wp 96 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuedday, October 26, 1993 Results from Novice H.L. Haugens 4 Port Perry Printing 3 These two evenly matched teams were tied until the 1:59 mark of the third period when Haugens went ahead with a goal. For Haugens Jordan Froats scored twice and assisted on one, Shane Jeffrey and Alexander Nicolaou each had one goal. Kevin Gloster, Russell Lee, Reid Harris and Jesse Mischtian had the assists. For Port Perry Printing, goals were scored by Gary Garratt with two and Mark Lott with one. Greg Hunter, Luke Pilkey, Ryan May and Clay Trainor also worked Hard to keep the game a close one. Excellent goal tending by Alex McKay for Port Perry Printing and Greg Jeffrey for Haugens kept the s on the edge of their seats for all three periods. Remax 10 - Van Camp 4 Devon Ferguson led the Remax team with four goals, while Wesley Langmaid, Stuart Cochrane each had a pair. Clayton Gilmore scored one and Stormy Wootton scored one and had an assist. Jeff Glanville assisted on two, Wesley Langmaid, Tyler Lee, Stuart Cochrane also had assists. The goaltender for Remax this week was Troy Johnston. van Camp's Chris McKitterick had a goal and figured in on all other goals. Joseph Kozlinsky came up with a pair and Robert Schamp one. Kevin Lucas also assisted on three goals ape 72. Township of Scugog PUBLIC NOTICE REGARDING THE PROPOSED STOPPING-UP,¢ CLOSING AND CONVEYING of PART OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 1, BLOCK C and PART LOT 2, ' BLOCK B, PLAN H-50023 ASH STREET, HAMLET of MANCHESTER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 297 of The Municipal Act, R.S.0., 1990, Chapter M.45, that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog proposes to pass by-laws to stop-up, close and convey a portion of a road allowance between Lot 1, Block C and Part Lot 2, Block B, Plan H-50023, Ash Street in the Hamlet of Manchester, Ward 1, Township of Scugog, in the former Township of Reach. If approved, the subject road allowance will be divided equally between the adjoining ny owners. PLEASE NOTE that the subject road is not used by the Public It presently serves as a driveway for the two properties abutting on each side. The proposed plan and ip showing the lands affected, may be viewed in the Clerk's Department, Township of Scugog, 208 North Street, Port' Perry, Ontario On Monday, November 15, 1993 at 2:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, Municipal Office, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog will hear in person, or by Counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and applies to be heard. Any person who wishes to be heard should, as soon as possible, make application to: Earl S. Cuddie, Administrator-Clerk Township of Scugog Clerk's Department 208 North Street, Port Perry, Ontario LOL 1A7 985-7346 LOT! r 1] & 12 --. HIGHWAY No First circulated October 5th, 1993 A Students Amanda Wakeford and Pat Lewis of the Cornish Running team accepted the Lisa Carlson Memorial Trophy from S.A. Cawker student Alex Wordley. With the students are members of Lisa Carlson's fastball team who put up the money for the trophy In her memory. See story below. Cross Country run will honour memory of teacher The memory of Lisa Carlson will not soon be forgotten thanks to the efforts of her friends and S.A. Cawker School where she taught four years. The first ever "Born to Run" cross country race, a memorial to Lisa, was held at the Scugog Soccer Fields earlier this month I bringing together more than 400 » elementary students from nine © erent schools. The running team from RH. ornish finished first in this memorial race, and last Wednesday morning, the members of the team were presented with the handsome trophy in memory of this popular teacher who excelled ifwany sports including cross country running. © Lisa was killed last July in a NO GIMMICKS car accident on Highway 401 as she and other members of the Oshawa Mackie Ladies fastball team were returning home from a weekend tournament in Cobourg The crash also took the life of her team mate Joyce McFarland- Elyea The idea for the annual Lisa Carlson cross country run came from her fellow teachers at SA. Cawker School as a way of paying tribute to this popular teacher and coach. When Lisa's teamates on the Mackie fastball team heard of these plans, they purchased the large trophy and set up a trust fund that will be used to buy medals and ribbons for the run in years to come. The team also set up a trust fund for the two JUST LOW PRICES TWO GREAT SAWS AT SUPER FALL SAVIN 45-1 ll save 90% 349% Model 61-16" juwsen save SdE M00 save$ 150". 499" WILE SUPPLIES LAST AONGER MA LENGTHS AVARAMLL CHECK WITH YOUR DEALER FOR DETARLS. Mo w-- a tH rna i FOREST& GARDEN UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 620 Reg. Rd. 21, Utica - 2 miles w. of Manchester 985-9701 young children' of Joyce McFarland-Elyea. Part of the trust fund came from money raised by the Robert Aldsworth Photo fastball squad, of which Ms. Carlsorr was also a member. Last Wednesday morning, Donna Stephens, Donna Conboy, Dawn Mette, Laurie Weeks, Tana Lavis, Joanne Plomondon and Mackie team coach Tedd Milligan were at Cornish School to present the 'memorial trophy to the Cornish running teams Cornish teacher Suzanne Garriock praised Lisa for her leadership abilities, her dedication to her students, and her love of all sports, especially running. 8.A.Cawker student Alex Wordley, who was coached by Lis called her a "great fr . she is missed by everyone." John Lewis, cross country coach at Cawker School said the Lisa Carlson Memorial "Born to Run" will held each year in October ahd he expects the number of runners and schools to increase in thewyears to come Following the presentation of the trophy to Cornish students Amanda Wakeford and Pat Lewis (representing the teams) Foster Hansen played 'Amazing Grace' on the bag-pipes to bring the ceremonies to a close Market Prices quoted at market closing Monday. Board Prices includes basis price $/ Bushel Tonne 3.02 118.89 756 2771.76 7.50 «R75.56 $/ Metric Corn '93 Soys '93 Soys 'M4 Canola - Old & SONS LTMITED R.R. 1, Bethany Hwy. 7A & 35