. The Durham Region Lung Assoriation will be starting its very successful Asthma Out- Reach Programs for asthmatics living in Scugog Township. Designed on a "drop in centre" concept. this program | aims to reduce h and asthma. sufferers improve the quality of life sufferers of all ages. The program is funded by a grant from Glaxco Canada Inc. Early detection and proper treatment are the major factors in determining the outcome of a ducation and Tynda kendry_ Back to Basics Happy New Year! As much as' I enjoy oh * Christmas season, I am always anxious to see the New Year arrive. A fresh start! A brand new journal to record the year's appointments and acquaintances - maybe this year I'll record something after December 15! Another chance to resolve to work harder (or at least more * productively), to eat wiser and less, and finally to complete more attempted efforts. Sounds simpler than it really is to accomplish. , Most of us resolve to eat Yess, or at least more sensibly. That's usually easy to start with after overeating .and sometimes overindulging in other ways for the past two weeks or so. The problem for most of us when we attempt © cut back is boredom. Most of my "diet" by encouraging compliance with prescribed medical therapies, the Out-Reach promotes a more normal life style for those ith asthma, The sessions aveiite on a rotating cycle, three evenings a week at various centres. Fag evening, respiratory therapi will review different aspects of the disease and its treatment. Hands-on assistance will be iven in the use of inhalers, peak flow meters and otNer breathing devices. In Port Perry, the sesgions will start on Friday, January 14 and continue on January 21 and 28. They will . he held at the recipes originate from Marg Sanders who is and has been a blessing for a lot of us in this area. Her recipes help to discourage boredom and this week's recipe is a good example. Fish Hater's Fish Supreme For each serving mix: 4 tbsp. diet mayonnaise, 1 tsp. pre) mustard and 2 thsp. parmesan cheese. Coat 1/2'inth thick fish fillet on both sides. Roll in 2/3 cup crushed cornflakes. Place on Pam-sprayed baking dish. Bake at 400 degrees for twenty minutes. Enjoy! This recipe is also excellent for boneless chicken bredst - baking time might be a little longer. For information on how to have your Special Family Matters published here, please call 985-6397. J Deadline for Family Matters is 5 PM Friday. Jacklyn Michelle Abraham, and Jeffrey John Kerr were happily united in marriage on Saturday, October 23rd, 1993 at the Columbus United Church. Maid of Honour was Julie Curran, sister of the Bride. Bridesmaid was Tracey South, friend of the Bride. Flowergirl was Nicole Curran, niece of the Bride. Best man was Andrew Kerr, brother of the Groom. Usher was Jim Abraham, brother of the Bride. Ringbearer was Scott Kerr, cousin of the groom. Jacklyn and Jeff honeymooned in Aruba and are now residing in Port Perry. A ii at 6:30 PM. For mare | more information contact Durham Lung Association at 905-436-1046. YMCA for kids Because registration has'been slow in some areas, the YMCA will continue to take registration for winter programs during the first week of January. This means. that some classes will start the week of January 10th instead of January 3rd. Please call the YMCA (985- 2824) for more information or to register for a program. : Of overy month rom & Po 7 BAL Annual completing a Susan Bradley of Port Perry was the winner of the Scugog Memorial Library's Gingerbread contest and recelved a $50. gift certificate from Ken Koury of Nuts Abbut Chocolate. Mrs. Bradley sald "I'm surprised | won as there were so many beautiful and "delicious-looking" 'antries. In second plate was Marlon Cook's display. Honourable mention goes to Mrs. Denike's Grade 3 class at Cartwright Public School for thelr delightfu gingerbread village. A special gift of books from the library will be-presented to the classroom. Mary" ewins a healthstyles "deb mcdonald "® again. "Thinness" is not necessarily ideal or even . realistic in consideration of individual sbpdy types and situations. "Sensible" is the key word for '94. We have been sensitized -and deluged by the media hype The important recommen- dation is to find out what your relative healthy weight should L150 MACHINE GUILD wil bo eld on the first Wednesday onl fon 10A1 0 12 Noon, SEMIG dasary Sh. FAND KNITTING GULD be held on BEGINNER MAGHINE To lear haw io ly operate the LK150 by 10 AM 12 Noon from Jan: grr sedi EE It faire over Lace patterns. Thursdays S Po 7 BM from Jay 13.0 Feb. 17th FASHION SHOW - JANUARY 25th & 26th from 7 to 8:30 PM Admission $2.00 be and once you fulfill this goal, you learn how to achievep, maintenance effectively. One . person's 'slimness' is not, another's. We are individual on 'body image', time and time Monday to Saturday 9AM to 5 PM when it comes to ideal weight 38 WATER STREET, + and Sistlpe ¢ thé"purpose for the PORT PERRY 985-3007 Derart of Health's y formulated, healthy weight © European Deli range chart. ©® Bulk Foods ® Baking Needs On your way to a healthy @ Specialty Cake Pan Rentals weight, it is important not to . 9 Swiss Herbal Vitamins succumb to harmful of ui inl yo y thods in ki ng nding balanced and being well- and updated on its nce is your mafidate. ng or too low calorie dieting will not achieve long term results, and will ineffectively jeopardize your health, as well as slow down + your metabolism. It may seem tempting to many to control weight in this manner, as not eating'at all may seem easier than controlling food intake. By starving, your body will automatically counteract this size. condition by conserving 'energy, NEw ADY ys : To leam how to. use more thus using calories more slowly, colour per row on ona sweater reflecting slower weight loss. A of choice (with the instructor). . | T0AM 10.12 Noon on dan. 128, 190, 260 Fob Oh, 108. 23d. When you stop 'dieting', your '4 ADVANCED HAND KNITTING : To the advanced sti metabolism does not iiches ne- al necessarily respond upwardly, resulting in weight gain. This is most discouraging. Not only dre you psychologically effected, but that repetitious 'yo-yo dieting' pattern.can be physically harmful. If you think you need to lose weight, consult your physician first. Next step is to follow through with not only a nutritionally-balanced but one that is individualized and personally onitored. Here's to a 'healthful' and 'fitful' '94! (Recipe will follow next week).