~ wp" 3-- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, June 8, 1993 eum 9 oF (SUN VAINKS CALENDAR June Sth to June 22nd, 1993 ¥ MONTH LONG EVENTS * Kent Farndale Gallery, Scugog Memorial Public Library presents: scenes of Everjéay Lile Worle on Copper by Michal Michael Poulton. from May 29th tp June * Port Perry Alateen ior 21 youth do vg ive or relative or friend with a drinking lem. Meets every Tuesday Night at the Port Perry United Church, Simcoe & Queen Street, ring at 7:30 PM. lanon - Adult Children of Alcoholics meets every Tuesday Night at the Port Perry United Church starting at 8 PM. For those who have a parent, Halve 9% friend with a drinking problem. * Bingo every Wednesday at 7 PM at the Catholic Church Hall. * Port Perry T Tai-Chi Club End House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jeffrey Street from 7:30 to 9:30 PM * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wed. 7 PM at Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Island (follow signs). Fiddlers, Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Adm. $2. 985-7557 or 985-9807. * TOPPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday 7 PM at the Anglican Church Hall. New members welcome. * Port Perry YMCA Day Camp Registration is now being taken. For morg information or to obtain a complete. Day Camp brochure please call the YMCA office at 985-2824. * Registration now being taken for Summer Day Camp at the Brooklin Day Nursery. For more information and fee schedule please call Rosemary O'Brien 655-3864. Spaces are limited, so register early. * Parents - Enter your Baby in Festival Days 'Best of the West" Baby Contest. Contact Big Brothers / Big Sisters for more info. TUESDAY, JUNE 8th * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meets at 8 PM, for coffee, cards and conversation at Simcoe Hall Settlement House 387 Simcoe St.'§outh. Everyone welcome. 436-5089 or 728-1011 WEDNESDAY; JUNE 8th * Seniors' Meeting at Latcham Centre 2 PM; Pot luck Supper at 5 PM: THURSDAY, JUNE 10th * A evening of light classical music with concert pianist Sergvei Paviov . at the Port Perry United Church, 8 PM. Tickets will be available at the door or by calling 985-2801. * Blackstock Fair Board meets at 8 PM at the Blackstock Rec Centre. FRIDAY, JUNE 11th # * Yelverton United Church Pork BBQ starting 4:30 PM. Adults $9.; Children $4.; Pre-schoolers Free. * Bingo at the Nestieton Community Centre starts 7:30 PM * Seagrave Park Assoc. Annual Men's Slo-Pitch Toumament 12 Teams (over 30 years of age). Call sac -1226, 985-3269. * Victory Christian Centre welcomes Bill , Dominion '93, Miracle Crusade, 7:30 PM at S.A. Cawker Public School. SATURDAY, JUNE 1 *L.S.RA. Ball Game - Firomen's Association vs. Durham Police Association at the Ldaton Park 7:15 PM. $2.00 por porson. of $5.00 per * Port Perry Anti & Craft Show at Scugog Arena from 10 10 5. tique * Yard Sale starts 9 AM at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Queen St. * Rabies Clinic at Blackstock Arena for Cats and Dogs only - 10 to 2. $12. per animal (exact change). Animals must be restrained, over. four months of age, and in good health. * Seagrave Park Assoc. Annual Men's Slo-Pitch Tournament , 12 Teams (over 30 jars of age). Call 985-1226, 985-3269. Scugog Memorial Public Library is hold a Monster Yard Sale from 8:30 to 5 PM; a Silent Auction from 8:30 to 1 PM; and an Auction Sale starting dt 2:30 PM at the Kinsmen Hall, Port Perry. * Scugog Island on Sale - Yard Sale at the Island Community Centre from 9:30 AM to 2 PM. Bake Table, Wood Carvings, Cosmetics, Crafts, Refreshments, Sponsored by the Grace UCW. * Victory Christian Centre welcomes Bill Prankard, Dominion '93 Miracle Crusade, 7:30 PM at S.A. Cawker Public School. SUNDAY, JUNE 13th * Port Perry Antique & Craft Show at Scugog Arena from 10 to 5. * Cruisin' Classics Car Club cruisin at Scugog Shores