Ld ww 1 Besigog Ciflzen * Tuesday, December 14 1903 A Coming to to the defense of the Millars From page nine save your taxes, preserve an historic building and valuable ity , Judgi by the speed at which the tickets sell out and the rave reviews they get each year, it strikes me that the Millar Lights productions offer the best entertainment value for miles around. What is a vandal, anyway? 2 youth brought up with the politics of envy; a spiteful person who inflicts the maximum wanton damage and injury they believe they can get away with. They have a lot in common with some who have recently written malicious letters on this page. With their "uncalled for" character assassinations, they too inflict the maximum, spiteful injury--rot to material property, but to reputations gigs a , child would grow into a vandal being nurtured in home that has so much suppressed bitterness and ill will towards others. Going by the report cards that many of our kids are bringing home, some of us are i to raise perative, fi 3 who are polite and Jounset the property of others. In being so liberal with the letters the editor publishes, he effectively hands the spiteful a very long rope with which they hang themse]ves. The recent example of the Conservative campaign ad that made a vicious personal attack on Jean Chretien's speech impediment should have a lesson that the public is discerning and people respect those who debate issues with intelligence, but find vitriolic attacks personal attacks contemptible. Three of the seven letters published in these pages last week were in protest against the "poison pen letters." Ms. Sturman"s reference to Tom and Catherine Millar as a childless couple was a very low blow. She and her offensive cohorts might regain some credibility and respect among their neighbours by making their next letter to the editor an apology to the intended "victims." Mr. J. Daniels, Newcastle. Editor's Note: Two small portions of this letter have been deleted and edited as they went beyond the bounds of fair comment, even in a "liberal" journal like the Citizen. Childrens acting workshop will start on January 11th A series of acting/theatre sessions for young people, ages 8 to 14, will once again be offered by John H. Foote. The sessions will include script work, as the young people are taught to explore creatively, as they build a character. Theatre games will be used, as will various improvisational techniques, however emphasis will be on script work and bringing a play to life. The six week session begins Tuesday, January 11, at 7:00 pm, at the Masonic Hall. Mr Foote has directed many Glass Menagerie for Theatre Durham in Pickering. Cost for the six week session is $60.00 complete, but you must register in advance. Only a limited number of student plays in this area. He is currently teaching acting in Toronto, as well as co-hosting the provincial movie show Reel to Real. He is currently directing The will be taken. All classes are on Tuesday beginning January 11, 1994. To register call 985-0611. You must call to register. Christmas Specials MERIT PUPPY 18 kg. $2.00 Off $24.95 4 @ Our Very Own Sunflower Brook's Wild || SEEDS BIRD SEED | | Black or Striped B 20 kg. - $1.50 Off | 20 kg. A $12.45 || $12.95 Large Selection and Low Prices on BIRD FEEDERS & SEED Save at our BULK SEED CENTRE. Canary, Budgle, Finch Seed. Hamster and small animal mixes also avallable. PET FOOD & SUPPLIES Including dog leashes & collars, Purina Pro-Plan and much more. TVR = {SRS VIS MSS ETRY IVR I RG TER ITC E WASTER EL | BROOK'S FEED STORE Masterfeeds Hwy. 7AW., Port Perry 985-7992 Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5:30 PM; Saturday 8:30 to 1 PM Oh, Santa! (t's ho {4 (] The easiest way to send your Christmas " Greeting Is through the pages of the Scugog Citizen. We have a delightful selection of greetings for you to choose from. Just drop into our office to make your choice and we'll do the rest. The Greetings will be published in the Citizen's Christmas Edition, December 21st, 1993. Deadline for selecting your greeting Is Dec. 17th, but hurry in for the best selection - first come, first choice. drocang a Ll C41 sires Rk (Oxckucing PHOTOS! Stedmans VES Department + Store / One \ [s trength Port Perry Plaza 985-3844 CHRISTMAS HOURS : Monday to Friday 9to 9; Saturday 9:00 to 6:00; Sunday 10:30 to 4:00. ... we know where the best Christmas Gifts are! But hurry, only 11 days left for your shopping! in the Scuecoe Citizen 36 Water St., Port Perry 985-6397 Fax 985-1410 » 4