Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Scugog Citizen (1991), 14 Dec 1993, p. 9

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John B. McClelland mrm---- 0 CANADA, WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE illegal in Canada, I wonder if it is illegal to raise money by ads in How meg times have you been to = Canadian newspapers. I was also c some pul function where those present were asked to stand and sing 0 Canada to open the proceedings and instead of hearing hearty voices belting out the words to our national song, you could hear a pin drop? This was most certainly not the case on the evening of December 8 when the Port Perry Senior Citizens Club held its annual Christmas dinner at the Latcham Centre. Well over 100 seniors were in attendance at this affair and when president Stan Rickard asked them to stand and sing O Canada, boy did they belt it out. What a joy it was to actually hear the words, to hear those strong voices carry that song in key and in tune, What a contrast to other public renditions of O Canada I have heard which were nothing short of an embarrassment as people shuffled around, gazed at the ceiling; chatted with the person nearby, or in some blatant cases didn't even bother to stand up. Hats off to those seniors last week who obviously love this country enough to do justice to O Canada. I should also note that after this beautiful rendition of O Canada, the seniors lighted seven candles at the front of the hall to signify things like . friendship, peace on earth, love of country. What a nice, classy touch to the start of Christmas dinner. I learned something from being there for a just a few minutes last week. The seniors know how to do An ad in the business section of Canada's pap ugh my eye r ly. The ad is looking for investors in a "legal brothel" on a "well travelled Caribbean Island with European clientele." The total investment-is just $550,000, secured by real estate. But this can divided into smaller units. Hmmmmmm. Since brothels are intrigued by the fact the address for enquiries is Kitchener, Ont. I guess in this day and age, it was just a matter of time before the world's oldest profession becomes an investment opportunity. Now you can have part or all of a legal brothel in your investment portfolio along with RRSPs, mutuals, CSBs and stocks in blue chip corporations. What next. IN CLOSING..I don't know about you, but I think the National Basketball Association (NBA) has a lot of nerve trying to tell the Ontario government how it should do business, The NBA has gran ronto a new franchise, which is fine. But a condition of that franchise is for Ontario_toget rid of betting on baskgtball games in the provincial sports lottery. Betting on basketball through this very popular lottery puts about $20 million into government coffers each year. That's not the point. Here we have an American organization, the NBA, run by Americans, which wants to set up shop in a Canadian city (T\ ) in defense of the Millar Lights To the Editor: With reference to letters from S. Neale and C. Sturman which lambast Dr. Tom Millar's recent "tongue in cheek" letter on local hooligans. The first thing that needs to be pointed out to these two ladies is that the good doctor is a Scotsman. Now, for * #the initiated this is explanation enough. § To those less familiar with the peculiarities of the breed known as Scotsman, I will brave the race relations laws to explain. When you first encounter these strange fe your first i my be that they can be rather "crotchety." , Think about it. Your's would also be a ty" race if of your forebearers took to the freezing Moors and Highlands wearing only knee high socks with a North Sea gale blowing up their kilts. Rest assured, ladies, you can grow rather fond of these gents once you get to understand some of their funny remedies, e.g., several pints of dark, foul tasting ale accompanied by many and insists on telling a provincial government what kind of lotteries it can run for citizens of Canada. Frankly, this is one time I hope Bob Rae and his government show some mettle and tell the NBA to take a hike. The NBA, by the way, will earn a franchise fee of about $100 million. Maybe the NBA would like to donate that to the Ontario government and then ask from basketball to be deleted from the lottery. Look, the Ontario government doesn't attach any conditions on the NBA setting up in Toronto. The gall of the NBA to tell this government what it can and cannot do. Hold tight on this one, Bob Rae. Tell those yankees to take their hoops and back-boards home or play by our rules. hy hymns to cure head injuries sustained by not wearing appropriate protection before embarking on their rampage of aggravated assault (otherwise known as Rugby football) - Among many other afflictions, this species suffers from "buffoon intolerance syndrome," a wry sense of humour and a penchant for straight talk. We have become very grateful for their refreshing honesty. However, delicate flowers have been known to take offense. Iam sure Dr. Tom only slaps children in their first minutes of birth. True, the rumour is that a "slap in the chops" is frequently on the menu at the Millar Lights, but as yet has not been served up. Ms. Sturman's proposed forced work programs appeal to my basic instincts. The thought of these miscreants ng under has me all fired up to back a call for a return to conscription. Hell, why stop there, let's put the little blighters on a chain gang. (Why do I