We're looking for some special Junior Citizens Everyone's life has been touched and inspired, at one time or another, by the kindness or courage shown by a young person. Ontario's youth exhibit a tremendous ability to overcome obstacles, inspire their peers, serve their communities, and display qualities of leadership, Kall Gleben, Matthew Alexander and Kristyn Byrne were three of the many kids at the Hope Christian Reform Church Vacation Bible School. The children collected their pennies and dimes during the week and were able to make a sion and perseverance. All too often the valuable contributions made by these fine young people go by without notice or recognition. the ina de Citizen of the Year Awards, Since their introduction 12 years ago, Junior Citizen awards have been presented to individuals and groups of young people, ages 6-18, who have overcome various physical or psychological difficulties, contributed to their community in a volunteer of leadership role, performed and act of heroism, or exemplified the qualities and characteristics of a 'good col lon of $73. to the Scugog Animal Shelter 10 help fr that reason, the Ontario kid'. heal and abandoned animals. The theme of the Bible Community Newspapers As many as 12 individuals School this year was Zoo-Rriffic Ark Park. About 75 Ageociation and Bell Canada d one group are choser! each youngsters attended the school each day. & ---- COPE Lef Your Children Relive Tei Circus Experience! A Comunity Mental Health Program POUNDED 1977 - NGORPORAT ED 1483 Serving Scugog & Uxbridge Townships VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The COPE mental health program is looking for caring volunteers to work in one-to-one matches or group programs. COPE is a program lunded by the Minit of Heath that cers & system to adults with l you are Interested a thioe difficulties, please call Elaine at 852-9560. ¢ SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st At the Port Perry Country Flea Market 1540 Hwy. 7A, West of Port Perry e Excitement as ELLE compe te cash prize! Catch the Five Live fora oy HASE R ST ONE A CHEALS ER (0) y BAGS > "NNY HUN TER vd the =110]= 41® 11:30 AM 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM 3:15 PM - J 4:30 PM - KE ANGEL OSE » BEER TENT Create-a-Book, PO. Box 500, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1AS. -985-8424 >» FREE ADMISSION >» KID'S BALLOONS >» DANCE FLOOR > REFRESHMENTS, cheque payable for $19.74 1: NNR ECUTE ele ANA V4 year | as Ontario Junior ns. Recipients and their family members will be the guests of honour at the Junior Citizens luncheon, which takes place during the March '94 convention of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA). They will visit Queen's Park, and have a family portrait taken along with the Lieutenant Governor, as well as receiving a Junior Citizen pin, a $200 cash award, and a plaque to recognize their accomplishment. What has made the Ontario Junior Citizens program such an enormous success during the past 12 years is the overwhelming desire shown by communities, large and small, to pay tribute to their young people. Nominations have been received from seryice clubs, schools, volunteer agencies, church groups, sports organizations, and individuals whose life has person. Judges are faced with the gruelling task of selecting up to 12 individuals and one group to receive the awards, however each and every nominee has made a worthwhile contribution to their community and is presented with a certificate indicating they were nominated for this i ard. Throughout Ontario there are countless young people who are making valuable contributions to enrich community life, and that is what the Junior Citizen awards seek to récognize and encourage. Nominations for the 1993 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards will be accepted . «until October 31. Nomination forms and further information about the Junior Citizens program can be obtained from the Scugog Citizen at 985- 6397. Invest a moment of your time to express your thanks and appreciation to a special