»Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 2, 1993 -- 19 = 985-6397 CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday, 12 P.M. Fax: 985-1410 -- " CN we P ForRent |p Notice |p Notice | pComingEvent|p AtRest | pIn Memory 2 . - | HALL RENTAL - Immaculate TRAVELLN' WILBUR'S CRAFT SHOW & SALE' PAYNE, Herbert Alexander 1 oo Conception Hall. Available for Muslc for All Occasions. STONEMOOR § Mark St., Litto Britain on Tuosday, October nouns frame of our Dances LaserKaraoke, Disc Jockey, Day Care Centre Inc. Friday, Now 5th - 3108 PM 26th, 1993 at his home. Herb son, Ricky, who passed and Mestings. Please contact 399 QUEEN STREET, Saturday, Nov. 6th - 9104 PM payne of Seagrave, beloved away November 2nd, 1990 Father Charlie 985-7071. ts, , otc. Sunday, Nov. 7th- 1104 PM husband of the late Ma & - Book for Family Reunions. PORT PERRY u of the la ry at 32 years of age. MASONIC HALL available for Todd & Carolyn Wilbur has limited (705) 786.2185 Harper (October 24, 1992). Where ever we are dances, jons, parties and 985-4867 Openings Available. LFA Loved father of Ronald and his Whatever we are doing meetings. Kitchen and bar. Call 0% Ages 15 Months to 6 Years. +L UBAAE wife Marie of Peterborough, No matter where we go, 985-8912 or 985-8764, loave KAREN E. HUNT, C.PE HOURS Saturday, November 271 Fichard of Manilla, Randy dnd You walk beside us, Ricky: message. sis, 6:30 AM 10 6:00 PM at Kinsmen Hall, Port Perry. his wife Diane of Seagrave, four family misses you F We For tables call 985-8108 Bonnie and her husband Jerry u so very much. UTICAHALL Medically Approved. FULL DAYS, Roid of and Tim and NO nd Dad available for dances, meetings, Member of EA.O. HALF DAYS, A DAY In ST, JACOBS Bernice of U Uxbridge. Loving receptions, banquets. Kitchen Member F.EA.C. & NURSERY SCHOOL N 20th ther of Robin, Krigtop- --------r-re and bar. Call (905) 985-7453 or Professional and Confidential PROGRAMS. Cost $17.00, For more info her, Jesse, Bobbi-Jo, Nathan DOWSON 965-2745. Call (905) 985-9085 For further information call 985-8108, by Nov. 12. and step grandfather of In loving memory of our dear please call Jeanne, Matt, James, John and Mother, Grandmother and INDUSTRIAL SHOP SPACE NEXT BLACKSTOCK great grandfather of Amanda, Great-Grandmother from $130. per month, BLOOD DONOR CLINIC (905) 985-0800 FIDDLE CONTEST Christal, Karina and Michael, Elva Lenore, who passed includes minimal use hydro, ~~ Wed., Dec. 15th - 210 8 PM Sat, November 6th - 7PM Daur brother of Bert of Bow. aay November rd, 1990. space with 10 x 10 overhead at the Masonic Hall Recreation : h i Gone are the days we + door and 3 x 7 entrance, 320 Queen St., Port Perry 'Entertainment manvill and Ann Dawkes of = Co, oor 16 x30 from $260. includes -- bai LOSE Entoriieument by Toronto. Friends called at the 450% 10 share. minimal use hydro. ATTENTION "BRIDES TO BE" Adults $6.; Under 12. so, McDermott-Panabaker Chapel = 0) ro aha yore 985-3885 Petals 'n' Lace § - of the Wagg Funeral Home, Phone Karl Herder JE The gates of memory TT roma Exclusive Floral Creations WEI CAESAREA HALL BOARD 216 Queen Street in Port Poy wil never close bod F Call for Free Consultation 'Gonoral Mon : (905-985-2171) on Thursday We miss you more 2 baihoon) oder home Janet Whison (905) 986-0754 Thursday, Nov. 4th - 730 PM fom 210 4 and 7 10 9 PM. A than anyone knows. 