wp» 8 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 26, 1993 pa advertising sales : Chris Hudson accounting : Sibylle Warren eternal optimist : Liz Drebit feature writer : Heather McCrde "Proud Canadians, proud to call Scugog Township home." 36 WATER ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. L9L1J2 Phone : (416) 985-6397 Fax : (416) 985-1410 @@n OCNA Member CCNA Member CCNA 4 CCNA Verified Circulation. Controlled published by Scugog Citizen Publishing Ltd. co-publishers : John B. McClelland, Valerie Ellis editor : John B. McClelland advertising manager : Valerie Ellis THE SCUGOG CITIZEN an independently owned and operated weekly community newspaper, is distributed, free of charge, to over 10,000 homes and businesses in and around Scugog Township. Subscriptions sold outside Scugog Township. EDITORIAL The public is the best censor Tory MPP Cam Jackson i is trying to through the Ontario Legislature w] for criminals to profit from their cri The Bill, which is now before Co require criminals to deposit any compensates victims of crime. Fortunately, this Bill is almost certainly doomed to failure because it is unconstitutional, an infringement on the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression. > To deny anyone the right to write a book, make a movie, or put on a stage show (afd yes, make a profit from it) would be a dangerous step towards denial of rights for any reason. Having said that, we agree with the basic premise behind this Bill: namely that it is repulsive almost beyond hgief to think that profits are being made on brutal crimes that took the lives of innocent people. But legislation to try to put an end to this hideous exercise by an end run around the issue (putting the money into some kind of fund) is not the answer. If society 'would stop buying books by mass murderers, if society would stop tuning in those "made-for-TV-movies" on the same, subjects, they Would soon cease to be published or broadcast. Turning heinous crimes into books or movies for profit is a horrific business. The only way to put an end to this is for the average citizen to make the decision to say no Election{93' So, the people of Canada have spoken. thi their support overwhelmingly behind Jean Chrétien and his biberals in Monday's historic national election. Not only.did the people of this country give the Liberals a huge majority with which to govern for the next five years, they relegated the ruling Tories and the New Democmats to non-party status. The decimation of the Conservatives at the polls is fairly easy to explain. We would venture to say that a lot of Canadians went into polling booths on Monday and saw the face of Brian Mulroney and-his nine years of rule that contributed to so much un-rest and bitterness. Canadians served notice a year ago in the Referendum vote that they won't be bull-dozed by any government again. Couple the Mulroney factor with the horrific, negative and at times downright embarrassing campaign by Kim Campbell and the Conservative defeat was assured. The overwhelming extent of the Conservative defeat is simply a measure of the anger C feel in this of 1993. Here in Durham riding, the vote pretty much followed the national trends with Liberal Alex Shepherd coasting to a fairly easy win over youthful Reformer Ian Smyth who started his campaign nearly a year ago with no money and virtually no organizational team. Smyth finished a strong second in this riding, well ahead of incumbent Ross Stevenson who fell with so many others of his party. In fairness, Stevenson did a more than credible job during his five years as the federal representative for Durham. He had a deserved reputation as a "good constituency rep" but he fell victim to the nation-wide swing to the Liberals, It is fair to say that with the rise of the Bloc Québécois and the Reform, the face of the political landscape has changed dramatically in one day. The crucial race to see who will form the official Opposition in. the Commons was still going on as the Citizen went to press early Tuesday morning. The Liberals have every right to celebrate. But Monday's election should serve notice that Canadians won't take any bull crap from any party or politician. Should the Liberals mess up in four years, they will find themselves relegated to non-status. Most Canadians don't expect miracles from Ottawa. But they demand integrity and an honest effort. While the Liberals celebrate, let's just say they are on probation for five years. Canadians will be watching their every move. t a private members bill make it impossible nal review, would into the fund that . battalion of ££ MONDAY - OCTOBER 25 | DID MY IVIC DUTY ND VOTED.. THINGS ARE (GOING TO GET 'WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27 NOTHING HAS CHANGED FRIDAY OCTOBER 29 T0SS THE BuMs out 1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hl Feminism and the Church L the Editor: ' The religious branch of secular feminism has made its way into of Catholic faith and morals. These gals are actually angry at the male divinity of Jesus Christ! "Catholic sounding" the Catholic Church. Like its red sister "Lib Theology," the - feminist movement gains adherents under the guise of claiming to fight great injustices including the ' waging of war against "government oppression" and by railing away to Pro-life supporters. whose fault it is, they claim, orphans are gunned down and killed in civil wars in far-away'third world countries. They are primarily at war, however, with authentic Catholic teaching and authority in all matters concerning life, biology, relativity of gender, primacy of species, spiritual obedience and doctrinal interpretation." In other words, they are attempting to turn the church upside down and destroy it from within at its weakest points. This is the keynote of diabolic methodology. The modernists, - newly enlightened "womenchurch" and ies to engage in dialogue of our set of differences to the ultimate acceptance of 'heresies and false doctrines are constantly employed by lower echelon, parish level trojan fillies who need to be exposed and identified to the larger faithful community of Catholics for what they really * Don't let anyone fool you into believing either that the Pope has a shrewd or ambiguous view to the sacredness of life. The Pope is clear in affirming for Catholics the traditions on which our faith was founded 2000 years ago. If he wasn't, he would not be Pope. Abortion is murder of a human being....period. However, the second Vatican council did not bring about a Catholic renewal but rather an odious, modernist revolution. This is an undeniable fact. It is are. Do not fall for their bl middle ground positions that looks at radical feminism as a bit too leftist, and pre-Vatican 11 Catholicism. as too far right wing, thus the reasonable middle position is acceptance 'of moderate feminism. It's a ruse. There is no such thing as moderation among revolutionaries. \ .In truth all religious feminism is revolutionary and must be completely rejected by anyone calling themselves Catholic. No half-measures will do. A tion of two to determine crowd, in repr this evil and ever-widening schism within the Catholic Church, is guided by many spirits to be sure. None of them Holy. In actual fact, they represent a full scale frontal attack on not only the Catholic Church, but of Christianity itself. We are experiencing more and more the obvious tremor effects of religious revolution waged by a well-organized, well-fed, well- funded, pro-abortion, pro- lesbian, pro-pagan, pro-new age feminist warriorettes who are launching an all out attack on every aspect "womenchurch" agendas might include asking--does the name of leading feminist theologian Rosemary Ruether mean anything to the white-lighters? Does the anti-life organization "Catholics for a Free Choice" ring a bell? Or how about this one.....should the church be Yecloricalized because priestly arises . not from ordination, but from the community's collective experience (textbook modernism) And finally, "Should the Bible be re-interpreted in the light of feminist sensitivities?" power therefore directly r ible for the rise of new-age feminism which is of the same basic philosophy as today's resurgent modernism. "Womenchurch" is rooted in what has been defined as "creation" based spirituality which is the occult, new-age teaching of Father Matthew Fox. The only answer for Catholics is complete return to pure Catholic doctrine and morals, obedience ofrour Lady of Fatima, a return to the traditional liturgy which glorifies God, gains grace and leaves no room for feminist, modernist improvi- sation, as well as a return to the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas which Pope Pius X called the remedy to "modernism." The former barriers to heresies, torn down after Vatican 11 must be reinstated. A new "oath of fidelity" is not the solution, the old "oath against modernism" is. So is the notion that you can support murdering a child in its * mother's womb and still call yourself a Catholic. Frank Trainor, Port Perry.