. Oshawa M A fascinating glimpse into Canadian history is tucked away in a building at the Oshawa Airport. - «For anyone with even a casual interest in Canada's military, a visit to the Oshawa Aeronautical, Military and Industrial Museum is a must. The Museum, which gets no financial assistance from any level of government, has been open for the last 18 months or 80. It is operated by a board of directors and visitors (individuals or groups) will be personally escorted through the museum by a well informed guide able to provide ~detailed information and Answer questions about the di One' of the guides is Doug Smart, himself a veteran of World War 2, who toured a writer from the Citizen around the Museum recently 1993 en ¥ Not nearly so imposing, but _ just as interesting is the Jeep used by Q Elizabeth uniforms from the Second unifgrms from World War 1, ¢ the Boer War and the Upper when she reviewed troops at special functions. It used to be white when used by Royalty, but now it's Jhaki and is used by te Military brass parades and inspections. There is a communications truck, used by the Canadian forces in World Ward 2 to co- ordinate the movement of troops and tanks. Its geared up with a radio set and looks just as it was half a century in Italy and Europe: Of special interest is a rare armoured ambulance, one of just two built in 1944: by General Motors. It is covered in armour plating thick enough' to withstand a shell hit or a land mine. The ambulance, which was used by Canadians in the E: theatre could carry four ded and displayed a competent knowledge of the many pieces on view. . We started With a look at the vehicles and armour, like the massive 38 ton Sherman tank mounted with.a 76 min, cannon and two .30 cal. machine guns. The Sherman was used during World War 2 by the American forces. Ww on stretchers and four more "walking wounded." Mr. Smart said the Museum got: this ambulance through the National War Museum in Ottawa. : In other areas of the Museum there are displays of small arms; both German and Allied, medals, complete "German, Italian and Russian Herbally Yours R HEALTH FOODS "& NATURAL PRODUCTS World War; Canadian . . Uniforms and weapons used by Canadian Army during World War 2 on display at Oshawa Military Museum. See A story = All at Guaranteed Low Prices! seum displays military history Canada Militia of the 19th century. The role played here in Canada for the war effort is recognized in the 25th million shell assembled by DIL in Ajax. It was presented to the Ontario Tank Regiment in September 1944. Another rare and unusual display is a piece of cloth about 15 inches long that came from the plane of World War 1'German ace Baron Von Richtoffen. The cloth was _ apparently cut from the plane after it was shot down in April 1918 by Canadian Roy Brown. The Museum has' an extensive display, of photographs of the Ontario (County) Regiment which was formed in 1866, made up of two companies from Oshawa and Whitby and six' from Ontario County communities including Port Perry. The Oshawa Aeronautical Military and Industrial Museum is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 5:00 PM and Sunday from 1:00 t6 5:00 PM. A tour will take slightly under an' hour, "depending on how many question are asked," says Mr, Smart. Individuals or groups are welcome and the cost is $4 for adults, "$2 for seniors and students. o- It is located at 1000 Stevenson Road North at the UNITED CARPET. Largest Carpet Selection In Scugog Township FAMOUS Levolore & VERTICALS * VENETIANS PLEATED SHADES Osh Airport. Look for the large tank Gut front. HOMESTEAD by Ballard &.Carnegie . HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 Colleen & Twyla welcome: you to *Herbally . 143 PERRY ST, PORT PERRY 985-0861 eS (beside Kellet's Variety) x5 » « 7 | : ) ALF withupto OFF The all new ... LAKESIDE 8 RTARAT =f = GORESKI SUI SCUGOG ISLAND, POR | This Week's Special... Pitcher of Mal Tal's and a Munchie Platter' omy... $15.95 mW Waterside Dining with Parking and Docking Avaliable B Breakfast @ Ldnch Specials Snacks & Dinner Menu ® Outdoor, Waterfront Patio 8 Alt New Facilities © 'Mm Open, Spacious Dining Room licericed LLBO 'W Take-out ® Open 7 Days a Week We support Big Brothers / liga Sist . All Ladies', Childien's, Men's SUMMER FASHIONS & FOOTWEAR + of North Durham