500 yen, yo nore Everyone fora servos was hed in the Wat iar iovs a a aye. 005.3747 phat Jarot Reading and HEALTH STYLE Yup Soma at gy ova by We Who ove you pro} 985-8704 Psychic Counseling Way! COUNTRY & WESTERN cremation. If desired memorial will never forget ys - 204-3771 no meal replacements Dance at the Blackstock donations may be made to the gly remembered by LARGE 3 BEDROOM New Age Bookstore personal menu plan Recreation Centre at 8:00 PM Community Memorial Hospital Donna, Glenn, Ross house for rent in Port Perry Ss Evenings 085-1172 = one to one counselling Saturday, Nov. 27th, 1993 Foundation in Port Perry. and Families area. $850. per month plus 4 t Prices = proven weight loss Tickets $20. per couple. reves eres -------------- utiities. References, firstand ~~ oC Te Call Deb Today! Tickets : 986-5196 or 986-5027 last required. Available Nov. 1 SNOW BLOWING 8 9372 SALE Yo Supe Con. Call Muay Hoskin 965-0069 985- November 6th and 7.9104 [Lua Err ERAT rr re ee Losing Weight Hand-kits, Wooden Cratts, % Water Stoel, Port Perry Pot HOOKS sn't have to cost Christmas Crafts & much more. HOME LTD. e-- A School and a leg! 326 Fralick's Beach Rd., " -- Yearbooks dating back to 1971 paris Myles G. O'Riordan 3or4 BEDROOM = prices from $5. 0 $25., to be Scugeg Island, follow signs. Ouner/ | Zonoa 8a. koa lor bosiness Sold at PPHS on Tussday, STORAGE ' " i P lovem!| Ne S005 month 930 PM, at Rosa St orirance hdd P Thank-you Call 985-2676 0r 985-2820 \onearT = mr erste ree -------- PORT PERRY : " po 3 BEDROOM BRICK Sc -- 143 Roach Ind. Park Rd. | ond trons tor mer canis it EARS ET MRSS NU NSERC Ab er, 10:30 AM on Thursday, (905) 88-7622 and best wishes on our 50th ary. 3300. ' November 11, 1993 at the LINDSAY Wedding Anniversary. A special . ; plus WD. Feferoncas, Blackstock Recreation Centre. 50 Uniroyal Drive thanks to our family, Rob, Carol Births For Sale ot rou Everyone is cordially invited. (705) 1 and Dianne for their time and Available immediately il ffort to make this a Call Keith at 985-7351 Guest speaker wil ba Rev aan, Ne tis BROWN IBM SELECTRIC " } - Py A -- Norm and Beice Mairs ind Stephen are happy Typewriters _ CLEAN 2 BEDROOM APT. Maybelle & Warriner Lodge id: Coming Event IA.).N Dawmvand Si the te ant Also Portables, Fax Machines with laundry facilites in building TRIP of the MONTH our deepest thanks to the of their little sister Cash Registers, Copiers $700. per month plus utilities. WINNERS = ---------------------- Venerable Norman P. Aldred Jr. E Sales - Rentals - Supplies Available December 1st. Th hs COME TO THE for his marvelous committal and SANTANA PAIG J Contracts. Centennial Lanes p- Seagrave o Ma PORT PERRY memorial services for our late bom October 18th, 1993, 30 years in business. 9850045 0r 9857908 Fro Ticket - Doroty impor, COUNTRY FLEAMARKET! 1q0v6d Yoshio Hikida. We are weighing 7b. 7 oz. Jenkins Business Equipment -- oes gees Port Perry. Experience our clean, friendly, grateful ras well to the St. Proud parents Ron & Barbara 15 Albert, Unit 1 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Lo country atmosphere. