my" Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, January 4, 1994 --17 4 CLASSIFIED) Nestleton Community Centre Next COUNTRY FLEAMARKET! Friday, January 7th at 730PM BLOOD CLINIC our clean, fiendy, Information call 986-5503, Wed. March 16h - 2108 PM try amosphere. at vues, Collectibles, Crafts 320 Queen St., Port Parry Flap inns ACT FAST! 2 hy : Froe Parking and Admission, Tickets are going quickly, Way to goll Wheelchair accessible halt are already sold for i Open Saturday & Sunday MISS SAIGON" ATTENTION "BRIDES TO BE" 9AM to 5 PM Year-round. Saturday. May 281. 1004 'n' Lace Located at Hwy. 7A Prime Orchestra Seating atthe 'yciygive Floral Creations west of Port Perry. New Princess of Wales Theatre. Call for Free Consultaion. Prone X08 965-8424 return luxury motor coach Janet (505) 968 : ion rant beth PROFESSIONAL Lindsay and Port Perry, aur LIVING ~~ Prasontod by Marlin Travel Jarot Reading and, ® Fashion Show & Seminar plone ON oot ones Meditation, Tarot Classes. Healthy living and looking good _-P" "7 TPT New Age Bookstore in the '90s. Over 20 exhibits. FOLK ART CLASSES Saturdays 204-3771 apa Gogenars' Lov $40 Tuan, ESRI TR Admiral Inn, Lindsay. Tickets Stars aruary 196. PIANO LESSONS call Sharon Luke 985-8060 ble by qualified, | . L Xp e oly teache 1} n Apple ), Call Janice White, ARCT, RMT. 'Painted the Fearn' 985-7250 FOLK ART CLASSES Maybelle and h DECEMBER TRIP . OF THE MONTH WINNER Tony Janssen, Port Perry Toe SATURDAY, JANUARY 8th from 12 to 3 PM Call KIM HOPE at 263-8670 2240 Boundary Road, Blackstock. . 3 FOLK ART CLASSES Open House & Registration FRI, JAN. 14th 10am to 4 pm SAT, JAN. 15th 10am to 12 pm Beginners & - ienced Painters LESSONS & SUPPLIES Call Leslie at 985-0546 "My Country Bungalow" S Notice pb Notice KAREN E. HUNT, CRE. SIS, Member FEAC, Professional and Confidential Call (905) 985-0085 In Town. Paved Lot. 50 Vanedward Dr. 985-8003 (across from Scugog Lumber) Learn What ASTROLOGY can teach you about DAVID 1905) 985-4482 LOSE WEIGHT HEALTHSTYLE 985-9372 Losing Weight doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg! MOVING SOON? PROGRAMS, For further information please call (905) 985-0800 Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. PORT PERRY, ONT. CANNINGTON, ONT. OVER 30 YEARS MOVING EXPERIENCE SENIOR CITIZENS - 5% DISCOUNT Office (905) 985-3761 * (705) 432-2237 (905) 985-7306 EMMERSON INSURANCE BROK - 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. L9L 1B9 RS LIMITED WAGG FUNERAL HOME LTD. You fer pre urea 0 7a Sn ttm 30 fond for Jason's bed. your on meni it has been made possible ember 23rd, 1993 at the oo the bed. Many of you General . have us at 86. Joe Clark (formerly during our times. We of Island), ved pig biod gr find Cron of Soar ee Gramma wonder to soe how caring or faiher or Verma. £0 o community is. ameron Eileen Grunt's | "ose eons. Ech Tord grind y Melanie Crandall of Philip, and Gary his wife Country | ies uwo wes So Be ra a and visited Art in hospital, Royal and Charlotte both in New- CRAFT SUPPLIES & Danadian hogan Br. 419 for {oundiand,_ Hugh of ar. HAND CRAFTED basket, my family prideces COUNTRY GIFTS helped in many ways. Guy, . and od Jean Wallis Joe will also be missed by his : Resor Whar wos. wa. sg wilhout any Pieces a . ul we withoul 3 CREATIVE family and friends? Ours have pve fay Sibi dey 985-0572 been so thoughtful and kind to McDermott-Panabaker Chapel, 146 Queen St, Port Bruce and |, all through his . 