Seuss Cligen -- Tuesday, July 13, 1998 -- 7 al Lon Bow Til REO = Your (ATA TAY ANY 4 a7, A PAR TR HAITI CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 - Jan. 20): You are apt to experience a sudden and unexpected change of Scenery in the workplace. Tis may ena going a now pos, new coworkers or embarking totally di¥(erem project or in interest in a opportunities for you 10 a en fail in the eyes of others. "Vows brings both intimacy and deep emotional ism to your love relationships. Watch out for going overboard emotionally. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19); You can likely expect » sudden shift in your routine of work today. You should be extremely stride. There may be flaro-ups between you and your intimates because of differing wants. Take time to stand in your friend's shoes before passing judgement. If not, there will quite certdinly be subtle changes in your relatibns. Empathy! ¢ (Feb. 20 - Mar. 19): There may be some difficulties in the workplace due to communication. It is important for the next few weeks to effectively "communicate your ideas to co-workers and those who work under you. This includes children if your work is your .| home. Your appetite for autonomy and exhilaration continues, while a definite boon to any relationship, should not completely dominate your mental processes. lt is an exciting time within a partnership! ARIES " (March 20-Apr, 20): It is an excellent time to f in sie form of community need, as your ability to sway others 10 your cause and goals through speeches or clever debating. Your thinking is clear, grasping and quick. Be careful, though, from taking it 10 the extreme and spreading your abilities and commitments into many l of toconvert loved ones could prove fatal 10 the intimacy of the relationship. "TAURUS (Apr. 21-May 21): The Mbon brings about a time in which you greatly desire peace and quiet in the family setting. Patemal instincts may come to the forefront now, and you may make every effort 10 appease any tensions and discord. Also there is a strong pleasant as possible. Whatever the outcome there may be some dissolution of family ties. if vou do not assertively go after the peace and y GEM (May 22-June 21): Physical and vy emotional desires are intensified and . any new relationships will be quite intense for the next few months. This intensity rouses your romance is heightened. With this take time to quietly take stock to Advisor wish to make your surroundings as amount of energy involved, you must sul July 14 July 20 CANCER (June 22-July 22): You may be more reflective and usial, his is near your birthday. Try. to as ari a 1 few days on either side of the event, as new ventures will likely prove successful. You should also expend great zeal in new money-making efforts show caution to what type of activities you engage in. Mostly though, you should avoid the desire to obtain material status symbols for the next while. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Urns [1 time, of spiritaal hough Rad idealism, and at the same time sudden possibililics to broaden horizons. kt can be & wonderful if you recognize your and seize them. You live but With family it may be a tis hen compromise could prove don't worry about always getting own way when out with friends; try to have fun. Experience the benefits of platonic relationships. +(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your sensitivis can' aM FASTBALL CHALLENGE July 14th 'See Ad Page 20! All You Really Need EMMERSON |[ notes wer- - SCUGOG | 193 QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY LOL My SINE 36 Water Street (0) 985-7306 rin J "All Types of Insurance 985-6397 In Harveit Moon Kasey 'n Company © AT OUR AGE. THE fies ait READ OBTaAR P Reuwnpn COLUMN. THING 1. » Na HOW'D YA LIKE A GAME OF KES SNA 'N LRODERS i f Wide you may find ths yo . are the caring ear for many frignds during the next few days. You will experience the feelings of serenity and may indulge in escapism especially in the ans. If directed properly, It can be constructive, rather than just wasting your's and other's, leisure. Your emotions may take on an aggressive- ness inclining you towards outbursts and anger in degiructiye days, if'you waste time. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct 23): Jupiteg and the Sun are in a rare transit that heralds the beginning of major changes in. your life. This change fills you with optimism and good cheer; things will almost assuredly go your way. Yow i is aroused feelings are deepened, This you 10 bestow tokens of your affection upon loved ones. Take a trip to a romantic setting! Let your innovation come to the fore, and delight yourself SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22): You find yourself tuned to the thought of friends and family .Interest in pgeligion or mysticism high, and your sympathies for others if-great. There is an indicatiosthat working with groups and partnerf will be on the increase, | Whether you wish to or not. Mental - SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): Satum teaches you to slow down and make yourself more realistic about your abilities and expectations for.success. Your nature may be very stoical now, as you pur- is serious attitude abogt your life. Sit down alone and get things prevent great di and hunt. fo successful, there will be immense pleasures in store. Direct all your thoughts and actions to the desired effect, cofisciously. Dates for Astrological signs may vary, depending on the year. * d on the mehtal level, then ask a friend to share their feelings about your ideas. Romantically, Venus. will instill an appealing, happy go luéky mood in you in 2 of 3 days. WORD SEARCH "But the Melody Lingers On" LJ YKSGROSSU VKOVGOUNO 30SI1GIERG IRKVERDIS BECAOWKS!II ELNLSXKONDO LHADARIKX I'ARIBCOAO UMP LCR RKH SBZUPOAOY TRPEVTVDH RAKDSEEAC AH ZONZLaL A UMHOEI TY $ S§ VRMB TRA SLKECANA] \ - - - NW = RA HH CZ mou OR EHX Ce» Z> >m ON im I --- COC O> > nm CW omE -- ----- OZ P= wm Zoe TO WOW IDO < ON om ZO > OE --~ E> ZU me ow xR BACH "MAHLER . BARTOK MOZART ® BEETHOVEN MUSSORGSKY BIZET PROKOVFEEV + BORODIN PUCCINI - BRAHMS RAVEL ~ ~ CHOPIN + RIMSKY-KORSAKOV * DVORAK ROSSINI *FRANCK SATIE GLINKA , SHOSTAKOVICH GREIG * HANDEL TCHAIKQVSKY HOLST "VERDI JANACEK = VIVALDI KODALY WAGNER LISZT 'Mystery Word Ss... ...2 8, He Cogposed 'Finlandia' . © June 22 Mystery word was "Locoweed" *_ This week's Mystery Word in July 27 issue { Look Ahead for Birthdays This Week = July 14 - July 2 Although there is somewhat of a balance of your attitudes in the inner, understanding and the outer displays of it, you will have little choice but to come to devélop a symmetry. You will be more outward directed in' seeking change and challenge in the job market as well in your public-standing. Romance:may come about at work if uninvolved, or you will take great passion into the 'Public arena where you may rely on your instincts. . w /