YY OF 'MC TORONTO DURHAM REGION ENRICHM DAYTIME CLASSES ... (all programs run at the YMCA unless otherwise stated) YMCA PK : A new Pre-Kindergarten program set up like a Junior - Kindergarten. Designed by a qualified ECE and teacher for ages 4-5 years. Theme and registration is done in five week sessions. Cost : $6.00 per class. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - start Sept. 13; Tuesdays, Thursdays - start Sept. 21; 9 AM to 11 PM or 1 AM 10.3 PM. KINDERCARE : Traditional YMCA fun and loving care for ages 2 1/2 to 4 years. Presctiool learning and physical activity is included with crafts, games, » songs, and more. Lunch not provided. Starts : Monday, Sept. 13; Wednesday, Sept. 22 or Thursday, Sept. 23. (10 weeks). Cost : $16. per day (9 AM to 3 PM) or $8. half day (9 AM to noo Nap time is available after lunch if required. AB SEAS : Learning about ABC's in a ship-shape way! 3-4 years, Mondays, Anglican Church, starts Sept. 13, 9:30 to 11 AM, $55. / 10 weeks. LET'S TALK ABOUT : Based on the series by Joy Berry, its a fun class for 310 4 years to talk about some of life's ups and downs in a positive way! Crafts; games, stories and more. Wednesdays, Anglican Church, Starts : September 21, 9:30 AM to 11 AM. Cost : $55. / 10 week. CRAFTY CRITTERS : Lots of creative activities for the young zoologist in your family! Fridays, Anglican Church. Starts : Sept. 24th, 9:30 to 11:00 AM. $55. / 10 weeks. TINY TOTS : A mom and tot creative social. Crafts, games, songs, stories and more! Starts : Tuesday, Sept. 21, 9:30 to 10:30AM, 1 1/2 10 2 1/2 years. Cost : $40. / 10 weeks. TUMBLING TOTS : An active class for moms and tots with gym, music, games and more. Starts : Tuesday, Sept. 21, 10:30 to 11:30 AM. 11/2 10 2 1/2 years. $40. / 10 weeks. with stories, JUNIOR KINDERCARE : A special first-time-alone program crafts, games, songs. Starts : Friday, Sept. 24, 9:3010 11 AM, 20 months 10 2 1/2 years. Cost : $55. / 10 weeks. FRENCH FRYS : 4 10 § years. Early bird French immersion fun. Crafts, songs, games, stories. Starts : Tuesday, Sept. 21, 110 3 PM. $60. / 10 weeks. HALLOWE'EN PARTY : A special event for our preschoolers at Sundance Meadows Farm, Join us for hayrides, a search for the "Great Pumpkin®, pony rides, face , crafts & more! Starts : Saturday, October 30, 9:30 10 11:30 AM, 2 1/2 to 5 years, $5. (ireats included). Costumes and volunteer parents welcome AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM : For 610 12 years after school. Crafts, movies, games, sports and more. Starts : Sept. 7, 4 1o 6 PM, Monday to Friday. os $2. day (some field rps may be . One hour sessions. Starts : September - - call for times and locations. Cost : $155, / 8 weeks. SATURDAY CAMP : Saturday afternoon fun for ages 6 10 12 years. Special events, sports, movies, crafts. Starts : Sept. 25, 1 10 4 PM, $3./ day. EVENING CLASSES .. Note : New "Club" formatlor ance and Gymnasts ncude : prompt starting, quality and consistent programming, badge eaming and individual charting, family rates. For more information call Dianne Cooke 985-3722. : GYMNASTICS : Kindergym (3 to 4 years); Juniorgym (5 to 7 years), Seriorgyin {8 yoars ana vp) wid at Carwight Bla (ondaye) ard 5 Corish PS (Wednesdays - eke Iva change 1. Tuesdays as space & avadate) Kinder - 45 minutes; Junior - 45 minutes - 1 hour. Starts : Monday, Sept. 13 (Kinder - Soo 6230, Senior - -T:15 PM) Cost : $48., $48. and $54./ 12 weeks. Starts : Jiachesday, Sept. 15 (net - 8:15, Junior - 7:00, Senior - 7:45 PM) TEEN GYM : For experienced and gymnasts 13 years and up. early introduction to ballet, Jazz or tap. 3105 years. Cost : $45.60 / 12 weeks, 30 minutes. Junior Ballet - and next level classes, basic skills leaned. 610 8 years. Cost : $45.60 / 12 weeks, 30 minutes. Junior Jazz - Jazz lessons for self-expression 10 music. 