as wp" 3 -- Scugog Citizen - = Tuesday, July 13,1993 =z Borelia Co-op gets $384,000 grant People who live at Borelia Co- op Homes in Port Perry will be getting a "break on their heating bills thanks to a hefty grant from the provincial government. - Durham MPP Gord Mills visited Borelia last Wednesday morning to announce the $384,000 jobsOntario grant to convert all 70 of the housing units from electric heat to ITIZEN units will save about $600 per year in heating costs once the conversion has been completed this fall. "Projects like this are an important part of the government's plan to put Ontario back to work," said Mr. Mills. The $384,000 for Borelia is part of '$28 million in provincial funds ear-marked for wide range of energy conversion measures for non- Ni { CALENDAR July 13th to 27th, MONTH LONG EVENTS armers' Market at the Port Parry Falrgrouns avert Sst A Perry Alatoen for | Town + Cons Butt a the Jocragiton sociability, ravel JULY 13th the Latcham Centre starting 1:30 PM DAY, JULY 15th . Ubrary and Parka & Rec, present Pater Par atthe Port United Church at | PM. Admission $2 00 FRIDAY, JULY 16th and Parks & Rec present "Artistocrats al the Old 7 Ald. Admission SZ 1993 profit and public hotising. Borelia Co-op coordinator Pat Shannon and vice president Rick Grieveson were both delighted with last week's announcement, "The members of ghe Co-op will really benefit (from reduced heating bills) and so will the community from the jobs this creates. This is helping to make housing more Durham East MPP Gord Mills (right) with Borslla Co-op Co- ordinator Pat Shannon and Co-op V.P. Rick Grieveson, after Mills announced a $384,000 grant to the Co-op. See story. affordable," said Ms. Shannon. Work on the conversion will get underwaydin September and local firms will be used wherever possible, said Mr. Mills. Veterans launch $500 M. lawsuit A class action lawsuit for $500 million was started Monday bythe more than 265,000 Canadian Bomber Command Aircrew of RCAF World War 2 Veterans. The suit is against the CBC, the National Film Board and senior executive and individuals responsible for The suit will ask that each of the members be paid $1 and the rest of the funds placed in The Bomber Harris Trust to be divided among the Red Cross (which kept' many POWs alive during WW 2) Air Cadets of Canada; the warplane Heritage Museum and to find a chair at a Canadian university for ethical electronic journalism. In announcing the law suit, Don Elliott, secretary to the Bomber Harris Trust and a former president of the RCAF POW Assoc., said "veterans and their families across the 18 Pre-school Free. Advance tickets 006-5 country are hurt, upset and BATURDAY, JULY 17th 5 by the Court Lady Snowbird, Pon oh vorvor Yr fw i2yn $3 006-4854; 986-5523; Creative Painti * Quito Family Beach Pary sponsored by Bh prio ng sB4rY at Sie uabel; evanie ps Society featuring 'Kokomo Blackstock 8 on e Ol Centre. 7 PM 10 1 AM. Tickets $10. advance; $12. at door, 3 FOR CHILDREN ths Camidian Children under 12 Free when accompanied by a parent E] For tickets and ae nh 904.04 for ages 8 ond up Bomber Couati Alrerew ia Vorod Voloyoni Tourarment Pulse Park. Cassaron sang 11 AM JULY 271 fo 30th, AUG. 9th fo 13th, 16th to 20h | Achieving victory in the + Euete wt fo Latcharn Genre staring 8.00 PM | 12:30 to 4:30 PM The statement of claim E SUNDAY JULY 18th outlines situations where the Crulai Clataics Car Chub cruise ar Scugog Shores Museum ¢ meglternow at film is poorly researched, "4 WEDNESDAY, 2 0 COUNTRY CONVENIENCE STORE documents have been altered, "] + Euciye at the Lacham Conve, starting 1:30 PM 14020 Old Scugog Road, Blackstock 986-4997 there are distortions in the THURSDAY, JULY 22nd * SAMPLES on DISPLAY * text and there are statements J * Millbrook Ontano Summer Crafts Market 10 AM 10 6 PM at Millbrook. | Arena. Admission $2, Children Free FRIDAY, JULY 23rd + Fiagisiraiion deadline for 15! Pioneer Day Sap Session, a Scugop ¥ Shores Museum Village from July 27 to 30th. 1 SATURDAY, JULY 24th * Flea from 8 AM 10 12 Noon at Paulmac Pet Foods, Port Perry Plaza jot cat of dog. Procueds to 819 Bipurs / 8g Sars BYOT - (Bring Your Own Towel) * Adult CPR Course offered by Durham Save-a-Heart at Trinity United required by calling 666-0005 course \ of fact which are not true. gi mw ; Church, 9 AM to 1 PM. $25. foe por inchudes Just 2 Miles * Demolition , Port Perry , 4 PM. Call 985-8553 South of Port P by SUNDAY 4 Yu win Pt Pet Foods, Port Perry on the Oshawa R 3 aan, 3. tr oat Jog 10 Big Brothers / Big Sisters 12550 Simcoe Street ( owe) * Pot Walk-a- Thon Pet Food in association with the Port Kunmen, gars 11 AM. Proceeds i he 985-4353 more call 985. > TUESDAY, JULY 27th * Pioneer af Scugog Shores Mustumn Vilagh. et 8» 10 Day Camp From © AM to Noon. Pre-registration necessary by July 23rd Kounting, Fofius aualizbly #3000 itizon, Kastelic Public Library or call 985-3580 Mon. to Fri. 9 to 8; Sat. & Sun. 9 to 6; Tues. Closed. Your satisfaction is our growth.