12 & 47 Crimson King Maple 225 cm (7') Potted . Reg. 46.00 NOW ... Deborah Maple or Norway Maple 225 cm. (7) Potted Reg. 42.00 NOW ... Sale ends June 30/93 odok ALSO kok 30% Off MULCH sate ends June 3093 Cocoa Bean Mulch - 85 L., reg. 9.95 Bark Mulch - 3 cu.ft. reg. 7.50 Bark Mini-Nuggets - 3 cu.ft, reg. 8.50 ...NOW 5.98 Bark Nuggets - 3 cu.ft., reg. 9.50 32.20 29.40 _-- NOW 6.96 NOW §5.28 NOW 6.05 (416) 985-7667 or 985-4862 r agricultural to industrial, based on preliminary studies and/or studies where the basis for study was faulty. In fact SCOPE is prepared to put its money where its mouth is, all the way to the Ontario Municipal Board. Sunday night, angry and vocal residents were eager to hear Mayor Hall's side of the story. He addressed the crowd briefly to say he "had not come to answer questions" but for the first time announced that there would be a public meeting before the final vote to amend land use. Perhaps what he did come for was to RON Day service. The Blackstock cenotaph is certainly worth more than a glance at this time of year, Thank you Ria, your efforts are noticed and appreciated by many of us. J.D. Churchill DVM, Capt. (RCAC) Blackstock. kitchen further abuse the group by saying, "their opposition arose from the desire to keep the construction out of their own backyards." On one point of contention a red-faced Councillor (Ken Carruthers) shouted at a woman to "shut up". Tsk,tsk; it gets pretty hot in the kitchen. - What politicians continue to fail to realize is that at least half the electorate is more intelligent, better educated, better prepared and sometimes motivated by enlightened self- interest. On the subject of the environment, what is good for Turn to page 12 LEE WATER SUPPLY Cisterns ® Wells @ Pools Or any of your Water Needs NESTLETON 986-4564 THE Quilter's MOBILE 434-0454 ? Cupboard SPRING SALE Thurs., May 13th to Sat. May 22nd Shop Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10 to 5 #4 SANDY HOOK RD., UXBRIDGE Phone (416) 852-3617 1 1/2 km. north of Brock & Main Streets Dd .