J po Scugog Citizen -- June8, 1993 31 da . Li | #VIRGO Your LA 2% AY Astro BWANA Ta hy David Bishop GEMINI (May 22,June 21): Success in your professional life brings about a buoyed sense of self confidérice in whi u may over-exceed your abilil new projects as you will have'not examined your expectations and objectives in a sensible manner. You will need to be sure of your proficiency in tasks about the home or work environment rather than sjumping . forward and shave embarrassment be the outcome. The Lold saying "Look before you leap" is "key this week. "ANCER (June 22-July 22): Yop need to let down your guard a little more so that someone who is preparing lo be & co- creator ina new project can do so without having to fulfill your need to "have others demonstrate their Toyalty to you: You may miss out on a great Ainancial boon if you do not, and 'remember, youP'recognition will come, during the to you in the end. Your ability to be humble has:allowed others to see you in a very different way afid Will be congenial and seek you out, ¥ LEO ' (July 23-Aug. 22): The Moon presents you with opportunities to bring about a positive change in your personality and as well in your style of living. You Will be inclined towards helping others out and may infringe on allowing them to learn how 10 adapt to changing times'and a learning experience. You will need to find some short and injgnse quiet tines for yourself to help you sort out and reflect on the changes that are happening 50 that yol not-feel 'crazy.' LJ (Ag. 23- Sept. 22): The "Sun indicates a time when relations with .| your mate or a Business partner are on A ------ June 9 - June 135 'endeavour didn't work. * SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): Mars brings tension between you and a partner or loved one which may increase due to a"difference of opinion, You will likely be full of. energy at this time and ready to take on anything that , comes your way. The mixture of creative energy with a partner's. realism and practicality could. prove most rewarding. Failure to do so may cause unwanted problems. Watch' ott you won't be very objective after the weekend and may say someting regretful. CAPRICORN (Dec: 22-Jan. 20): Your Mars aspect will bring about a great deal of energy as far as romance is concerned. The power of attraction and desire for love is imfiense, but you should exercise caution before entering a flew relationship which may come about , couple of weeks. You will also be inclined toward physical "activities, like sports, especially with Ane opposite sex. Find time this wskend for solitude and rediscover "AQUARIUS "(Jan 21-Feb. 19): You fay come across a mental or spiritual 'block" that could become a 'crisis' if you begin adopting new ways of thinking that are suspect, but exciting to try and explore. Using reliable and steadfast ways of coping will get you through the hindrarice, before you begin a new avenue of mental exploration. Mars will affect your levels of physical energy and you may feel like breaking out from any strictures you feel others have placed on you, PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 19): This i s an excellent time 10 sway others to 'cause' through speeches or clever solid ground. should come easily at this time and can do much good for your disposition now. Mercury and Jupiter bring an opportunity to megs someone who will broaden your perspéitive and indicates travelling to new or "unexplored places ina phygical or mental sense, if you are open to meditation or quiet Walks alone. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct 22); Mars and 'Venus mark a time when its best to thinking is most clearheaded and grasping. Your passion for truth and honesty will make others accountable for what they are saying about others, particularly in their exaggerations. Be careful that | you do not spur them - into aggressiveness. Romance again fosters an intense desire to try (Mar 20 - Apr 20): This is a time when you greatly desire to keep the take it easy and let others have theigfflh peace and quiet in the family setting. way. Demanding what you want could lead to frustrations and ill feelings among friends. It may also be a time when you are exposed to someone's beliefs that seem to be very concrete, but appear to be suspect. Be Sautious of these new ways. of thinking or acting, rather rely on your ability to investigate and see both sides before giving these pe ty. SCORNO™ (Oct 23-Nov 22): You begin to ~. prediscover that conventionality and * your own sense of creativity 2 originality can- be compatible as lon, as you smploy restrain on your impulsivity. This practice will allow you to functionrand live without the Tlingit ou se Drs weed oy those who would want to place greater restrictions on your ventures. Call an old friend, reflect on the past for further understanding of why a co- Parental instincts may come to the forefront now, and you may make every effort to appease any discordance in the home. Also there is a. strong wish to make your surroundings as piéasant gs possible. . Venus brings interactions With the opposite Joy 0 that are stimulating and Jeligum, 10 wall you meet TAURUS |, . (Apr 21 -.May 21): Some of the possibilities that have popped up, all seem to have similar aspects' perceptions attached to them, wi may cause you to think and reflect on the te of thange that they present. It is time when you may be the recipignt of attention and probable success on the work-front. Be-humble afd enjoy it and watch for opportunities to be help to others in the best manner possible: Domestic tranquillity may be threatened shortly. - > All Dates for Astrological Signs May Vary, Depending on Year. QUALITY EMMERSON - at i PORT CLEANERS 193 QUEEN STREET © 251 Queen St.-985-7105 REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS * SUEDES - LEATHERS + LOOSE RUGS* SHIRT LAUNDRY PORT PERRY LIL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 | All Types of Insurance CITIZEN All You Really Need in a Newspaper ... SCUGOG 36 Water Street RORT PERRY 2985-6397 . . In Harve] Moon Kasey 'n Company 0 TE A GREAT SPERKER ONE HAS TO TALK WITH ONE'S BODY, NOW, VHAT DOES MY B0DY SAY WHAT IS IT CARMIE ? Word Seaich Colourful Characters of the OldWest Moy 26th mystery word is "VICTORIA", 4 RDOOLINADIRHSY BART (lak FORD bob)" * ERPHORNMEKRUBC ARGH. HCOOLMIND TALYOUNO&SIUOA Johnny)" HORSE (crazy) SWAORCTFTCLD SR BONNEY (wiliam) HOWARD (i TOCMNRAROL OST Oo ce ly re. CHENUGURARAY EH BULL iting) JOHNSON (iver HISAOLBCSEDDBO CARSON) KELLY elise) ICRKPTCAOOUMEM QusmMuMg KID (the apache) SKOEEMNNUDNCRP tig Toran UOHDALNAAGYCKS opyilam) MCALL Gack MK'PRAELRLHHUEO CURRY (Dignose) = OAKLEY (annic) SEMAYOHNSONEB LE CUSTER Gog 4 Da RINGCOAKLEYOU TH pao, am. DOOLIN (bill) THOMPSON (ben) Mystery Word = * EARP (wyatt) TRACY (hay) > "(martha jane) ; | CLUE: little yellow bird that serenades you Next week: Dear A.A. Loyalty amongtriends is rer year as you ol find that they can be very helpful to you and yours. The exchange will not just be one sided as | thege may be times when you feel as though you are constan energy to them. Your mentabattitudes and ideas will gain and nurturing as you find your self in "the public eye for soe. of. your | community oriented achievements. aie giving time and ugh discipline = i