have a strange feeling that you and I may be in a minority of two on that idea, Carol?) As an employer I would be likely to hire a candidate who has shown the self-motivation and self-discipline of belonging to our Cadets or one of the dozen or so local church youth groups, rather than one who had to be forced out in the morning, and would rather hang around the malls and the streets at night. Too late, Canada is waking up to the realization that work is privilege--the world owes no one a living--and we are a country of redundant factory workers. Future winners will be the innovators and entrepreneurs. This requires creativity, imagination, initiative, team work and the ability to follow through on a project. Qualities developed in the Millar Lights, Cadets and so on are rarely nurtured through socialist type work programs. The Millar Lights is not just a "teen activity." Every aspect from stage construction, make-up, costume design and sewing, backstage, marketing and communicating and having fun together with a common goal. Relationships are built that will last a lifetime. There are plenty of thrills and no boredom (guaranteed) no profit and no cost to the participants. In an earlier letter, Ms. Neale was critical of the $12 price for a ticket to the "Wizard of Oz." Has she recently checked out the cost of a downtown theatre seat? I gather most of the productions at Town Hall 1873 will cost more this year. This is to save the Scugog tax payers from the full burden of recent renovations. This good man and his protege are actually raising funds to Turn to page ten Dr. Tom Millar responds to recent letters To the Editor: In response to the recent letter to the editor from Ms. Neale, I would like to clarify some misconceptions she appears to hold. 1 would be the first to admis that personally I receive much blicity and social gniti in return for the many hours spent by me in promoting the Arts in this town. [ also freely admit that this does give me pleasure, just as it gives me a sense of satisfaction that in my own way I am enriching the social life of the ity in Each show that we produce costs in excess of $15,000 and since we do not charge the children anything to be part of the Millar Lights, we require to sell 1500 seats at $10 each simply to survive, This is only achieved with the support of the parents of the group, who willingly spend many hours working behind the scenes, but having the satisfaction of helping their own children in theatrical endeavours. Thus, we are forced to charge general. The name of our group--the Millar Lights--was in point of fact not a name that { chose, but rather a name tht the original group of children chose on their own volition as a parody on the naine of a famous brand of beer, a name that also brings pleasure to many in this area, including myself! the ts we do, and also charge $2 per ticket which we donate to the Town Hall 1873 for renovations and new seating, a method which costs the taxpayers nothing. Fortunately the folks in this town have been absolutely superb in this regard and Millar Lights continue to survive in a difficult economy. As to the letter to the editor from Mas. Sturman, I would like to make the following comments. It is true that I do not have children of my own, but what that has to do with my ability to make comments social issues, I fail to understand. And I can only déscribe that comment as reel of social discriminati hich is surprising as T am led to believe that she has strong religious convictions. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I have equally not ever had a baby, yet have been asked to deliver hundreds in my professional career, and equally havebeen asked for advice on how to best raise them and nurture them physically and emotionally. And judging by the size of my practice, whilst freely admitting I have had my share of mistakes just like every other physician, I feel I have done not too badly, thank you very much, even if I do say so myself. However, if one ignores the character assassination attempts, one feels that both (letter writers) have attempted to analyse the problems facing the younger generation, but would appear in my personal view, to have failed to come up with a satisfactory solution. Perhaps the answer lies in forming a group of concerned adults who are willing to sit down with the children and find out what realistically be done to help the younger generation in this town, most of whom are the finest kids you will find anywhere. Since neither you or I have got off our backsides to do anything, I suggest you get in touch with me, or for that matter anyone else interested in youth development. I am willing to give, what remaining time | have, in forming such a group. As for the children who took the gun to my car the other night while I was working inside the Town Hall to help your peers, rest assured that action will cost your families more in increased insurance premiums, and hopefully youl premiums will be so high that you cannot afford to drive. It only takes cowardly actions such as this to make me unswerving in my belief that you deserve a good slap in the chops and four weeks in reform school. Although I have to admit that boot camp would be better; to be perfect, sticking you in a punishment stockade outside the Post Office so that everyone can pelt you with rotten eggs until you admit you are losers. Yours for the last time, Tom Millar, MB, Ch. B,MD, LRSM

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