- lr oz Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 26, 1993 -- 3 2 For the third year the Ambassadors of PPHS held their popular Spookerama, entertaining students In grades 1-4 from area schools. In back from left #re Apibassadors Karen Faichney building department show a and Sara Hocker who helped organize the event. Front.from left Prince Albert students, Katle Duke, Michael Willams, Jasmin LazdIns, Justine Frank, Sheena Dobble and Kara Olsen. Keeping an eye on Hydro Environmental groups will be keeping a close watch on plans by Ontario Hydro to put a high voltage transmission line across the sopthern and western areas of Scugog Township. "Qur objective.is to keep an eye on this. We im % to sleep on thesg things," said David Tasker after Hydro held a public information session on its long term plans October 21 at the Uxbridge Arena. Mr. Tasker is president of the Green Umbrella and vice president of SCOPE. He said Hydro's plans raise several areas of concern including compensation for property owners, the environmental impact of running transmission lines over the Oak Ridge Moraine, and the touchy subject of whether these lines pose health problems to people who live near them. In what it calls the "Greater Toronto Region Electricity Supply Study," Hydro will be looking at a long range plan to meet increased demand for power in the Toronto area. Hydro is looking to bring power from the Darlington Nuclear Plant near Béwmanville to the northern anid western areas of Toronto via-a double circuit transmission line across the top of the GTA. The proposed corridor fr those lines, according to documents from Hydro, runs through the southern part of Scugog Township, westerly to the Manchester area then north between oY | 12 and Durham Road 2 re it would swing in a wésterly direction towards Newmarket. Included in the study is a plan to build a large transformer . station on a 250 acres site north of Uxbridge and five smaller transformer stations in the SyevilefUnirige areas.' Hydro documents at last week's public meeting say the Greater Toronto Area has grown by 60,000 people each year since 1986 dnd if tufrent trends continlie, the population will reach six million people by the year 2021. This will put additional strain on already heavily-loaded transmission facilities in the north and east areas of the GTA. Mr. Tasker said environmental groups want to be assured that new transmission lines and transformer station are absolutely needed. He noted that Uxbridge Township council is opposed to the two sites for .large transformer*stations because they are on prime farmland. A Hydro spokesman said at last week's public meeting the utility has the authority to expropriate land, but only as a last resort. It prefers to purchase the land needed for transformer stations and to reach easement agreements with property owners for transmission towers. Mr. Tasker said the environmental groups will continue to meet with Hydro officials to be kept up to date with information. "They (Hydro officials) have assured us they will keep us informed and we are pleased with this approach," he said. The project schedule calls for blic meetings this month; a se of alternate plans and sites next spring; an Scugog up a bit t's not a boom by any means, construction activity in Scugog Township is showing an improvement over a dismal 1992. . The value of building permits issued to the end of September this year by the Township is $14,217,720, or almost double the $7.2 million in permits issued over the same nine months in 1992. The 1993 number is inflated by the $5.2 million expansion to the « Community Memorial Hospital. However, even the hospital projaef. iBdeleted, the value of consfpuction activity is still up almo#t $2 million this year over last. © Figures from the Township markgupowing | in permits for cons@iction of single family homes. To the end of Septepber there were 49 such permits valued at $5.5 million, compared with 29 valued at $4 million during the sme period last year. The number permits for additions and alterations is also up over last year (68 to 58) and ghe dollar value has climbed from $1.1 million to over $1.4 million. But the building report also reveals some dowhturns in construction activity in Scugog as well. For example, the number of permits for farm construction has dropped from 23 last year to 14 this year, or from $1.2 million to $638,000. Permits for garages and carports have declined from 40 last year to 29 this year. And even with a very hot summer in 1993, the number of permits for swimming pools dropped from 17 to 7. That's a decline in value from $192,000 to $68,500 As well as the $5.2 million hospital expansion project, this year's building permits to the end of September reflects the new Big V drug store soon to be completed at the intersection of John and Queen Streets in downtown Port Perry. During the first nine months of 1993, the Township issued 199 permits in total, compared with 186 over the same period in 1992. YMCA basketball Starting Wed. November 3, YBC (Youth Basketball Canada) is coming to town! The ¥BC is an action packed program that will develop fundamental basketball skills while fc g on fun, fitness, Environmental A nt submission riext fall; mare public hearings in 1996 and start of construction in 1998. Hydro has set 2002 as the year the new facilities would be in service. The Original CHRISTMAS ONIN: (0) P= ---- PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL RH CORNISH PUBLIC SCHOOL SATURDAY, OCT. 30TH 10A.M.-4P. M. . Over 750 Graft Displays Tea Room Baty Sitting a Two Buildings/One Price Adult Admission $3.00/Children under 12 free fairplay, family and friends. No special equipment required only shorts and runners are needed. Registration includes a team shirt, player"s.manual, weekly game® and practices, coaching, YBC medal and*final celebration. It's for ages 8-13. On Tuesday, Nov. 2, "Ball Team Volleyball" will also begin for adults who want to keep the team spirit and fun alive throughout the winter. For information on either of these programs or on any other programs the Y is offering this year, call 985-2824. The great Rediscover the Canadian sty ta from Lo-2-Bey" | collection of sofas craftsmanship. de: that fit your lifgstyle at a great low price! Colle ol om oy LA-Z-BOY indoors pirit with trys Casus co vee Room Soka "9999 HOMESTEAD) FURNJTURE & APPLIANCES by Ballard & Carnegie HWY, 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157