--- 13 Epsom Public School Is planning an raising $20,000 for new playground equipment. in photo above chairperson of the Playground equ Students are Kevin Hansen and Sean Harper. story. nt Committee Gloria Eng with son Nikolas. School to raise funds for playground equipment by Heather McCrae The students and staff at Epsom Public School are currently engaged in major fundraising campaigns and hope to raise $20,000. for new playground equipment by this June. For years the School Advisory Committee (SAC) had been paying for costly repairs that seemed neverending on the old playground equipment. These repairs were necessary to make the structure sound and acceptable to Canadian standards. On a recommendation made by an inspector with the Durham Board, the playground equipment was declared unsafe last fall, proving to be h dous to the 126 stud At that time the school's Wendell Fisher, ruled that playground equipment is to be 'off limits' to the students at all times, not just during school hours. Vice-principal, Rob Scott, told the Citizen "if any child was to hurt himself (herself) then it would be the SAC that would be liable, not the Durham Board." Consequently, a letter was sent home to the parents asking if they still wanted to put money into costly repairs, year after year, or did they wish to dismantle the old structure and start a major fundraising campaign towards having a new apparatus properly installed for their children. It was a unanimous decision to raise the funds for new playground equipment. Gloria Eng, the co-ordinator of the Epsom Public School Playground Committee, says losing the playground equipment was an additional blow to the student's access of recreational equipment. The little school does not have a gy i thus thé student are bused every week to their twin school, Greenbank P.S., for to the site construction. The Durham Board of Education has a registered number that can be used for tax purposes for charitable donations such as this. The students and staff of Epsom Public School would be delighted to accept donations towards this 'playground project and is able to issue Tax during the their physical education time. Ms. Eng told the Citizen "since the playground was stripped of its only recreational facilities the outside is a barren yard." The possibility of applying for a Lottery Corporation grant was checked into by the newly formed committee but, since the government cuts in spending and reallocation of funds, grants for the school's specific concerns were no longer allowed. To date, the country school sales and corporate donations. Future ete will be done in the form of chocolate sales, seed and bulb sales, a flea market and an auction at Neil Bacon's Auction Barn. Ms. Eng told the Citizen some of the service clubs have been contacted about erecting the playground equipment as the $20,000. is for materials only. However, the contractor, Paris Playground Equipment, does provide for a supervisor to come THE HAIR CENTRE PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-7232 W'NTER SPECIALS coffee and lots of parking space Complimentary Appointments not always phone THE HAIR CENTRE of 985-7232 necessary of ipts for any donation over $265. To officially kick-off this years fundraising the students are having a skate-a-thon en Thursday, February 10 at the Scugog arena and will be asking for pledges for this worthy cause. Workshop ori theatre The Borelians C lighting inti of C i Theatre Group will be nid a workshop on theatrical lighting on 8 Saturday, February 5. The workshop at the Town Hall 1878 starts at 9:30 AM and comcludes at 4:00 PM, and is open to anyone interested in learning about the art of theatrical lighting. The Borelians stress. the workshop is especially open to newcomers and will be geared to those with little or no technical experience. The workshop instructor will be Port Perry resident Lynn Relf who over the years has been involved with all three theatre groups in this commuffity. Lynn has won three ACT-CO prt Central Ontario) awards for her lighting designs and has proved time and again to possess an uncanny ability to create magic with the limited lighting capabilities at Town Hall 1873. Lynn is looking forward to sharing her knowledge and expertise with any interested learners. If you want to become involved in this aspect of community theatre, don't miss this opportunity on February 65. The cost of the workshop is $15. Light refreshments will be served. For more information contact Norma Van Camp at 986-3527. Duplicate Bridge January 26 - Afternoon 4 Table Howell - Avg. 36 1st - Doris Phinney and Judy Atkinson 54. 2nd - Georgia Brock and Ed Clark 39 122. 3rd - Joyce Heard and Helen Mathieson 38. 4th - Joan McNab and Illene Wilton 36. Evening - 3 Table Howell Avg. 1st - Judy and Don Atkinson 32 2nd - Joan West and Anne Scott 29. 3rd - Harold Brown and Don Zoller 25. 4th - Doris Phinney and Georgia Brock 23 1/2. 10 WATER ST, PORT Located in Waterpark Condos Across from the Ball Diamonds |