216 Queen Steet in Port Perry == iliness and death, A special (985-2171) on , Dec- Wanks to Mary M. and my sibap Zi a 1PM Rev. , ; came officiating. Inter- JOHN PEARCE ice wr | needed it pot ment Pine Grove Cemete ol =. My thanks is extended in_the g PEARCE to all i} family, 10 those who desired memorial - donations Bruce's memorial ser-. may be made to the charity of AUCTION SERVICE | vice, to Glenn and the chor for your choice. Fy mts | SEB Moving Anywhere in the adnirabl eulopies, 1 Rev Bob ida May "Tot" ~~ Province of Ontario LePage for his comforting entered into 1st on 22 VAN Reasonable Rates words, to Myles O' Sunday, 12,1994 at the For inlormaon call: his support, for all those ' Community Hospital 655-8073 memorial S,p in Port , at age 92. Ida ; cards, food and home (nee-McDermott), beloved wile CLEAN, COURTEOUS SERVICE | visits which were gratefully of George Rahm of Greenbank a d and to the UCW Mary and the late Victor Hayden of " Unit for pro: our Port Perry. Loved mother of ~ . ) time of reminiscing and fellow- Joan Huntley of Whitney, ship. Bruce was a special: Doreen and her Peter CATERING person and was loved by all Fish of Sonya, Faye and her SIE eB rag op European Cuisine | oe me im "son Tom and, daughter-in-law A PEROGIES | With sincerity alot ¥ Marie Snook. Tot will also bo ui daughter- A SHISHKABOB ey Dorls Lodi n# Montreal, her A CABBAGE ROLLS . grandchildren, great grand- A POTATO SALAD Births "| children, and great, great A MEATTRAYS EE i hor sisiors Eva Putsey and "FRASER Maude Crosier. Friends m: A CHEESE TRAYS BE ot ame: Eunos ioe) A Specialty and ENE IAGMINE 246 Gweon Shoat Por Pay Chajacter Gauss 170 Wes ] © . Ewaat.. 3 service will be held in the 986-4075 Fir 6th at 1:30 PM. Interment Pine ee nnem-- Trove Camatiry. Prince Alter in the spring. If desired & ) mada to the Community Mem- SCUGOG oral Hospital Foundation. EMPLOYMENT er : FIELDING, Ruby Jane " SERVICES KEEN, A On Sunday, 26th, Practical Information For | After a lengthy liness on 193 a the Community Nursing ; December 23rd, 1993 Home in Port Perry at age 82. © EMPLOYERS a loved the. Uxbridge Heaith Care Ruby nce soues). aay loved © ENTREPRENEURS | Conv. ai age 02.84 Keen of tie of he lao © JOBSEEKERS ila (nee Moon), Loving father of mote of Elaine Anness of 238 Queen St, Ste. 103, Phyllis Standish and Brian FAs Lite Brain. Loved gar Port Perry, Ont. LOL'1B9 | Keen Loved grandiather ther of mother o or hind erine of Oshawa, Carolyn and her husband Amold Porter of of RR2 Little Britain and joa grandmother of 10, Dear o Matt (Mrs. T. Hirst), Mid- and. Ruby was ] by her brothers Fi Harry & ) Ermest. Friends called at Wagg x iating. Funaral Home, Mepermod: ferms available. Cemetery anabaker Chapel, Clueen | Home appointments available. ¢pi 1} sine Com ty iv Street in Port Perry (985-2171) Free Flower Containers. " may be made'to the on Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 Serving all faiths. Canada's Seagrave United Church Mem- to 9 PM. A funeral service will oldost monument company. orial Fund or 10 the Heart and be held in the Shanel on "Altes Sours: Otluva ST0.1115 | Sieh 1 PM with Janat McVeigh off- ciating. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert in the | i i