4 -- Se Citizen -- 31, 1993 0 UN VA DIS CALENDAR Aug. 31st to Sept. 14th, 1993 band's economic development officer, noted that if the First Nations acquire this land, there are several economic endeavours that could be pursued such as a marina, boat slips or trailer park. "We feel this land to be an absolute necessity, and the Federal Indian Affairs and Northern Development minister Pauline Browes paid a short, scheduled visit to the . homelarid of the Mississaugas . of Scugog Islahd First Nation ©. "on August 24. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize the recently 'MONTH LONG EVENTS * Farmers' Market at the Pot Perry Fairgrounds every Saturday from'8 AM tog PM, until October 1st. Venglors call 985-8044, eve. * Port Perry Alateen for those under 21 years of age who have a + relative or friend with a drinking problem. Meets every Tuesday Night at the Port Perry'United Church, Simcoe & Queen Street, starting at 7:30 PM. * Alanon - Adult Children of Alcoholics meets Tuesday Night atthe Port Perry United Church s! g at 8 PM. For those who have a parent, relative or friend with & drinking problem. appointed minister with the plans to go with it, if we are to * Bingo Wednesday at 7 PM at the Catholic Church Hall. requests of the Scugog First be self governing," said the 3, Pon Perry Tai-Chi Club Open House, 1st Monday every month Nation to acquire 400 acres of Chief. at Prince Albert Hall, 19 Jeffrey Street from 7:30 to 9:30 PM "1 * Port Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wednesday 2 7:00 PM at Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Island (follow signs). Fiddlers, Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Admission $2. 985-7557 or 985-9807. * TOPPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday 7 PM at the Anglican Church Hall. New members welcome. 985-2856. * Seniors (55+) join your peers for recreation, sociability, travel and = support inthe Seniors' Room at the Latcham Centre any Wednesday * , from 9:30 AM to noon. For further details call 985-8033. * Scugog Duplicate Bridge Club meets Wednesdays at Prince Albert Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM, beginning Sept. 9th. i New members welcome: Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204. * YMCA Fall Program Brochure available at 269 Queen St., 985-2824 * Schoolhouse Playcare of Durham is now accepting Child 1 Garg and Nursery Registrations for hilren & walks 1 12 years, *1o start in Durham." ~~ Call 576-4600, ext. 399 of 1.80 1-800-265-3968, ext. 339. Scugog First Nations is claiming the 400 acres of land as compensation for broken promises made - by the government under the Williams Treaty of 1923. It covers. nine other First Nations in Ontario that make up the United Indian Council. Chief Edgar said there is room for optimism on this and other land claims as the provincial government has land on the Island adjacent to © the 600 acres the band now , OWNS. This land in question is at the northern tip of Scugog Island and is currently owned and managed by the provincial government. Scugog First Nations Chief Gary Edgar explained to Mrs. Browes that the band "is land- locked on the Island. It is tial for our people to | Weekly Euchres at the Prince Albert Community Centre starti have water on their land so indicated it will t "2 Thursday, Sept. 2nd at 8 PM. $4:50 adm. Prizes, or. that they can conduct cultural for these claims in the form of TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st and spiritual activities, thus Crown Land that is available. He asked Mrs. Browes to make sure the land claims * Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association meets 8 PM, at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe Streét South; for , cards & New bers & guests For 'information @all 436-5089 or 728-1011. * United Survivors support Centre for Past or Present Users of the Mental Health System meets from 1 to 4 PM at 167 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Call 436-8882. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th * Port Perry Fair - Labour Day Weekend. More info call 985-3819. