editor: J accounti 36 WATER ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. LIL 1J2 Phone : (416) 985-6397 Fax : (416) 985-1410 advertising manager : Valerie Ellis advertising sales : Chris Hudson ohn B. McClelland #CNA ng : Sibylle Warren eternal optimist : Liz Drebit feature writer : Heather McCrae "Proud Canadians, prod 10 call Scugog Township home." | published by a Citizen Publishing Ltd 1 co-publishers : John B. McClelland, Valerie Ellis OCA Member THE SCUGOG CITIZEN CCNA Member an independently owned and operated A " cona weekly community newspaper, is distributed, free of charge, wit to over 10,000 homes and businesses CENA Verlfind in and around Scugog Township. Circulation Controlled Subscriptions sold outside Scugog Township. H LIBERAL Take time to remember This coming Sunday morning (November 7);members of the Port Perry Legion branch 419, will ho other parade and Cenotaph service for Remembr. This year, Remembrance Day takes.on adi ance for it marks the 75th anniyersary of the en 1, the "Great War" as it is often called in which millions of men (mostly young) from dozens of countries paid with their lives on the battlefields of western Europe. Canadians paid a heavy price in that "war to end all wars," as 66,573 never came 'heme, and a further 138,166 were wounded. Just 21 years after the end of this "Great War," world picked up arms again for World War 2, and 45,000 Canadians lost their lives. Another 53,145 were wounded during the conflict which lasted six long years. Including the 516 who died during the Korean War, over 114,000 Canadians were killed in action in these three conflicts. That's about the same number of people who now live in the city of Osawa. The average age of veterans of the Second World War i now 71, and for Korean War veterans, their average age is early 60's. There are more than 600,000 veterans still living in Canada and while their numbers are shrinking, their needs and those of their families is increasing. The Royal Canadian Legion's annual Poppy/Remembrance campaign is intended to*remind all | Canadians of the sacrifice in three wars. As well, the poppy donations serve to assist surviving veterans and 2) their dependents in many different ways. More than 15 million poppies will be distributed and worn from coast to coast in Canada this year. In Canada the poppy has been officially recognized as a symbol of remembrance since 1921. It was first adopted by the United States a year earlier. As far back. as the Napoleonic Wars, a correspondent noted how the poppy flower grew so thickly over the graves of the dead. But it was a Canadian soldier Lt. Col. John M¢Crae who penned 13 lines of verse that immortalized the poppy. After the bloody battle of Ypres in 1915, he wrote "In Flanders Fields." The verse was published in Punch magazine in December, 1915 and became a world-wide inspiration. McCrae was one of the 68,573 Canadians who did not return home from World War 1. "modern problems," it is perhaps too easy to be compiacent about the, sacrifice paid by Canadians in the wars of the 20th century. Yet, each and every one of us, young and old alike, owes a debt to those who served their country. We can support the Legion's Poppy Campaign. We can take the time to attend the Cenotaph service this coming Sunday (Nov. 7) morning at 11:00 in front of Branch 419. We can attend the wreath laying service November 11 at 11:00 AM at the Cenotaph in Blackstock. By wearing a poppy, we show that we have taken the time to remember and to say that the sacrifice paid by over 100,000 brave Canadians was not in vain: Today in 1993 with the country facing an assortment of -JOB CREATION PROGRAM \ I'D LIKE AN B--.. APPLICATION 0 D 4 )) I | : TOE HEY wl oe Rl Pest LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Egjitord The pendulum has swung full circle. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of past defeats, the Liberals have swept the PCs leaving them with only two seats in all of Canada--the lowest in history. The Mulroney legacy will live to haunt the PCs for decades. The worst thing f for the country is another majority, government. We had it for years with Mulroney and Trudeau. Power corrupts--absolute power corrupts absolutely, We must end the blatant patronage and perks of the Trudeau-Mulroney era. Let's hope that the immense concentration of power with the Liberals in Ottawa and the Bloc in Quebec, that they won't take on the arrogance of the last 25 years of Mulroney and Trudeau. Demands for more and power for Quebec by the Bloc with the reality of separation leaves English. Canada to once again face the blackmail tactics of "give us what we demand or we'll separate." Trudeau once said "Quebec sets the agenda and the rest of Canada follows." Serge Joyal said "I and a number of colleagues are working to make Canada a French state." Trudeau government, Chretien as approached to act on the upreme Court decision that the French only Bill 101 was unconstitutional. His reply: "it's too sensitive a matter." He also said "French is too deeply entrenched to be As Justice Minister in the . threatened." : The United Nations 'recently ruled that Quebec's sign law violates individual rights and freedoms. Bill 178 was used to 'over-ride the the Charter of Rights. Both Ottawa and Quebec answered the UN decision by ignoring the it and replying to the ruling in French. Lucien Bouchard ran his recent election campaign on more power for Quebec and eventual separation. - English Canada has bowed to Quebec's demands for decades. Combining the Bloc's 54 seats in Parliament with the Liberals 177, Quebeckers hold massive powers--a total of 231 seats out of 295. i The Conservatives hold just one seat outside Quebec. The burden of representation for a large part of English Canada now rests with the Reform Liberals must get rid of arrogance of the past Pe Chretien handles the demands from the Bloc will decide the future of Canada. His past record was dismal, weak and indicisive. To win the October 25 election, he had to make many promises. Let's see how well be keeps them. Remember, yesterday's promises are tomorrow's taxes. The pensions for defeated politicians in last week's election will cost Canada $5.5 million this year and $180 million next year. Perrin Beatty will get $5 million in pension money if he lives to bg 75 years of age. He's now 43. MP's can collect pensions for life starting the very day they legve office only six years in office. Dean Kelly, President Assoc. of Dedicated Canadians, Port Perry, Ont' PPHS Ski team says thanks for support To the Editor; The. Port Perry High School Nordic Ski Team would like to extend its thanks to the customers who supported our yard cleanup this past Saturday, In particular we would like to thank Mr Don Farquharson and Mr Bill VanCamp for their behind the scenes assistance. The event was not only a on the m ry side, well-being of Port Perry. We are hoping for Mother Nature's cooperation in allowing us one more Saturday this year. If you are interested in our raking and/or hauling away of your leaves, (no bagging necessary) please call 985-9459. This is intended to be the first of an annual event. We look forward to your taking dvantage of this next year. but we also had a terrific time, got in a good pre-season workout and contributed to the ecological Coach Gord Humphrey, PPHS Nordic Ski Team