Museum from 110 3 PM. Everyone welcome, Adm. $2.50, proceeds to Museum. * Seagrave Park Assoc. Annual Men's Slo Pitch Toumnmament 12 Teams (over 30 years of age), Call 985-1226, 985-3269. & * Victory Christian Centre welcomes Bill Prankard, Dominion '93 Miracle Crusade, 11 AM at S.A. Cawker Public School. TUESDAY, JUNE 15th » * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meets at 8 PM, at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Guest speaker Sandy Yorke on 'How to Grow an Adult'. reduce stress in child rearing responsibilities, 436-5089 or Howe 16) 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 17th * Scugog Library presents W.A.O. Women Against Ostoporosis, Speaker Marjorie Wilson on Staring at 7 PM. Tickets $1. at the Library. * Borelians Community Theatre Annual General Meeting 7:30 PM, at the Port Perry Hall. Members and new SATURDAY, € * Think Kites -- The newest in Kite Technology demonstrated by Dirrel Kyle, Steve Polanski and friends on the waterfront at the No +, Scugog Library. No charge. * St. John's Ambulance Babysitting Course for students 11 to 13 years at the Scugog Library from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. $25. covers course and materials. Pre-registration at the library is necessary. * Farmer's Market is Opening at the Port Perry Fairgrounds - Every Saturday from 8 AM to 1 PM until October. Call evenings 985-8044. The Citizen will publish events in tk charge for non-profit groups. Your user friendly, [[olor:1] ol-To] sl =H oF: To L-I000 THE SCUGOG CITIZEN Mall design under fire From page 1 possible. This is the d we are getting from the tenants," he said. tating that there are eadlines from tenants, Mr. Cornacchia requested that council endorse the design presented on Monday. But council referred it to "a planning Ineeting slated for June 14. It's not fair to Sone to ask for approval after a half-hour presentation," said Mayor Hall who asked for the design to be dealt with again this coming Well-known Scugag resident Dean Kelly seen with daughter Katherine celebrated the 96th birthday of Dean's mother Alice 'Kelly on May 23rd. Born In 1897 in the Victorian age, she drove her own car til she was 80 and recalls the old days when she first drove you didn't need a driver's licence. Monday. Granddaughter Katherine, Director of Television at Sick The design unveiled Monday Children's Hosphtal, joined In the celebration with family and got some support from friends. " councillors, Ward 8 rep Kep' ! Gadsden and area illor 4 Harvey Graham both said it matters not to them if there is one or two fast food outlets in the parking area. 4th Annual PORT PERRY ; B® Antiue & Craft Show SATURDAY, JUNE 12th, 1993 from 10to § SUNDAY, JUNE 13th, 1993 from 10to 5 Scugog Arena Featuring Over 50 Vendors Sponsored by the Arena Board Info call 985-8840 "Beautiful Port.Perry on the Shores of Lake Scugog" Admission : Adulfs $2.50; Children $1. (under 12 Free) The Borelians Community Theatre is havingits annual y 2 ley an aventig Wien) si classical GENERAL MEETING | | sskavirmviov at Port Perry Town Hall on te A 8:00 PM - THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 1993 Admission : Adults (19 or over) $8.; Youth $6.; Family Rate $20. (An informal reception will follow the performance.) Tickets available at the door of by calling 985-2801. THURSDAY, JUNE, 17th, 1993 All members are encouraged to attend andinew members are most welcome. The meeting will start at 7:30 PM. Refreshments will be served. = Ay | LAKESIDE RESTAURANT - at - (E101 4 207 (Q BT BAY 1% § 21 LQ tN e101 LY SCUGOG ISLAND, PORT PERRY 985-9763 We offer : : B Outdoor, WaterfrontPatio Bl All New Focilfies HM Open, Spacious Dining Room. x ® Waterside Dining with + Parking and Docking Avaliable W Breakfast Menu 'B Lunch Specigls BW Snacks and Dinner Menu, B Take-out HM Licenced under LLBO W Open 7 Days a Week