Tourism means big $$$ According fo a study released last week; tourism is one of * Durham Region's leading, but unrecognized industries, generating in excess of $300 million annually in revenue and employing close to 30,000 people. These findings are based on a Durham Region tourism- * operator survey and focus groups. and are corroborated * by three independent sources. The study, based on research over the past nine months was and this study proves unequivocally it is one of major significance. We know this industry has unlimited poténtial and serious attention needs to be directed to the recommendations contained in the study." . * While Durham has not yet developed a reputation as a destination market, it cap certainly take advantage ofits geographic position to become a day trip and opportunity market for reqidents of the conducted * by Mr. Dan GTA. . Borewec an independent According to Norm Leigh, consultant and instructor in Manager of Business Hospitality Manag $ at evelop t for the Regi Durham College. / and Special Advisor to the The Durham = Region Economic Development, Department, sponsor of the study, has long felt that tourism plays a much larger part in the regional economy than is commonly accepted. * * Patrick Olive, Commissioner of Economic Development stated, "We have always recognized tourism as an important component in the econqmy of Durham Region : now renting at : Fittin" Videos In the Nestleton Country Store 986-5131 Hwy. 7A - 8 Miles East.of Port Perry ; PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Report Card Pickup WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th ALL DAY - 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM - Summer Hou Monday to Thursday 8:00 Friday 8:00 AM to 1 " School Office CLOSED from August 3 to 20. Scugog Citizen -- Talay June 22,1993 --3_ Yay Tourist Association of Durham Region (TADR), "One of our prime marketing gbjecfives has to be to educate the people within Durham Region as to what they have in their own backyards. Community: leaders are being asked to examine the study and its recommendations and to support TADR and the Region in their efforts to promote Durham Region to residents _ and visitors alike, in thébelief that a strong tourism sector will, bring 'untold socio- economic benefits to the entire Region. Ploneer Days visitor Louisa Spinato of Toronto enjoyed all the displays and demonstrations at the Scugog Museum on Saturday. She aiso enjoyed some old fashioned face painting with volunteer Jenny Oosterholt doing the art work. RON LEE WATER SUPPLY Cisterns ® Wells ® Pools Or any of your Water Needs NESTLETON . MOBILE 986-4564 434-0454 4:00 A, 00 BREAD Z9¢ Reg. $1.45 SAVE 66¢ * FISHING TACKLE CLEARANCE ol -50% OFF All In-Stock Fishing Tackle The Daily Lottery mimamamsmsmimsnimeman Ih nsnamananay .. Rent Any Movie and Receive (with this coupon) at Nestleton Country Store "A Free $1. : 649 TICKET | with every movie rental Xi Limited to persons 18 years of age or over. srntdysasasasnedionsseimnensnengd am {i . STORE HOURS : Monday to Saturliay 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Prices effective Tuesday, June 22nd to Sunday, June 27th, 1993. OR While Quantities Last, We reserve the right to limit quantities.