The congregations of the -Blackstock/Nestleton United Church wished the Rev. Dale Davis and hisswife Anita a happy retirement Sunday. Rev. Davis will be retiring at the end of this month after 11 years with this pastoral charge. Gifts from the congregations Included @"hand made quilt, a memory book and money to put towards his new-plano. About 300 people attended the special party In their honour. Rev. Davis says he has no specific plans for his retirement other than to spend , more time with his children and grandchildren. The pastoral charge wlll be taken over by Rev. David Sherman of Lakefield. 3 > Seugoy Citizen -- Tuesday, August 17, 1993 -- 3 a Ice huts on the list for new taxes says OFAH The province is about to unleash a new list of fees for the use of public resources that , have always been available for from hunting and fishing licences go to general revenue and are not dedicated to g the conservation of free, the Ontario Federation of fish and wildlife. Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) The new fees will: has discovered. £ Slap a tax on an "ice Information obtained by the fisherman for using a hut, even OFAH indicates the province is though that angler has paid for set to an new li the angling li and the fees for using fish huts, boat hut. caches, crown lands and public work permits. All of these resources or services have always been free. No detail is available yet on the level of the fees but the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has confirmed they will soon be announced. The OFAH has expressed anger that the province is now stooping to taxing public lands and resources, without asking anyone what they think about it. "These are public lands, resources 'and services," said Dave Ankney, OFAH president. "Forcing taxpayers to pay again is like slapping us with a charge for walking through our front door. And the fabt-that these taxes are arbitrarily decided on without any consultation whatsoever is equally abominable." Ankney pointed out that anglers and hunters alregdy pay huge license fees, some of which have more than doubled in the last year. The funds Thanks! Several residents of Castle Harbour north of Port Perry 72 Hr. SERVICE on, CIRCULAR got a rude shock last Saturday. SPECIAL ORDERS. SOuNnD Ps Durham Police said vehicles ; We'll find It for you! parked on castle Harbour Drive and in a private 10 Wates St, Rost poy driveway were gouged along in the Waterpark Condos the sides with a sharp object. Across from the Ball Diamengs . So far, Police, have no suspects. ® Doris SI 263 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY Et JROPEAN -OMFORT nbe 'Romi L Fir a DRESS & COMFORT SHOES for ME N, won 10¢CS 985-9611 VEN & CHILDREN Charge for caching boats on Crown land, another blow to anglers and tourism. * Effectively charge people for tecting th province is considering charging rent on such structures. This means that fish and wildlife habitat could be lost through the disruption of fragile Crown properties. In a letter to MNR Minister Howard Hampton, the OFAH strenuously objected to the fees, insisting that they be immediately withdrawn. "Howard Hampton has promised a new era of consultation," said Ankrey. "If this ls 'true, he must p g the hitting cottagers and home owners witly a charge for getting MNR site inspections done, a service that has always been free. Current.Jawgallow a court to order the dosuetion of any illegally built structure"on Crown Lédnd. Instead, the ly withdraw this fee ule +and begin talking to ro millions of people who will be affected by this latest tax * grab." Provincial officials hae confirmed some of the taxes, but the amounts have not been set. - 4 * 3 Years of Age and Up * Beginners to*Advanced * B.AT.D: Exams * Annual Recital *, Classes taught at Uxbridge Pool and ' Uxbridge enior Centre REER PRESSURE 112 WATER ST., PORT PERRY 985-0046 presents DANCE STUDIO FALL REGISTRATION. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26th 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM -at- Uxbridge Senior Centre, »75 Marietta Street . 'KICKS 2' Is owned and operated by "i KICKS DANCE STUDIO LID. 6545 Hwy. #7, Markham, Ontario "10 Years in Markham" 852-8258 or 472-3273. . u Coloyred Denims - Stimups 8 Hand Painted Leather Shoes m Buffalo $pcks M Boxer Shorts plus much, much morel 's Draw : $25. "GIF CERTHCATE Labour Day Weekend : NER her TW oe ras Asoa.. Jove got Joby Beery 10 See You Soon! » 4 ZZ * BALL