710 10 years. Cost : $48. / 12 weeks, 45 minutes. Starts : Cartwright PS, Thursday, Sept. 16, Pre - 7:30 PM; Ballet - 8PM; Jazz - 8:30 PM (time may be earlier If small gym is available). : SA Cawker PS, Mondays, Sept. 13, Pre - 6:00 PM; Ballet - 630 PM; Jazz - 7.00 PM. JUNIOR LINE DANCE : Kids can too! Catch tha newest wave. 910 13 years. Starts : SA Cawker PS, y, Sept. 13, 7:45 10 8:30 PM. Cost : $40. / 10 weeks. SENIOR JAZZ : Some serious fun for 15 years 10 adult with a dance prepared. No past experience necessary. Starts : SA Cawker PS, Monday, Sept. 13 at 8:30 PM. Cost : $50. / 12 weeks. FLOOR HOCKEY : Fast and fun competition, excellent ice hockey practice. T-shirts and awards included. Musi 0s Plt Wilh ick. Fatt : assisting parents. Ages 6 10 8; 9 10 11; 12 10 14 years. Stans Monday, Sept. 13 - 6:30; 7:15; 8 PM. Cost : $48. / 12 wks or $110. / 32 wks. YBC: Youth Basketball coming soon! Phone for a flyer. Brochures avaliable at the YMCA Office. YMCA ° ENT PROGRAMS Fall '93 - Port Perry & Blackstock my Scugog Citizen -- 0g Citiven -- Tuesday, August 17 1993 -- 5 A= JUNIOR STAGE STRUCK : Learning the theatrical Yopes and planning for a fun performance on the last class. Starts : Wednesday, September 22 - 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Cost : $40. 7 10 weeks. Ages 7 to 10 years. STAGE STRUCK : 11 10 14 years. Learning basic performing arts with fun exercises and preparing for'a performance on last class. Starts : Wednesday, Sept. 22 from 7:30.10 8:30 PM. Cost : $40. / 10 weeks. JUNIOR ART : 4 to 7 years. Basic art skills with different mediums and techniques. Starts : Tuesday, Sept. 21 - 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Cost : $50. /10 wks. RT CLUB : Watercolours with Bob Craddock. Some supplies may be eded. If interest warrants, an adult class may be considered. Call now. arts : Tuesday, Sept. 21 - 7:30 to 8:30 PM. Cost : $50. / 10 weeks. years and up. MODELING FOR FUN : A self-esteem builder with a fashion show at the end. Starts : Monday, Sept. 13. Cost : $45. / 10 weeks. 6 to 10 years (6:30 PM); 11 years and up (7:30 PM). BABYSITTING TRAINING : Projects, lectures and exam to teach skills and knowledge necessary. Starts : YMCA, Wednesday, Sept. 22 - 6:30 PM; Cartwright PS, Wednesday, Sept. 22 - 3:15 10 4:15 PM. Cost : $40. / 10 weeks Ages 11 years and up. JUNIOR JOURNALISM : Writing and reporting fun with Lynn Campbell, 8 10 12 years. Starts : Monday, Sept. 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, Cost : $40.7 10 weeks. YMCA VILLAGE KIDS : Ages 7 to NS Jus A new singing group for the YMCA that will practice and perform locally while having a great time... Taught by Allison Holtby. Starts : Monday, Sept. 130m 63010 7:30 PM, Cost : $40. / 10 weeks. WORKOUT : Low impact aerobics with Lori Larmer. 15 years to adults. Starts : SA Cawker PS, Tuesday / Wednesday; Sept. 21/22, 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Cost : $32. / 10 weeks. YOGA : Philosophy, breathing and posture for stress management with David Maian. Adults, Stans : Thursday, Sept. 23 from 7:30 10 9 PM. Cost : $77./ 10 weeks. er pe a Some Sn Ses Thursday, Sept. 23 from 7:30 10 9 PM. YMCA SINGLES GROUP Plaga oad 17 Suppo, SHUIon and fun. aciiviies. Geneeal meetings are the tet Wednesdays of the month. Gall of more ARGONAUTS AT THE SKYDOUE TRIE os Shoal Jal Outing wit oor ivi or parking worries, Seats are in section. Meals not included. Phone for a bus schedule. Date : , October 17. Cost : $13. per person, includes bus and tickets. Argos vs. Calgary. Watch for future family COOKEES : Junior CHRISTMAS can try his hand at some non-bake goodies and paintable dough creations was welll Ages 3 to 4 . Starts : Anglican Church , November 29 from 9:30 to 11 AM, 1 $17. / 3 weeks. CRAFTS : Lots of crafts and decorations to make to decorate the house! At the Anglican Church. Starts : , Dec. 11om 9:30 10 11 AM. Cost : $17. / 3 weeks. Ages 3 10 4 years. CHRISTMAS GIFTS : can make his favourite family his very Your youngster own gifts! Ages 3 10 4 years. At the Anglican Church Starts : Friday, Dec. 3 from 9:30 to 11 AM. Cost : $17. / 3 weeks. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS : 9 10 14 years - Three memorable to make and take home. Starts : Monday, Nov. 29 from 6:30 fo 7:30 PM. Cost : $15.7 3weeks. Cons yeas | ph) ovr ad Conse rans BREAKFAST WITH SANTA : Join our preschoolers for treats, orafts, SONGS and a visit with the most popular man in town. Date : Sunday, Dec. 12 from 910 11 AM. Cost : $5: / person. Ages 210 6 CHRISTMAS crafts, movies, more during the 2710 31 from 1 10 : $3. / day. # REFUNDS : Send EE ve po wt of the foe. we cancel the session we ul rolund. Loe 'mission, the programs of the YMCA Ee . ai pa i To REGISTER call 985-2824 or come to the Office at 269 Queen Shree Port Perry HOURS : 9:00 AM to Noon; 1:00 to 5:00 PM, MONDAYS 10 FRIDAYS