. 7 { 3 : 3 Rei " -. . = Bcugog Citizen --Thesday, December 14, 1098 =3 A S.E.S. a. success story i in Scugog Toman this day and age, Biiding a the applicant's field of work. Employment 4 eh Durta T several al gpoyle open their own cofumn and through it, several can be tough work. _ "The company told him it was College "and e _various people have found a job, she re the last several th of his pprod h and the government agencies "that "For those With the right skill, said. ugog Employment Services resume--Ilike a steak with Qxtrh provide job training courses. I think this ig an excellent time The husgroffice is open five bt ) has been working with sizzle," she'said. od On several ons she has for people to be get into days each week and Ms. Haigh those out of work and local Another applicant worked as a referred people the Agri business for themselves," said d she is more than grateful emplbyers-to.make the job a volunteer for SES for a couple of Employment Service whith Ms. Haigh, who has a penchant the work of volunteer Belinda little easier. months. "It was a reason to get operates on Water Street in Port for bluntly speaking her mind Mackey and others who'help out. While SES does somelof the up in the morning, to Jave * Perry. and cutting through red tape. Finding a job thess days is work, managér Vonne Hiigh somethinglpositive to do," said * "I am pleased this farm service For the 'past several weeks, the tough. Haigh said that more says it is very much a y Ms. Haigh. And the applicant is in Port Perry. It is important ~ Scugog Citizen has been running than 90 per cent of available jobs street. b- was able to find full time work that well work together," she ~ SES Job Seekers as a public are never advertised publicly, "The people who come in here With a local business. stated. service. The column highlights' SES has been a success story and are groomed for the fightiire © SES operates witha grant from SES hasbeen able to obtain the resumes of out of work far. If you are olit of work, engi A winning," she*told the Citizen the federal government to'get subsidies fom employers to hélp = people and Ms. Haigh said it is you are an employer looking for last week in an interview in her the out of 'work back on the job. their own businesses grow and starting to show results. the right person, give Vénne - offices at 238 Queen Street. Help with resumes, group expand. And SES has helped' Employers have noticed the Haigh a call at 985-7895. SES will point people in the right direction, cut through red tape when it comes to re-training and job skills up-grading, but a lot depends on the attitude and approach of those looking fot work. Ms. Hafgh is very encourfiged by the SES success rate at this time. Since September 1, more than 300 out of work peopleshave registered and 24 per cent have been able to find a job. » sessions, pointing people towards job re- training are all crucial. "The success of SES is geting , People to know exactly how to make their own approach, to market their skills to nail down that job," she said. It also provides a screening process for ocal businesses when owners or managers don't the time to do their own fe i, said more and more locak i She is.espetially sai with a gouple of cases. One involved a highly specialized professiohal who had been looking for 8 joby for over a year. With a new resurhe and a new attitude, SES helped land a job (from among are finding this proce very helpful when they need people. Over the last several moriths, Ms. Haigh has worked hard to build a good relgtionship with 3700 appli for the position) that pays a good salary sad iain the Uj 1 elp Centre in Oshawa, the * *Cénada Dietlein back to work Ward 4 ps David Dietlein ref the Scuged- council table for te first time in two months and said he is "feeling much better." Councillor Dietlein has been on a leave from his municipal duties while taking treatment in Toronto for Hodgins disease. This #8 his second bout with his form of cancer, the first was three years ago, His treatment over the last two. months wag with chathotherapy, and he said he will return to Toronto in January for radiation treatments." - "He was elected to the Ward 4 il seat in the municipal elections two years ago. When he first learned two months ago that he would have to undergomore treatments he declared he would be back at the council table before Cliristmas. » / LY) PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL annual CHRISTMAS CONCERT Wednesday, December 15th - 7:30°PM at PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Frd® Admission - Food Bank Donations grateltly Sogapen. EGGS HONEY GROVE 'COUNTRY CABIN Simcoe St. N.. 2 Miles North of Port Perry FARM FRESH BROWN EGGS. " LARGEN, .... $1.55 . XLARGE ...... $1.65! pi JoMgo $1.75 MAGNEY The Operation Scugog Christmas Food Hampers got a $500. boost from Port Perry Real Estate Brokers and Sales Reps. Dianne Hooker, of Coldwell Banker Reality and chairperson of the realtors turned over the cheque to Barb Carnegie on be distributed 10 the less fortanate In the Township. The brokers and sales reps raised the mibney through their MLS Tours 50/50 draws héld each Tuesday morning. perspectives M5150, THNED AND OPLRATED BY 0% ISSUGAS 0 Sega sun 10S ; Saf. 9:30 warm winds of heaven blot softly on your house. And the Great Spin bless ll who Stes here. 191 QUEEN STREET ® PO Chvistras Hours : Mon. fo Fil. 9:30 AM fo 9.00 . The food hampers will 985-4977 : Sun, Rosman,