Cl NVA DIRS CALENDAR November 2nd to 16th, 1993 MONTH LONG EVENTS * Port Petry Alsieen lo thos under 2) years of age who have a relative or friend with a drinking problem, Meets every Tuesday Night at the Port Perry United Church, Sima Goon Sot starting at 7:30 PM. * Alanon - Adult Children of Alcoholics meets every Tuesday Nght at he Port Pory Und Ghurch sang at 8 Pt. For those dip fl rd drinking problem. Wednesday at 7 PM at the Catholic Church Hall. arco ih Don House, 1st Monday every month at Prince Albert Hall, 10 Jolvey Sout fur 7:3 io S JPM Perry Fiddle Club Dance & Jam Session every 4th Wednesday 7:00 PM at Islander Banquet Hall, Scugog Island (follow si Fiddlers, Pickers, Dancers, Public Welcome. Admi 985-7557 or 985-9807. * TOPS (Take Of Pounds Sonsbh) meets every:Tuesday 7 PM at the Anglican Ch Hall. New members welcome. 985-9827. » choy ey Em pbs wig sociability, travel and support in the Seniors' Room at the Latcham Centre any Wednesday A * Scugog Duplicate e meets ys at Prince . Albert Community Centre at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM. New members welcome, Info call 986-0767 or 985-2204. * Weekly Thursday Euchrés at the Prince Albert Community Conti" starting 8:00 PM. $1.50 ission. Prizes, light * The Borelians present "Harvey", November 4, 5, 6, and 11,-12, 13, 8:00 PM in Town Hall 1873, Port Perry. Tickets $1 2. Call 985-2635. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd ' * Pine Ridge Garden Clot monly meoting and competion, 1:30 PM Nestieton Community Hall, Huy, 7A, Nestleton. All welcome. raiser for the school's adopted Columbian foster child H money going to help with his education and family expe! Hockley, Joel Holtby and Francis Desmond. The students at S,A. Cawker School held their annus! Halloween Carnival for UNICEF on Friday afternoon. There were all kinds of fun events like ha! * puck shoot, a dance, a bake sale and lots of costumes. The classrooms, a pumpkin INICEF Carnival was a fund nides Gomez Lopez, with the . In photo above are Michelle Further details call 986-0164 * Gaasaree Hall Board, g Cover Monty Mook at 70M veryone welcome. Support your community. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Srd * Hot Turkey Dinner with plum pudding and pie at Seagrave United Church. Sings at 4.45 PM, 6:00 Ph and 7-15 PM. Advance tickets only 985-8190 or 985-3851. Take-outs available. UCW Bazaar. * The Seniors' Hospitality Room at the Latcham Centre is:open for free coffee from 9:30 to noon. *Come to enjoy and remain to share". He said that would bring both halls up to full compliment of 30 The Scugog Township Fire Department is looking to hire * Euchre at the Latcham Centre; 1:30 PM. volunteer firefighters to work officers and figefighters. DAY, NOVEMBER 4th . out of the halls in Caesarea and "Although the gousos Fire * Scugog monal Library Travelogue presents "Portugal, Eurorail Port Perry. Department Is called to Germany®, program starts at 7:30 PM. Everyone welcome. A recruitment drive is on now "volunteer," these are paid "Sonera Mo es ir of Your ayaa Hh 8 TPM, (see ad in classified section) with positions. Chief Steele said FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th successful candidates to start in firefighters can expect to earn *Preview of Silent Auction items at Port Perry United Church, January. between $4500 and $6000 per a Sos See) fom 715.9 PM. i rw Fire C1 Chief Don Steele said last year. + Port Perry Higl 00! Commencement Program, k week the department needs As for anyone (male or female) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th three new firefighters for Hall 1 who may be interested in joining * 3rd Annual Silent Auction at the Port Perry United Church from 10 AM with bidding closing randomly from 3 to 4 PM. Other features include UCW Bazaar, Hot Luncheon, Bake Sale and new attraction 'Just Like New Shop". * Armistice Banquet and Dance at Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 419. Cocktails 6:00 PM; Dinner 7:00 P| M. pan dopo Lore Hachey, 9 PM. * Fall Supper at St. John's Anglican urch, Blackstock from 5 PM. Adults $7.50; Under 12 - $3.50; Pre-school Free. * Blackstock Fiddle Contest 7 PM at Blackstock Recreation Centre, Entertainment by Warren Sutcliffe. Adults $6.00; Under 12 - $2. * Euchre at the Latcham Centre, 8 PM. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th * Remembrance Day Parade starts at the Scugog Memorial Libra at 10 o'clock. Wreath laying at Port Perry Cenotaph at 11 AM. juEabag NOVEMBER 9th Lake Scugog' Historical Society General Meeting, 7:30 PM atthe Head Church on the Museum Grounds. Guest speaker, Brendan OBrien, author of 'Speedy Justice'. Fee Admission. Refreshments. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th * Seniors' Hospitality Room open 9:30 to noon at Latcham Centre. * Seniors' Regular Meeting at 2 PM in the Latcham Centre. "Durham Environmental Network Meeting in the Brown Room, Oid Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. Two youth speakers. Call 985-3225 for more details. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11th * Remembrance Day Wreath Laying at the Blackstock Cenotaph, at 10:30 AM. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th Port Perry and five for Hall 2 in Caesarea. "MARK YOUR CALENDAR! . an the department, he said the main qualification is physical Door Prizes! Info: @16) 985-1616 * Spaghetti Diner, at the Latcham Centre, $6.00 per person. : Sponsored by the Township of Scugog Optimist Club. Frank Baum * Bingo at the Nestleton Cemmunity Centre, 7:30 PM. Call 986-5503 Harold Arlen & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th v EY. Harburg * The Art of Robart Craddock, November 13th to December 3rd. Artist Reception*at Scugog Memorial Public Litirary from 1 to 4 PM. * Seniors' Bazaar in the Latcham Centre from 10 AM to 3 PM. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14th - #* The Kivell Family Singers from Chatham will present a traditional Gospel Music in Bums Church, Ashbum at 7:30 PM. They have Canadian Gospel Music and enjoy this inspiring musical evening. Social Hour 10 follow. * Pancake Breakfast at the Latcham Centre 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Sponsored by the Township of Scugog Optimist Club. $3.50 / person DIRECTOR: * MUSICAL DIRECTORS : Diane Lackle - Catherine & Tor Millar TOWN HALL 1873 Queen, Simcoe St., Port Perry PERFORMANCES Thursday, December 16th - 8:00 PM Friday, December 10ih, 17th - 8:00PM of , December 11th, 18th - 8:00 PM Matinee - December 11th, 12th - 2:00 RM Ddors open 7:30 PM & 1:30 PM for Matinee $12.00 $10.00 Prica includes $2. Surcharge for Town Hall Renovations Avaliable at Irwin Smith Music, 191 Queen St., cluded in the fol Your user friendly, [[oToF: 1 ol-To] ol [3 oF:] o T=] 2000 EL ScucoaG CITIZ Firefighters needed fitness, and candidates must live within a short drive of the Fire Hall where they will be working. One a candidate is selected, he/she will spend a year as a ""probationary firefighter." For the first six months, they will take training sessions only and will respond to emergency situations only as observers. After six months, their performance will be evaluated and then they will move in to advanced training which includes supervised work at emergencies. "Our training démands are going up all the time, and we have to meet the requirements," (of the Ontario Fire Marshal) said Chief Steele. Captain Dave Ballingall is the director of training for the department and there are two training officers--Capt. Robert Gonnerman at Hall 2 and Lt. Peter Caudell at Hall 1. Training includes completion of CPR and first aid courses, and starting in 1994, all firefighters will have to complete a new 100- hour course set by the Fire Marshalls office. Members of the Township Fire department receive full gear and dress uniforms, and are completely covered by compensation and Township insurance. The department is accepting applications until November 22. Happy 50th Birthday ONA SHORT November 8th, 1993 Love - Catharine & Jeff J A A