ms" Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 16, 1998 -- 17 BRUTON BIG Vv GRAND 0 We've moved to serve you better. Welcome to the "NEW!" BRUTON BIG V DRUG STORE NOW LOCATED AT 268 GUEEN STREET. Both Bruton Big V and Smith and Smith Big V have joined forces and have both moved into the new Bruton Big V to create one very Amazing neighbourhood drug store in Port Perry. You'll find plenty of parking, wider aisles, our state-of-the-art Pharma- Centre concept and extended hours: Monday thru Friday 8am- "9pm, Saturday 9am-6pm, and Sunday 11am-4pm. to be won when the Alarm Sounds with any individual greeting card urchased on woes boxed cards enclosures) ENTER TO WIN A CD Cassette Player OR A Weekend for 2 to Toronto plus $300 spending money. (Trip draw to be held Thurs., Nov. 18/93) Secret BRUTON PANTYHOSE wide pack "ii" 79 One Size Assorted Colours A EXTRA STRENGTH "86 V {99 : ACETAMINOPHEN 500mg 100's BRUTON BiG \ Monday thru Friday 8am-9pm, Saturday EXTEN CET RCT TET Te RTL GEIR FET) BE Fel)