Kerr Bus Lines applies to fill GO Transit gap Kerr Bus Lines of. Port Perry has applied for-a permanent operating authority once the GO Transit buses from Uxbridge to Toronto stop running early in September. Company president Everett Kerr said the application will be heard by the Ontario Highway Transport Board this Thuraday along with those by Can-Ar Coach and Trentway-Wager. * 4 He said if his application is successful he will provide two buses in the mgrning and two in the evening. "The buses will start at the intersection of Highways 12 and 47, with stops in Uxbridge, Stouffville and Markham, and ending in Toronto. GO Transit has announced that the bus service from Uxbridge . will = cease September 4 in an effort to trim some $4.5 million from T'UE BEEN THINKING RBOUT MY LIFE, IT" TIME Jo MAKE PME CHANGES. Blue Collar Bart [TIME To ExeaND MY HORIZONS IN ORDER 'To GROW AS A HUMAN BEING. THAT'S QUITE MATURE OF ou. SON, YoU HALE. ME PROUD? | Yep, I'M GOING To ADD [o:LIRU IRS AU eTeTe OA} {F400 for Service Directory Rates for 3 Month Terms 985-NEWS ' CATERING wr For All Occasions | Amp. WS TRUCKS em WANTED 410) 439-6403 KENNELS Flu: Wsows Kens | DOG & CAT CATERING, ForAl Your Neagis lage & Sma] rae. B "Stables at G y ome ha = - 985-1598 ArH J. OLDAKER (705) 357-3462 4 poBsON AEN HILLSIDE FENCING & DECKS * Fencing an -- G.R.1, Box 19, Port Perry Goad wi re 9853-9078 + Unfoado wth Backnoe for Hi oahoigy! PARADIGM, ENERGY SYSTEMS PORT PERRY Paradigm Building Systems nc. 985-1900 (416) 686-3441 (705) 4A3R-26B3 PS -- 5 STAR POOLS ASHBURN (416) 655-7827 [EEE daa | mw Miscellaneous @ its anntial budget. GO Transit has indicated : its buses often travel at less than the 50-seat capacity. "Mr, Kerr said if his lication is ful he will provide the new bus service without interruption. Play to Win! SPORTS SELECT PRO-LINE Pick Your Favourite Baseball & Sports Teams! BLUE COLLAR BART is brought © you by LAS EAR He. 7A& Simcos SERVICE DIRECTORY CATERING CATERING