Scugog Citizen - Tuesday June 22, 1993 31 4a Weekly Astro AWA RY = [DR PPS TO HN TT CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20): Companionship still flourishes and many more opportunities will crop up, but only if [TTL TOR IO 11) TOA) . egocentricity, CANCER (June 22-July 22): Make sure that both your expectations and abilities you place yourself in si that are conducive to being sociable. If you choose not to, the Moon inclines you to a stimulated emotienal life, making conflicts with loved ones a likelihood unless care is taken to treat them as you would have them treat you. You may see the family circle increase in numbers through marriage or a new birth, Celebrate. AQUARIUS (Jan21 - Feb 19): The Moon and Venus fill you with the desire to be * with friends and have a good time. Engaging in any type of social activity should bring favourable results. Break out of the strictures that you have imposed on yourself that prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest, such 'as shyness, overindulgence and fear-based actions. Personal and romantic feelings may inferfere greatly with your ability to work well. However, this will bring opportunity for PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar. 19): Your thirst for freedom and excitement, while a boon to any reldtionship, should not are ble before making decisions and following through on them, as you may be committing yourself 10 something that may cost you in irretrievable money, time conditions for which you were unaware, or in your public standing and esteem. Your need for emotional stability seems to be levelling out and becoming less inclined to "blow your Sop 251 as often. Enjoy life and be loving. Le 23-Aug. 22): The impetus to participate in physical aetivity, any activity that involves the opposite sex, (parent, child, mate) will prove quite rewarding in alleviating your persistent mood swings and stresses related to them. Saturn indicates a time when romance may sour. face tremendous responsibilities in relationships with loved ones and are apt, if not cautious, to stifle your need to express desires openly. alow others to take some of the burden. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Let go of your great need to control all the aspects of your life. The ups and downs of the changes in your life will not stop to be youl devs making processes. You may experience your own unrealistic 'expectations of a partner, While your ability to detect your partner's true feelings is great, you should not let your high idealism cloud your judgement of another's abilities and talents. Your high physical energy should be channeled into work or hew projects. ARIES (Mar 19-Apr. 20): Pluto indicates a gradual dissolution of family ties and reales a fear that the family may go in separate directions. If trust, love and communication are open and well based in daily living, this should not | be a difficulty as the excitement of exploration of dreams needs to be allowed jn all relationships. "Emotional and/or physical distance is not destructive to the process of living life. Let go of the chains. TAURUS (Apr. 21-May 21): Your domestic tranquillity may be-disrupted through your feelings of loss in the workplace. Remember to stay calm and that blowing, your top can prove most You may a muddled thinking process if you allow the lled by you. The best you can do is to be calm and reasoning while they take place. Others in your life may be associated with change, but your present lifestyle is accountable for why the change is required. It will only make your life better, unless you conclude that the needed effort is not worth the possible benefits and effect. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct 22): Venus marks a period when romance is strong and the opportunity to express affections is rewarding. You may experience many new situations during this transit when a new relationship may begin, particularly one of a physical, loving nawre. If already involved, this aspect will increase your compatibility and bring new avenues for mutual adventure. Additionally, your powers of greativity are * SCORPIO 2 "(Oct 23-Nov 22)! Venus and tend to loosen your longue as you . enjoy talking. The communication applies to relationships as well, and you tend to be more rational in your dealings with loved ones. The Moon encourages you to break the chains that you feel ' serious to become a total and unchanging focus. Break loose and allow your desire for the outdoors and physical activity to bring about a greater degree of clarity to your thoughts. Dou Kees it. - GEMIN (May 22-une 21): You will find that wherever you go there are people who want to talk with you and possibly pursue different levels of relationships with you. Your magnetic attraction is at its highest during the next couple of days. So much so, that you may fikd you re proe to an romantic activity that even surprises + you in its complexity and multi-level intimacy. Your optimism is an appealing quality if you suppress you d with relationships, and also brings a time of great} enjoyment, but only if you and form realistic expectations of 'others. Enjoy tem, do not manipulate. SAGITTARI (Nov. 23-De%. $8 Mercury stimulates your mind and ability to communicate ideas to others. You may however, fail to listen to the sound ideas of others. Venus romotes both intimacy and deep motionalism in your 'love; relationships. However, you should watch for going 'overboard' during this time. Too much of even a good thing can £0 bad. You will meet or f with who will encourage travel to 'unexplored' places. "QUALITY at PORT CLEANERS 251 Queen St. 985-7105 REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS SUEDES - LEATHERS LOOSE RUGS SHIRT LAUNDRY EMMERSON 193 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY LSL 1B9 (416) 985-7306 All Types of Insurance + All You Really Need in a Newspaper ... SCUGOG CITIZEN. 36 Water Street PORT PERRY 985-6397 In Harveit Moon Kasey 'n Company KNEE ON YOUR CHEST. DOC, ITS HARD TO BELIEVE A MAN TELLING YOU IT WON'T "HURT WHEN HE'S SECURING HIS All dates for Astrological Signs may vary, depending on the year. ADDERSTONGUEAT "NAEKHOEBOEDLHR EEEAOLLILIBEKLI MHWRDOOULASCCL OWTDOMIEENOUO L- NORNDOVTDJ]RSWI ERAAENGSNUMY § U DANDEION- NRMMNS JUAMIFLM" IASUDSOSDCRN.IR BRGLREBAYPPOPF MBELOALNTTMHEPEP UUNENLOCOWEEDU LTTIPUOLAIGP KR *. OWGINHPDEDNRAE CSANLIRRFLATL EQNEKONOULESI I KWAHXEOAAASCL LERROSTLXFBAYE A Look Ahead for Birthdays This Week - June 23 - June 29 Emotionally you find great depths .of self understanding and may endeavour to fund this through generosity in volunteer organizations and charitable group activities where your time and effort 'can be of the greatest help to those | in need. You may discover that a family secret is going to be revealed sometime in the fall. Or an almost secretive atmosphere which will create some tension if not discussed. You gain through public standing with your. mental and. "A the Woods" 4 > ADDERS TONGUE* LILY ANEMONE LUPINE ARBUTUS MANDRAKE ARROWHEAD | - MULLEN, ASTER PHLOX BLOODROOT POPPY BLUETS PRIMROSE COLUMBINE PURSLANE 4 RHODODENDRON SMARTWEED GENTIAN SOLOMON'S SEAL GERANIUM * SORREL GRASS (blue_eyed) ~~ SUSAN HAWK (weed) | TOADFLAX HEPATICA . TRILLIUM HONEYSUCKLE TWINLEAF LAUREL VIOLET i Mystery Word s NC. Eating it causes illness to horses, L +n sheep and cate. A Last puzzle's mystery word: N CANARY (Martha Jane) Next week: Dear Astro Advisor! intellegtual capabilities. Word Search » -