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses and Would like to thank Dr, Stewart, 728-7591 or 985-9783 ERA wn Bla Ri Cli plus uf . Firs! 8 m their dedication to the well-being the won nurses at Ines DELIVERY References. No Pets Learn What Over 90 Indoor Vendors. of Yoshio while she was still with Community Memorial Hospital Spring Water 705-786-1221 ASTRO! LOGY Free Parking and Admission. us To Dr. Gordon Mercer for his for their great care. wo 0p per 18 hurt bottle. "BUILDING for RENT teach you about Open Saturday & Sunday house calls and the cotblus Fol tote Anat ; can teach you a He a 24x60" with 2 - 16x7 doors 9AM to 5 PM Year-round. f the Mi Sides: Solin | even soa | SREEIIMRATS he oud 86 Went Tor Sale | FON eon Also storage -indoor or outdoor . " : west of Port Perry. 30, 1993 . for boats or trailers. 985-1345 | ® Your Firarids Ouinok, Phone 905-085-8424 _ Jool and the staff -_ BLE MMEDIATELY! | #C ity in jor for tere in atAldred's Comer h WE WONI!. WE WON! AVAILA N J - _-- _-- . firewood '93 Blue Jay C - Personal or Busine: FALL SUPPER and split 16°, also do ort amb slorBusinast St. John's Anglican Church ) At Res t | 5. Call 985-3361 Phis mary other designs are Blackstock from 5 SARS a i mas. een D5 E00 C1 306 52 en nN \ oh TRUCK CAPS, box liners, or be disappointed! A Adults $7.50; Under 12 - $3.50; "= rynning boards. Sales an tty's Garden Chairs are 3 bockaom semi. 12 bathe A na Pre-school Free. STAFFORD MONUMENTS installation. Van & Truck World hand-woven at 985-7570. 2 : Sa ---- ng Call 579-6868. IRA A dh, a eo CHARTS & | CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Phone 623-8150. VARIETY of CAR & TRUCK $900. plus lies. 985-3026 ol 00. plus . 985-3026 FORECASTS at Mr. Art, Bethany " Tarms oll SOLID OAK & PE parts including Step Bumpers, ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT DAVID Waekerds ck Nowenbar 7d ore Bi Sveilat FURMTURE Box Ralls, Truck Booch Sol 2 Spfon Re Garage, (905) 985-4482 Twig Fumiture by Jeff Flelcher, Serving all faiths. Canada's Buy {oer from one of Oriario's Tim Rings, Oo wo Caps "Call 985 ) Scugog. Quality gifts at oldest monument company. | Canses7se a eatonable pico. Atter hours: Oshawa 579-1116 To _ Gall 9650252, aher 6 PM. - of KITCHEN SET THE FOUNDATION TO PROMOTE d Cannonball Beds, 5 - $226.00 b Yard Sales | LTERACY WoaADA » Notice | 3 Notice ure, Car Top Carmr - $6.00 the Canadian Dining Room Tables, Chairs, Bedroom Set, 5 pe. - $1,500. MOVING SALE Buffets & and much more. 985-1925 Saturday, Novambes 6th, 1993 y y y chon Tables &Chais. . + 392 Sexton Street Veneer. === | EMMERSON a === Dresser, Coffee Table Set, - 900d ros, new paint job. Oak Pedestal Table, Oak Desk, Brass fireplace doors, Bar Fridg, Boam Central Vac, VY Aa. D TOR oe id ol firo grate and Chimney Cap; Saree, Hox Peri Tab, INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITE Parry Oo Tier 985.0060 8 50 hp. Motor : NN Snowblower, water Distiller, NEW & USED AIRTIGHT wastiou: route. | 193 QUEEN.ST. PORT PERRY, ONT. LOL 1B9 | INERRATRE -- wvwane ide Fridge, F & Stove, , 2 Showrooms at 2 Locations , 4X9. Eroazot Duk Heowost Table. © (905) 985-7306 Over Ridge (905) 9850715. Phono 006.083.6249 3 pe. Slate Pool Table, Misc oe