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th ) * Port Perry Fair - Labour Day Weekend. More info call 985-3819. * Local Rock Band - Joy Baggs will perform at the Palmer Park Gazebo beginning at 7.00 PM. Township residents are invited to bring a chair or blanket and take in the sounds from the continuing their heritage." Chief Edgar, who is the ATTENTION - GRADE 9 STUDENTS ENTERING P.P.H.S. THIS FALL! Don't forget the .. AMBASSADOR ORIENTATION Get Acquainted BBQ 6b, while Lake Scu i PPHS MES Wills iat Lake Sey in the School Cafeteria at PPH * Port Perry Fair - Labour Day Weekend. More info callogsaste. Jf on Thursday, September 2nd at 10 AM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th *-Pine Ridge Garden Club monthly meeting and Flower Show, , 8:00 PM at Nestlaton Community Centre; Hwy. 7A, Nestieton. All welcome. Further details call Betty Forsyth 986-0164. * Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Families Association meets at | "W Don'tmss me. "FOLLOW THE DREAM" BINGO "at thé Latcham Centre, Port Perry FRIDAY, SEPT. 10th - 6:45 PM = $500. JACKPOT MUST GOI Simcoe Hall Settlement H 387 Simcoe St. South at 8 PM, % for their General Meeting. Information call 436-5089 or 728-1011. * United Survivors Support Centre for Past or Present Users of the Mental Health System meets from 110 4 PM at 167 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Call 436-8882 * Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets 7:30 PM at L.D.S. Family History Centre, Rossland Rd. & Thornton, Oshawa. The new technology at the Family History Centre will be discussed. Meetings are free and open to the public. Call 683-2476 or 723-7460. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th 73 .* 1st Canwright Scouting Registration from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at i i Blackstock sia for Beavers (Blacks! new Colony * Al proce: eds bo Gommniy Norsiog Home starting in Caesarea),.Cubs, Co-ed, Scouts nturers. . Residents' Dream Trip Fund. Please bring uniforms that night. L * Port Perry Figure Skating Club Registration ant te, Dress & Accessory Exchange at the Port Perry Arena from 6:30 to 8:60 PM, For more information call 985-4372. * Janetville Co-op Nursery School Registration from 10 AM to 3 PM and 7 to 8 PM. For information or early registration please call (705) 328-3203 or (416) 986-4287. . Y, SEPTEMBER 8th * Manvers Figure' Skating Club Registration from 7 to 9 PM at he} @ > hE i Manvers Arena. prices as last year. ! AT GREYSTONE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th * "Follow the Dream at the Latcham Centre, Port Perry, starting at 6:45 PM. $500. Jas must go. All proceeds to the Community Nursing Home Residence "Dream Trip" fund. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th * Columbus Community Church Yard Sale, 8 AM to 3 PM. Something for everyone, everybody welcome. Call 656-4973 or 655-8755. 1 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th 1 * Immaculate Gonception Senior Citizens' Residence, Port Perry, bE would like to announce the official opening of J.D. Cochrane Court, <] at61 Ash Street, in Port Perry at 1:00 PM. Visitors welcome. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th * Blackstock Minor Hockey Registration, Blackstock Arena, 7 to 8: 30 Information call 263-4125 or 986-0801. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th -* Oshawa Chapter of the One Parent Families Association meets at+ rained and S supervi Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. South at 8 PM, y ente! for Gatos, cards and conversation. nfo call 436-5006 or 728-1011. our mars ow nstalrs ho mo od 5 play ay. rl will enjoy video, 27a child " . as well as Pizza ane fe only $5.00 Pe Cost 10 on 7 ced notice appreciated. OG CITIZEN .. ser Friendly, People Paper! THE SCL Your RR#2, SHIRLEY ROAD, PORT PERRY. 985-1598 bles t come to Sta 1:4 wrday evenings _ e kids! OPEN EVENINGS for DINNER § PM to 11 PM; OPEN SUNDAYS from 11 AM fo 9 PM; osed Mondays and Tuesdays Indian Affairs Minister tours Scugog First Nation issue is on the work plan for the Indian Commission of Ontario office. The Scugog Island First Nation has about 115 band members, but less half currently live on the First Nation land on the Island. Many have moved away to work or further their education and many are now on a waiting list to return to live. Mrs. Browes began her whirlwind visit with a private breakfast with band officials at Hank's Pastries on Queen Street, Port Perry, then walked across the street to tour the highly successful Native Perspectives gift shop +' which opened earlier this year. M Val Larocca sh d the Minister around the shop which features outstanding native art and crafts from all over Canada and the United States. She was presented with a limited edition print of two owls, with an inscription that reads "in friendship from the Mississaugas of Scugog Iglan and First Nation." » he tour then moved to Scugog Island where Mrs. Browes saw the new community centre building set for completion this fall. Although Mrs.. Browes said she is not able to respond directly to the land claims issue, she will urge that negotiations continue. Victorian and Country' Accents - Gifts - Antiques 139 Queen St., Unit 3, Port Perry (NE. Corner of Water & Queen) 985-1239 -