= 34 -- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, November 16,1993 ~~ i . These film ics at the. with. The Beverly Hillbillies directed by Penelope Spheeris % - Bomb : There are times when being a , film critic is sheer torture. Sure, I get to see movies for free, sometimes months before they are released, but this means I see all the movies, good and bad. Sometimes I see as many as ten films a week, and I can honestly say for every good S are movie, there are 25 bad ones. ) . For every great film, a film for - 'the ages, there are 100 bad ones. The sad part is, it is my firm belief that no one sets out to make a lousy movie, (perhaps it is my love of film that keeps that thought alive). I simply find it inconceivable that professional actors, directors, writers and techies would want their name on a bad movie. Producers, however, are an entirely different lot, because their artistic sense is driven by the almighty dollar sign. While this is not true of some producers, it is a fair - assumption to say that most producers make a movie to make money. I can see no other reason for anyone making The Beverly Hillbillies, one of the many TV to movie spinoffs we will see in the next year. The late, great TV series.is classic television, a success because of the innocence of its comedy, and the conviction with which the actors played their roles. Who thinks of Buddy Ebsen as anyone other than Jed Clampett? So, why would they even attempt to re- a couple of real dogs do characters so permanently engraved into our consciousness? As a film, the Beverly "Hillbillies is a travesty, so unfunny you will find yourself feeling insulted from time to time. Seriously, how many road kill jokes are we meant to endure? How many times must we see the oh-so-snobby rich folks turn their noses up at the good natured Clampetts? Wait . . doesn't this all sound familiar? Sort of, just like the old series, minus the charm and i ? Bingo!!!Which is The Big Pink Truck Three Days Only - November 19, 1) | | leo ($11.97 " ~ Faz / sq.ft. i rea oT 00a) mm I -- -- 5 Installing FIBERGLAS PINK" Home Insulation means big savings. \L And on Nov. 19, 20 & 21, you can save big on FIBERGLAS PINK. It's The Big Pink Truck Sale, at Kawartha Consumers Cooperative Inc. FIBERGLAS PINK. It's guaranteed to fit right the first-time and keep its R-value for a lifetime. FEAL DO IT RIGHT. (SLLULYYS DO IT PINK. 17.97 10.57 -- = br [= 27.77 | | A) 2a | Wilke | mr 20 & 21* a axs-1/2" S AVA WESTROC DRYWALL We carry a complete supply of Drywall Accessories, available at everyday low prices. 85 sht. CASH & CARRY KAWARTHA CONSUMERS COOPERATIVE INC. Lindsay Beaverton Fenelon Woodville 324-7761 426-7324 887-2701. 439-2491 * Only Lindsay Store Open on Sundays (YN exactly why the film is so completely a failure. Who do you blame? The actors? The director? You could start there, but is that fair? In fairness, Cloris Leachman does an uncanny impersonation of Irene Ryan's Granny, while Jim Varney is steadfast and rock solid as Jed, wiping away the memories of those stupid Ernest movies. But that is where the acting accolades end. No one else, and I mean No one else even deserves a mention. Director Spheeris (Wayne's World) may have talent, but not once is it ever displayed. 1 suppose the best way to end this is to say, I saw the film for nothing and still felt ripped off. What a piece of garbage. «Note: Remakes of TV series _ can work, something The Fugitive has proven. The films is still on in Oshawa, and frankly I have not seen a better film this year.) Look Who's Talking Now!! * - bomb John Travolta is ene of the greatest actors in the American cinema, something he has proven, although not in the recent past. Travolta's early film work was astonishing, * displaying a range that led to comparisons to the young Brando. He was nominated for an Oscar for his superb .. performance in Saturday Night 'Fever (1977) which has unfairly been tagged a disco film, gave a terrific musical performance in Grease (1978) and should have won an Oscar as the tortured | sound man in Blow Out (1981). Yet despite the profoundly brilliant work Travolta has done, he ig perhaps the most misunderstood, least takén seriously of the actors in film. How else can one explain his recent film roles? To his credit he is always watchable, never giving a bad performance despite the fact the films he is in are just awful. : This is the third (and Hopefully final) installment of the popular Look Who's Talking series, which began with a charming idea yet has become downright dumb. Remerhber the first film? Travolta fell hard for Kirstie, Alley, who had a son who said his thoughts with Bruce Willis" voice. The sequel added Rosannb, Arnold as the voice of th couple's little girl, and this timek out we have Danny DeVito and Diane Keaton as the voices of . . Despite Travolta's immense talents, this film is exactly what DeVito and Keaton are portraying. .. a dog.