wp" 6 -- Scugog Citizen .-- Tuesday , June 23, 1993 Ra Two well known Port Perry s were h d last Thursday with a retirement tea at Cornish school. Muriel MacMaster and Ken Barron are retiring after 35 years each In the teaching profession, most of them at Cornish school. Miss MacMaster sald she plans to "enjoy myself" In retirement and Mr. Barron will devote more time to his work with the Baptist church. Many colleagues and former students attended the retirement tea. BOOKS GALORE & MORE 10% OFF Regularly Priced = Merchandise After 7:00 PM [EAN VLR E 175 Perry St., Port Perry 7 Moonlight Madness 10 am to t, Friday, June 2 Many in store specials! AND WE'LL PAY THE TAX! ing in the Store! from 1 aul; GRAMMA GRUNT'S Country 985-0572 Officers of Port Perry Fidelity Lodge 428 Installed on June 14 are front from left Bro. Bill Henshall, Junior Deacon; Bro. George Zenglein, Senior Deacon; Wor. Bro. Don Bower, Im. Past Master; Wor. Brother Ralph Honey, Master; Bro. Peter Miles, Junior Warden; Rt. Wor. Bro. John Nottingham, D.D.G.M.; Rt. Wor. Bro. Matthew Diamond, Assistant Histarlan. Back from left Wor. Bro. John Ross, Historian; Wor. Bro. Howard Gautler, Tyler; Bro. Howard Humphrey, Inner Guard; Wor. Bro. Gordon Smith, Chaplain; Bro. Mark Bayley, Senior Steward; Bro. Jim Hull, Junior Steward; Wor. Bro. Jim R , Di of Ce Wor. Bro. Jim Cookson, Secretary. Installing Officers for the 1193-94 executive of Fidelity Lodge #428 are front from left Wor. Bro. Ted Houch; Wor. Bro. Howard Gauthier; Wor. Bro. Don Bower; Wor. Bro. Ralph Honey , Master Elect; Wor. Bro. Charles Ash, Instaling Master; Rt. Wor. Bro. John Nottingham D.D.G.M; Rt. Wor. Bro. Jack Penfound. In the back from left are Very Wor. Bro. Ken Love; Wor. Bro. Norm Penstone; Wor. Bro. Doug Miller; Wor. Bro. Dave Pashley; Wor. Bro. Jim Baird; Wor. Bro. John Ross; Wor. Bro. Gord Smith; Wor. Bro. Jim Rushford; Wor. Bro. Jim Cookson; Wor. Bro. Jack Fallls; Wor. Bro. Earl Whitaker; Wor. Bro. Tom Anderson and Rt. Wor. Bro. Jim Marlow. ALL DAY BARGAINS [RCE (e](=Nelale Hola R (a[=RXTe [-1' oe] | 4 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM Only! GREAT MARKDOWNS on SHOES We will be CLOSED from 8 PM to © PM, When we go MAD! MAD! MAD! 9:00 PM to MIDNIGHT up to 0% OFF: EPT, STORE