re Zz 16, 1993 For sai SET Gars | PETS |p Sewing FIREWOOD - Al hardwood, Ct GMOWMOBILE SEATS 1982 CHEV HOMES NEEDED! and split 16°, also firewood ass. $225 Call 986-2717 For Pate Awsliable st TERA logs. Call 985.3361 085-9904, A-Frame Services - SCUGOG by experienced BT -- 1988 CHEV CELEBRITY ANIMAL CENTRE for reasonable rales and TRUCK OAPs. box sens, wagon, clean car - $4,500 Port Perry 985-9547 personalized service installation Van & Truck World 1988 YAMANA OVATION ie oan al MN oar -- _ Collhnne wt og 78 Call 579-6868 bop regphagrar vibe $1.250 Call 985-3286 fury and lots of kn HT SOUDOAK APNE ~~ ------ Ta PONTIAC LEMANS ed Carmes oss > Contracting ps. pd, pb, auld, air. PET POT-BELLIED MGS d Buy direct from one of Ontano's | Easy to cortly. a6 & . $800 Jers - and watch your fumiture - For Sale Cab 965-2978 Sand. gravel. WI. and Excavat far woos meow | Herder Sales | |p Work Wanted| "22 . Dining Room Tables, Chairs New Windows in Stock. 166 Reach Park Rd. ~ Buffets & Hutches Cash and Camry or (905) 985-3885 NEED A HAND? - Call Murray! sok No Voror Proven | Quality Used Cars | Grass cusig. widow deans. [P Help Wanted Finished in your choice of stain WINDOW WAREHOUSE 88 PONTIAC ' garden. located in he Reach ind. Park. ; CAREER OPPORTUNITY Regional Rd 8 Call 985-3747 S only Ta Trango 115 North Port Rd., Port Perry experience an asset Hel - Side by Side, MAASAI nf roid ve Call Aine 985-4824 b elp Wanted NEW & USED AIRTIGHT Stoves. Washers. Dryers. -- 2 Soros 2 Locations Washers & Dryers. Foazers any Township of ) at ) Over Ridge (905) 985-0715 Dehwserid ors, Dishwatias. for! ip Scugog 0M SELECTAIC guaraniond doivery avai » FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR Lotrivaphanttiond Belore you Buy, Give us a Try! Cash Registers, "178 Reach industrial Pk Rd Sa Pan: dy Loe Volunteer Fi Firefighters Service / G - for both 30 years in business ri Port Parry ad Cassar Fre Suton. 15 Abert, Unit 1 3 Service 3 a ars of 728.7501 or 966.9783 Aso dean com bei : " po FREE DELIVERY 705-277-2387 8 able 0 provide a physician's carticate Pure Spring Water ------ -- physical finesse $6.00 per 18 fitre botse interior - $2,906. - be able 1 successfully complete both written 5 Buus botle depos) LARINET - FLUTE 7'86 CHEV 172 TON and physical testing as required by the Dept. og Sons oa with +30 Ds ord an only Full waining and equipment is supplied to al 985.7873 Priced 1 sed (905) 085.0967 | 0 C0 pianlf oy +4 . s re -------------------------- 73 ECONOUNE Insured, mpioyment © 1 January 1994. inserts Fromiing Sows raised roof, only 44,000 avaiiatio Closing date - 22 November 1963 November 198, 20th, 21st Wood inserts and original miles, new paint. Phone (305) 985-9649 Sano TICR NIM Uv aia 4 ou 0A 0 S30 FU hip oomioes Soca 1900 MAZDA MPV TT wcamoE Monday 1 F dey 830 A 0 430 PU. lamps. table & chairs Chay Sysams + fapars V6 LX, loaded, white. PLUMBING & HEATING Former applicants must . Rattan & wicker furniture 986-5846 $10,900. Residential & Commercial OM. , Fire Chief Fridge & Washer SR A-- '88 ECONOUNE Repairs, Renovations, © DRAWER DRESSER SUPER VAN and New Construction 3651 Dowie Fond, with cofiee table AN viicies oertileg wih For a free estmate call by = Borviees extension of Shirley boro ) 985-0063 Leg: y on pre boy Lyoply~--e (706) 367-1518 . . : DIVORCE P Trucks | Questions? We'll Listen. re Divorce in 3 mths. $875. or Legal Aid. '88 DODGE DAKOTA 4x4 . CAP for 815 or 810 longbox - $150 =; medium RELIABLE WOMAN rl or ve on 525.2545 Cal 565723, leave message © do housework Cut your own or Precut -- p---- a cal sy a YURKO TREE FARM | moo $20 Wanted | "scaler reremece 4140 Grandview SUN, Fumace - $500 E House Clearer a Flow som Pasture Fence 200 - $25. eee HOU ratte - Oven, Fridge and .- 2%. & Howden Rd '82 Lincoln Continental - $2500 OLD CARS WANTED Window Cleaning Not Extrel pepe 85 Merc. Van custom - $1500 for scrap. Wij) ow away. Reclaim your weekends 'Welcome Call Brad, 985-8693, Wil Pay Call 986-4566 Phooe 6554198 aher 630 PM Call Ray 985-8707 -- SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS MINI HOE & LANDSCAPING PORT HIGH MUSIC DEPARTMENT Froe Tow No job's 190 big or small! Call Peter 985-0069 phe) 24 Iv. service ' SCALA BROS. Brian (905) 986-4836 The music:students of PPHS are holding their We DA! AVI ANNUAL CITRUS CAMPAIGN from Nov. do 18h a . WDAYCARE NALMLE, The FLORIDA CITRUS may Cal 985.9767 , NAVEL S..20b $17.00, 40. - $28.00 A oanced business: vO Call 985-4135 TANGELOS .20b. - $17.00; 40 b. - $28.00 GRAPEFRUIT Ib. - $15.00; 40 b. - $25.00 = r To order, contact any PPHS Music Student, or J y OT ey Say You Saw It In the Sold only by Pre-order. Fruit will be available for pickup Docember 3rd 4h 5¢0 Thank you for your support SCUGOG CITIZEN 179 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 723-53 Neil R. Holmes, BA, LLB. (res) 985-4057 REAL ESTATE Sales DEADLINE AUCTION SALE rv Thursday yt 8 155 Percy Cres 5:00 PM Lots of kitchen appliar suites, bedroom suites. 5 HP linens, , Vacuum Cleaners, Bric a brac plus a aot mors good items for sale. lego iow bom SPM PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES ~~ ' (905) 655-8073 985-9007 ) The Canadian Red Cross Society